wtf I love Activision Blizzard now?

>bought Heart of the Swarm when it came out
>never got around to playing it
>now it's free

pssh I cant even get the updates to update, mines been stuck @ 83% for months and months probably because of lack of internet speed since expensive internet cant even get above 1mb

>Bought WOL
>Bought HOTS
>Bought LOTV
>tfw i don't get fucking anything for free


They announced sc2 is going f2p
Pls buy our dlc commanders

If you haven't played co-op, you can now try any commander for free up to Level 5. Most commanders don't become fun to play until they get a specific upgrade in the Level 8 to 12 range.

So basically RTS genre is in such deep shit that the flagship of the genre is being handed out for free. RIP

The funny thing is this will actually work. Tons of people play co-op and will happily shell out $5 for their favorites.

What's the deal with co-op and commanders? Someone plays SC other for 1vs1?

It's a special mode with the commanders being major characters from the series. Each commander gets a limited scope of tech that they can use, including some unique units and super powers. The missions are campaign style and generally run about 15 to 25 minutes. It's actually really fun.

Sounds like something which gets forgotten in a month. Wonder why Blizzard thinks it's a reliable way to get revenue.

probably because they've been doing it for like two years now.

They add a new commander and a new mission every few months, and there's a lot of leveling up to do. There's also weekly mutations which add crazy variables to make one of the missions much more difficult, and it takes at least 50 weeks to earn all of the mutation bounty achievements.

A few years ago they gave me Mists of Pandaria for free.

Honestly the fact it is f2p now instantly kills my desire to get into SC2 for some reason. Also f2p SC2 means there won't be WC4 and I'm really pissed with that.

I remember getting Burning Crusade for free but I only noticed after I came back home with a physical copy

what happens with multiplayer? is it free as well or locked to non expansion units only

if i already have that one do i get LOTV for free?

free with expansion units


>worst part of starcraft 2 for free
Thanks blizz.

wtf i hate blizz now

So, f2p Overwatch when?

What if I already own heart of the swarm and also legacy of the void? I want free stuff too!

Thanks for beta testing! :^)

I own LOTV and WOL yet HOTS has not been gifted to me

Idiots still expecting me to pay for that worthless expansion I see.

why the fuck is there an expire date and why the fuck is it so short

Give it a few days then call tech support if you don't have it. I think their current updates finish on the 14th. Also check your gift box in the blizzard app. It might be in there.

>expires november 8

If you have all 3 you get a ghost skin

oh I found it, cheers user

I'm gonna see how much the campaign sucks

Only through december, then it goes back to being paid.

you get to claim your free copy, then the offer expires
the free expansion does not

I never played a blizzard game until Oyveywatch, does blizzard always blame the playerbase for their laziness?

since like 2004

>If you have all 3 you get a ghost skin
>Another ghost skin

What ghost skin is that? I thought you only got one for buying the three chapters of the Nova mission pack.

eh, good shit I waited with buying LOTV, now I can play ladder for free
sc2 plot is shit

Anyone know when the new ladder starts?

why does blizzard keep doing this shit. They have been doing a similar thing where they get people to do special events and then a short time later just give away the stuff.

underage get the fuck out

Blizzard did a lot of "hiring for culture", so their competence has been decreasing while their hate for their players has been going up.

Blame HS, its success proves that people will willingly burn money on bullshit they don't even like.

It's much much worse than WoL and LOTV.
Even on brutal it's easier than WoL hard mode with generally less interesting missions mostly because the upgrades they give your units are incredibly strong and kerrigan can solo pretty much every map she is in, which is almost all of them.

RTS games promote faggy elitism and cancer esports, maybe it's a needed sacrifice...

>have wotl and hots
>got literally nothing

People born in 2000 will be old enough to post here next year, calm down gramps.

Do you honestly get nothing if you bought all the games? They should at least let you pick a coop thing for free or something.
Fucking hell nublizz are such utter cunts. This more than anything has convinced me not to buy any of their games ever again.

>Terrible gameplay
>Less players
>No good esports scene

Broodwar triumphs once again, absolutely no reason to play or watch sc2 again.

>muh esports

i like old games but don't be a fag dude.
nostalgia is like a drug

>install their dumb adware app again
>turns out I don't even get the shitty third expansion after falling for this shit game twice

Brood war is fucking unplayable these days. It aged like fucking milk.

>Game going mostly f2p
>Give players a "gift" of a 4 year old campaign, who, based on them not buying it at its reduced price years ago, were likely never interested in it
I don't see the point.

MOBAs still exist

I played iccup back in the day and played remastered when it come out, just because modern gamers are a new kind of imbecile it doesn't mean i am.

Also ASL BW league is fucking amazing.

>implying you're not a sucking elitist

nov 17th

Bullshit, we both know you have no dignity.

overwatch f2p when?

>get to play the game for years before any f2p players

>meanwhile MOBAfags literally kill each other over which of their watered down autism simulators is the best

Hmm really makes you think

that's autistic as hell to have an offer last only five days after blizzcon

>overwatch f2p
>everyone who complains about the influx of hues is banned for toxicity
>ow becomes a barren wasteland of BRs
Make it so

if it is a free gift, can I gift it away?

I planning on playing SC2 when goes free because I'm a filhty peasant
my doubt is:

you can play with the expansion units and balance in regular games? or you're only paired with people with the same expansions as you?

>Heart of the Swarm campaign
So you can't play multiplayer?

They'd have to pay me to play that piece of shit again

so when is it official f2p?
i want to play through campaign as i dont have much to do right now

The multiplayer will be free for everyone, so yes you can

The 14th of this month, so... Tuesday?

Not like I'm going to install bloat just to play this plastic crap anyway lmao

Okay, enjoy

They could have given out know, the Nova missions?
Maybe not all of them, but Mission Pack 1 or some shit

Only wings of liberty will be free.

Yes, multiplayer is free.
That's the campaign

The normal multiplayer is LoTV as far as I know.

How is the story in LOTV? I heard it's pure shit.

Protoss become basically humans and Kerrigan becomes a mary sue.

>Protoss become basically humans

Some evil guy posses the khala, so they have to give up on it and later they give up on their ancient culture of modular system because "muh equality".

i got that in the mail too. Forgot about it until I saw this thread.

I remember buying the first starcraft 2 but never got the other two expansions... was gonna get them eventually but keep forgetting with other new games coming out.

SC2 was meh and horrendously overpriced.

t. pirate

>buy everything
>don't get anything for free

The only good thing about it was Alarak

The last time I bought anything from Blizzard was Wings of Liberty in 2010, but at least I now have a reason to play SC2 again.