Why does Sup Forums want MHW to fail so badly?
Nintendo fans are doing everything in their power to downplay the series going to other systems.
everyone here is hyped for MonHun 5 except nintendogaf
Almost every thread about it is positive though? Most of the negativity is coming from shitposters who post the same shit every fucking thread.
Because Sup Forums is brain broked and, since it's mostly full of fucking poorfags, enjoys pretending that popular games fail over actually playing them.
idk, but I downloaded MH1 to play on my PS2 the other day. still gotta gather that meat.
Good luck retaining your sanity.
Nobody wants it to fail you retarded cockgargler, most people are just worried because it's changes are suspect as shit and people rightly don't trust fucking capcom of all companies. No, shitposters don't count as people.
>beg for MH to leave nintendo
>they do
>loads of people are hype so Sup Forums has to pretend like they never were
>nintendo fans laughing at others for not getting their MH games, talk about how much of a die hard fan they've always been
>MH goes to other systems
>'ehh, its an overrated series & they've casualized it so much'
etc etc
>You aren't allowed to criticize anything about this game without being called a Neotenkikeshill
Because it isn't on my toddler machine.
enjoy Capture quests, here is a spoiler
tranqs work the same way as sleep ailment, meaning dumb fucking mooks can nudge the monster during the animation and it will wake up before capturing
Monster Hunter fanbase, like the Dragon Quest fanbase is deathly frightened of change
>Dragon Quest is stagnant!
T. Final Fantasy baby who still hasn't realized his franchise is the biggest shitstains on RPGs next to Elder Scrolls
>Tribabbies and 4Ubabbies calling anything casualized
That's fucking hilarious.
Because it's a catch-22 for the series.
>MHW flops
>capcom will say there is no longer interest in the monster hunter franchise and it will be shelved
>MHW succeeds
>the old style of monster hunter is gone and the series will be more and more westernized because japs don't buy home consoles
This is basically why there's so much shitposting about MHW now. Can't even have a dialog about what you like or don't like with what's been seen because ANYTHING negative gets you flagged as a Nintendo fanboy.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is "Westernization" Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Walk When You Drink a Potion Like Nigga Let Go Of The Stick Haha
Because the beta is ps4 exclusive
How the fuck is MHW westernized? Because they FINALLY made new assets? Because they're making certain aspects of the game less obtuse?
I want to hear this logic.
The opposite is also true though, you can hardly say anything positive without some idiot bitching about it either. Same thing applies to pretty much all popular games.
I just want regular MH shitposting back, man. Screw all this console wars/dead series bullshit.
Where's the BBQ thing from?
Yeah, successful games define the rest of the series. That's why every single MH has underwater combat now.
>Not having lootboxes = failing
kys op, never post again
>Its being westernized!
>But the movesets are too anime!
The mental gymnastics people are jumping through to shit on this game is hilarious. Just admit you don't want it to do well because you want Monster Hunter to stay on Nintendo.
Yeah, it's just like how if you say anything bad about the Switch then you get called a sony fanboy.
I just want a new portable MH. Why am I being shit on for having that opinion?
The only thing I don't like about loot boxes is how it gets everyone involved in the industry to talk like complete retards about them. I remember articles about Assassin's Creed having lootboxes and they were literally just normal treasure chests that weren't buyable with real money and you got in the game you know like how games have had treasure chests in them for fucking ever. And now "omg based monster hunter not having lootboxes" when lootboxes wouldn't even make sense with how progression in the series is handled. World looks nice though hope it exposes the series to a wider audience while being what longtime players want, all the changes seem pretty good
You do have one though? You get XX, don't you?
Only if he owns a Japanese system to play it on. Can't have it competing with MHW, after all.
I've practically given up on posting in MH threads now since it's just a torrential downpour of console wars if I say I'm wary about potion running.
>Because they're making certain aspects of the game less obtuse?
Yes. You just used the word "obtuse" to make it sound like the games were previously extremely flawed and like nobody liked these aspects like not moving while healing, when in reality plenty of fans loved the games how they were and didn't see those things as flaws.
Monster Hunter Worlds is a day one buy for PC.
4k 60 fps are just the way I like it.
I can't understand how people still play on console. You are either going full gamer and have a 4k PC or you have a smartphone/tablet where you watch let's plays/walkthroughs/other gaming related contend.
Consoles are just shit because you can't play with all the comfort of a gaming system with Windows (Windows 10 is just great. Sure it collects a lot of data, but if you are on facebook you are pretty much giving more private data away than Windows will ever collect). Also, you don't have the portable possibilities of a smart phone.
Fair enough, but that's not a reason to shit on people looking forward to MHW.Not that I'm saying that's what you do.
I personally want both World and XX/Ultimate Generations myself.
Small vocal minority shitting on anything that's different
XX is shit. Dont' pretend otherwise. We're never getting a 4u switch port so the most we can hope for is a new game in the same style as the pre-world games
consoles are more comfy
Things that didn't happen except for shitposters
I've only ever expressed concern over certain changes being demonstrated and the fact that capcom has been stubborn as hell about announcing anything regarding a new portable title. For that I get branded and shittalked.
>Monster Hunter was always a bad series for casuals, except when it went to Nintendo systems
>when it was on the Ps2 and PSP, those were horrible and nobody should ever like them
>but for some biased reason nintendo systems made them better because I need something to justify my purchase
Switch is region-lock free. Last I checked
Do not care whatsoever whether it fails or not. The success or failure of MH on PS4 will not have any effect on whether they make MH on Switch or not (they will, don't be delusional). However, I do believe it will fail and I'm not gonna pretend otherwise. I just don't see MH appealing strongly to a western audience. Western gamers are basically looking for adventures. MH is not that kind of game. There's no story and it's 100% about the gameplay.
Japs, the best MH players, play on console you silly millennial
>>the old style of monster hunter is gon
Good, MH games are fucking trash. I've tried to get into it once on Wii U and twice on 3DS. It's nice to see them try new things and fix the clunky, shitty formula.
Normally it's a very slow walk, that one webm of the guy jogging while drinking is the reworked fast eater armor skill
Imho it's pretty much the same principle as evasion+, crutch armor skill for shitters that you don't have to use yourself
Because you are a dumb nintentoddleryearold. Play Bing Bing on your Pretendo Switch, gay.
Its a fucking armor skill you retard. How many times does this have to be said? You had instantaneous healing with speed eating in the older games and nobody fucking used it because it wasn't worth taking up a slot. It'll be the same case in World except for the idiots who don't know how to play the game.
Either way, does having a problem with what I'd regard as a fundamental change warrant being called that?
Pretty good bait but could be improved. Does a good job at seeming like a genuine post except for the bit about Windows and Facebook, which nobody would ever say here unironically.
Because it's not on Nintendo.
>shitposters and reasonable people
I don't like monster hunter
You'll love MH:W!
Cool, I'll check it out then
Because sony posters instantly turned one of the most beloved series on Sup Forums into one of the series most rife with shitposting.
You mean 90% of Sup Forums
I don't care whether you think XX is shit, buddy. I know I'll enjoy it despite it's flaws, and that's all that matters.
>the most we can hope for is a new game in the same style as the pre-world games
We could also hope for the series to grow and improve, but you can still hope for rehashes if you'd like. I'll enjoy it either way.
That's just Sup Forums being dumb plus the usual popular game release shitposting. With any luck it'll die down after release.
Well, a significant portion. Including me, and probably you.
Looks like I have to buy this game now
>I just want a new portable MH. Why am I being shit on for having that opinion?
I mean if you want to get technical, I'm sure there are laptops that exists that can run Worlds decently.
>I don't care whether you think XX
...But he does? If he doesn't like it, obviously XX being portable will offer zero consolation.
>I'm sure there are laptops that exists that can run Worlds decently.
No there aren't
99% of shitposting against it is Sonybros trying to falseflag as butthurt Nintenfags.
I've tried hard to get into Monster Hunter with 3 Ultimate and Generation but I just can't. It's fun to watch people play though and World looks promising so far.
Beats me. If I'm to believe what Sup Forums tells me, then every Nintendo user should be PC user as well, therefore they can play Monster Hunter World, or any multi-plat for that matter. There shouldn't be any divide, because everyone can play Monster Hunter World in their respective platforms.
fuck off nintendo fanboy this game looks way better than the shit thats been churned out in the past 5 years.
you just don't like change because you're stuck with a shit console that doesn't even have this game.
Nope, Nintendo fags did it to themselves.
Nah fuck off newfag. I never even played the 3DS games, mainly PSP. Used to lurk these threads and they were genuinely good. Suddenly E3 rolls around and the threads turn to shit, with 99% of the shitposting consisting of calling fans of the series on Nintendo consoles BTFO or shutting down all criticism as nothing more than people mad that the game isn't on Switch. These threads were one of the few threads left on Sup Forums that were good, and they turned to shit.
>Muh grwaphics
Why do people think there'll never be a MH game on the switch? Also those pics are always funny, like that SMT one
yeah right bing bing, go back to your shitch
Well that's just tough shit, Nintendo fanboys shouldn't have drowned Sup Forums in a tidal wave of toxic shitposting about the game and kept doing it for weeks straight
If you criticize MHW then I have to assume you are a shitter shattered nintenkiddo who is mad about not getting the game on their leapfrog-tier tablet, it sucks, but that's what happens
Because Monster Hunter games are shit.
You're extremely delusional if you think the Switch wont get a Monster Hunter. They just wont announce it until after World comes out because they want people to double dip and they want to sell their shitty XX port. Switch is going to get a giant Japanese market just like the 3DS did and Capcom is not giving that up.
Fuick off pokeybarneyfag.
I'm glad people are digging up the posts in the archives, I got so tired of Nintenbros trying to revise history. What they're getting now is just deserts for all their arrogant shitposting. Worst part is, they haven't learned shit, and continue to shit up MHW threads, with people going around saying it's falseflaggers, when it very clearly is salty af fanboys
Are you retarded? What kind of person only has a Nintendo console and not a PC or at least a PS4 or something. I refuse to believe these hypothetical people who only play Nintendo exist outside of your imagination
can someone explain the appeal of the games to me? I tried the demo of one on the 3ds and switch and it was just so boring. It felt like an extremely slow dark souls, but even clunkier. The art direction is that gross style where everything is unrealistically big, like armor and weapons. The enemies I fought were very dull and looked lame.
Are you the same autistic guy who spams VGchartz threads or are there two of you?
*at a later date
they said PC version isn't going to be a focus until console version is out the door, expect a 3-6 month wait MINIMUM
Thoughts on the armors so far?
This, especially since most of the "criticism" has legit been debunked numerous times, and it's always the same idiots who aren't even following the reveal footage repeating the same old tired talking points every time to try and kill the hype or any positive discussion of the game.
the old ones are ass, just get World when it comes out, it'll be a million times better and easier to get into
I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that they have to straight up deny the existance of lootboxes, it's fucking monsterhunter; why would it need lootboxes?
>gen 1 Rathian and Rathalos sets are back
fuck yeah
>old ones are ass
This is what these threads have become. Bandwagoners. Why does this board literally ruin everything?
Gambling is as old as hookers. It should be part of everyone's video game.
You know guys, instead of sucking each others cocks about nintendo posters this, nintendo posters that you guys should stick strictly to talking about the game only. But that won't happen because the average age here is probably 16 with sub 100 IQ
>kill the hype
What hype? Threads of this game (which are obviously all started by a marketer, they all have the exact same format) never get significantly above 100 posters, many of whom are just shitposting.
>and easier to get into
QoL features, not casualization, we've been over this a million times bing bing
Why can't Nintenbros accept critism against their kind?
Switch already has a Monster Hunter game, it's called XX. buy it and play that instead of constantly bitching about World.
user. Stop saying stupid shit. We know you're a salty fucking faggot who wants the game to fail, but spreading lies on the internet isn't gonna change anything
Makes them look bad, and they love playing the victim. Literally an SJW tactic.
I'm not bitching about it? Why would I, I'm just saying that there probably will be another game for the system. Calm down
i'll probably pick it up when it comes to pc