Closing out the week
Under Night Thread
It's time
Room: vidya
Pass: vee
Hilda's birthday is on the 11th.
Just so you know, you didn't need to draw anything. I don't understand why you did now that I think about it, it was just going to be text next to character select art or something.
Why wouldn't you draw something for your main?
You can keep that refrigerator art for yourself then
Here is Hyde for your pros and con guide
>Hilda's birthday is on the 11th.
It's time for me to drop Phonon. After the 11th, not more Phonon.
Haven't seen baron in a while
Yeah boi sleepy Hilda reporting
>That salary man 5 am hours
Tonight Merkava's bullying has made be stronger. Make way for actual butters
What are you talking about. He was here last night
That was Tanis, the Eltnumfag.
Merk called me autistic. Bread and butter*
I don't remember that
Been busy learning Tekken stuff, so I'm a bit out of practice.
I don't trust your memory anyway.
Speaking of Merk I drew him a Merk for his pros and cons guide
There's a lot of people here
looks more like arakune than merk, but thats fine.
You think? I'll have to pull out my tablet and redraw it.
What the fuck is this?
Yeah, I'm only seeing a blob than a humanoid
Yo if you do a Hilda include spinny boi
Yuzurihafag's autistic kindergarten drawings or the lobby?
Drawings and the hilda vs akatsuki match I walked into
I might scribble Akatsuki for you all later.
That's an easy one. I'm not terribly familiar with that matchup, so I choked.
The drawings are as I described. On the actual match, I have no clue, I wasn't paying attention.
Lots of Gyaru Icy lately
best yuzu color free
Here is your Hilda
Wrong the sparky one is the best one.
Where is clock spinny boi?
I think you might need glasses because it's right there.
Feeling like my combos are getting better. Still need better linchpin coordination.
And I need to own the game and stop bumming off Merk like a hobo
Draw Orie while you're at it.
Is there a reason for the drawings
What in the fuck, phonon's air EX fireball is an overhead?
Hippie really like my Yuzu drawing from last night.
Her 22A/B are lows 22C is a high
I think Yuzufag might be autistic
Why do you go around twisting my words like that when I had a headache because of your shitty drawings
10/10 dank memes
>Took this past Monday off so I could've joined the lobby Sunday
>Got sick instead
Fuck me
That's the opposite of what my drawings are meant to do.
Eat it to Gord overhead
Going to take a break this cycle to at least have more people fight each other.
Fighting sleep. I barely get a chance to hit up these lobbies.
Use more charged fireballs, those wipe out other projectiles
I keep thinking that pink background + japanese text is vaporwave
God bless my random force function. Gave me enough time to win the tug of war and CVO.
Head out now. Hoping we get that NA release soon. Later
Nice BoW
Baron, man. You got to make better uses of baiting out a DP. Plus that 6C of yours is basically suicide if you throw it out in a blockstring and it gets blocked, you can't CS or special cancel out of that
Nice, the lobby filled up again
No more Chaos. Yuzu can't do anything against him. Thanks!
Was not aware of that. Thanks for telling me. Need to practice more.
Why though?
Oh, and for whatever its worth, I intended to do an actual combo after that DP missed, but I'm really off tonight.
Hell, I think a 6C starter would have led to ludicrous damage in that situation
I'm getting better are doing the teleport in the middle of the screen after the stretchy arm.
Looks like there's a bigger pink flash when you chain shift with a lot of GRD, does it mean anything?
The max amount of meter you can get with Chain Shift is 110 or 120 so that pink flash probably denotes you maxed out on the meter gain
I didn't play so well that round. It was like Merk could read my mind compared to the last match.
you did the same things and I adjusted.
Simple as that.
Was I? What should I do differently?
I don't think adjusting is in his capacity
switch up between doing air teleports, the aerial sword slashes, and the leaping slash. don't always to 2 slashes in air, or 1 on the ground and the teleport.
lobby still up?
You bet your ass it is
yup. and we still have 2 slots open for people to join.
Oh okay, I can try doing that.
Oh shit, someone else that plays Seth that isn't me or Walkup
That's a pretty fucked up thing to say to someone.
It's easy to be mean through a computer screen, just brush it off
Is this ultra instinct baron?
damn Baron, you cranked it to eleven that last match.
I don't think he'll really take it in anyway it was meant to be.
Baron making a killing on the Hyde slaying business
Even I can't believe it. Now I just need to work on memorizing a real punish combo.
It kinda worked, I think.
you had the right idea. just need to focus on doing slashes right after teleports and setting up side switch teleports.
What the fuck, I thought this was going to be seth mirrors
That makes 4 Chaosfags!
am i not being unga enough
Oh no, he plays Chaos. Hey clover if you fight my Yuzu pick someone else.
>These UNIEL Seth combos
as if we didn't have enough. Even I tried to learn him when I first picked up the game.
I need to get me those side-switch Chaos combos on me
the ricochet shot isn't very good to just throw out with her since it hits in very specific spots and has lots of recovery. especially against merk. You'll want to get in more and use the low hitting whip when at farther ranges.
It's been fun, but I have to leave after this match.
i like his lizard
i havent played in a while but the combos im doing are a mix of what i read in the unist discord and stuff i made up
its pretty easy. you just do 2C 236[B] after a j.2C knockdown
i tend to do it a lot in general but i was mostly testing it against merk since i don't think i've fought any, but i'll keep that in mind
If you land the FF, you can 214A to continue the combo.
GGs. Gonna dip too, might see you guys on Monday
Well that was a combo saddening drop in the first round. GGs, all.
yeah, I keep forgetting to do that on reaction.
I still fuck up my teleport command a lot. I have no faith in my ring finger.
Funny, I haven't fought you all night, merk aside from your hildafriend