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It won
Won what?
avorite console
My heart
How will it be remembered 5 years from now? Did any other console ever fail so quickly?
>how will it be remembered in 5 years
It won't
>How will it be remembered 5 years from now?
As one of the best selling consoles ever.
Recharge it, buddy
Very very good thread
>As one of the best selling consoles ever.
>still regularly gets outsold by the PS4 a console released 4 (four) years ago
stop pushing this fake narritive
Its being outsold by a 4 year old console almost every month on vg chartz.
>has a source to backup their claim
>no source
>implying i'll take this bait
>literally on consumer probation
Thats embarrassing
>tfw only own 3 games even though I bought it at launch
>vg chartz
That website that pulls numbers out of thin air?
>your just saying that because ninetendonts aint on top!1!
No vgchartz is a dogshit source.
Oh yeah? Prove it
>vg chartz.
>wildly inaccurate data
>constant edits of data after more analysis comes out to appear accurare
>releasing data for games that haven't even released
>STILL haven't updated accurate wii software sales data, by 50 fucking million off
>DS data is by fucking 100 million off
Why do we even take them seriously again?
I'm gonna get a Switch along with Zelda. Probably Mario after I'm finished with that. Is Splatoon 2 any good?
Give me a good gun
But those are some reputable sources you got there
It may as well have lost then
>it's selling like hotcakes because a bank predicts it will in 5 years
>btw sources that contradict my narrative are not true
Nintendromes, everyone
Boy* not but
How are they not reliable? Especially IGN, given how everything is sourced directly from nintendo
>he thinks ign is a reliable source for literally anything
Well do you trust nintendo's own numbers or not. Footnotes exist you know? Being in denial ain't healthy
Fucking absolutely not. Remember artifical scarcity? How dumb are you?
not him but vgchartz is known to be a poor source as it doesn't update frequently enough. I think odyssey still shows 0 sales for example. Nonetheless, my point was that the other user made no attempt to backup their claims at all.
>btw unreliable sources that contradict my narrative are not true
Fixed that for you pal.
If you doubt any of the sources you can link any contradictory information elsewhere, or find any shaky evidence, thank you
Nintendo can't lie in their financial releases. It's fucking illegal. Are you retarded or just pretending
How did they fuck up SO bad?
Did you like Splatoon 1?
>How dumb are you?
Lying to investors is a crime, denying official numbers is peak fanboy
Rip in piece nintendo
I know 6 people who own one, including myself. A far cry from the Wii and Wii U
Here we go.
Earning reports are what is given to investors, and are as official as you can get. Quarter earnings, to be exact
Man user stop being in denial, it ain't healthy
You need to be 18 to post on this site
Obsessing over a company that makes childrens toys isnt healthy
Zombies are lame, where's the dragon one?
The irony is palatable
Wait are we talking about Sony Microsoft or Nintendo now?
I'm 24, all of the others are in their late 20s-30s
rollin rollin rollin rollin (what)
How little self-awareness you got, I'm not in denial over financial reports regarding a company kek. You have to be ULTRA obsessed to even think of doing that
I feel sorry for your and your manchildren friends's parents
We all have jobs, most of us make 6 figures
Don't, you have enough to feel sorry about in your own life
This seems interesting.
rollerino, Give me samurai armour so I can go out in style
pick one child
not video game related
Might as well
OP posted 1 letter and the autistic screeching could be heard for miles
>lose the argument
>resort to insults
Case closed I guess
Indeed, look at all the denial and butthurt from the people hoping nintendo would fail
Rolling hard.
case in point
Never played it.
real talk, theres only two games Im remotely interested in that have actually been shown. a system really needs more than that to justify purchasing. If the console went on sale then maybe.
It's never happening. Just accept it already.
Nice blog, but yeah be sensible
I will use my weapons as sex instruments on every living male.
fuck off Sup Forums
Roll-o chocolate
This shit bout2be ez ggs
oy vey
>chart stops right before the PS4 release
totally unbiased chart guyz
Internet friends no doubt
It hasn't been updated.
And what makes you think it would be higher then the PS2 era?