Is the game really that bad?

Is the game really that bad?
Thinking of buying it on sale.

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go and buy it, but dont come back crying

Truly awful.

I've tried twice to get through the introductory mission. Badly made and just boring.

Its not completely horrible. It's a shittier Sci fi version of Dragon Age inquisition with much worse writing.

7/10. If you like space operas, still worth a play.

i got it, theres a lot of content to be honest, the game is decent, the writing is just the worst part, game is fine, id get it on sale

>The Good
The graphics when it comes to environments. That's it. That's the only thing in this game I would call "good".

>The Passable
The gameplay during firefights. The only reason it's not straight up better than other ME games is because of how hilariously easy it is even at Insanity difficulty.
Variety of armor and weapons is nice too.

>The Bad
Plot. It's ridiculous and doesn't really go anywhere.
The new alien races. A whole new galaxy removed from the Milky Way by more distance than a human mind can reliably conceive and the best you can come up with is "purple Milky Way humanoid biped"? Fuck off.

>The Awful
Almost everything else, including the UI, the weapon/armor crafting and upgrade system, the optimization, the way the game handles its "open world", etc. It's just a poorly made game in general, obviously made by a team without much experience making video games.

>The Truly Awful
The characters. No, there are no real outliers. Vetra isn't a good character. They all fucking suck, to an unimaginable degree. They're all forgettable, there's no actual conflict with any of them, it's all buddy buddy fun fun with the occasional Buffy the Vampire Slayer-style banter. Literally the only thing (not even a character) that I would save from this dumpster fire is Suvi Anwar's voice actress. Because that is one sexy voice, goddamn.

>The ME:A Animations tier

TL;DR: It's a 9/10. Buy full price.

So what is bad about it really?
I'm not too fussed about the story as long as the characters are interesting and as long as the combat is decent.

I do know about the autismo asari and will intentionally ignore or insult her at all opportunities. But is the other companions ok?

Yes, it is. Can't speak for the MP, but every aspect of the SP is either painfully mediocre or straight up awful.

Alright I'll give it a miss at least until I have run out of games to play and even then I guess I'll pirate instead of buy.

tfw can't get diddled by female garrus

I heard it got better through the patch months after the release, but as I played it it was utter shit.
But you can't fix bad writing and a broken dramatic structure that can't decide what it want it to be (either a horrible Guardians of the Galaxy rip off or going full TNG).

Your typical sunny-boy, but reckless and without any qualification, so it doesn't make sense that he's on the pathfinder team in the first place. His loyalty mission is the only one, that lets you oppose the companion's viewpoints, but the game ignores it afterwards, so no character arc at all.
An Asari fangirl. That's one half of her personality. The other one is her being a powerful biotic, who doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere. Here it becomes painfully obvious, that your playstyle has no influence at all, since you can play as full biotic and she still cries about her being a social outcast because of her powers.
One of the more likeable companions, but she still lacks a reason for being here (like everyone except Jaal and Drack). Her personality revolves around her raising her sister. There's some character arc going on via her loyalty mission, but you don't have any way to influence it (e.i the game only lets you respond in one way).
Krogan veteran, who came to Andromeda because of the love for his granddaughter. Probably gets fleshed out the most backstory wise, but the theme of his loyalty mission is rather weird, since it's never brought up before or again later.
Suffers the same problems as the Angara as a whole. He has so many things going for him, that it's rather difficult to say what his character is really about. He's the prideful rebel, the revenge seeking native, the glory seeking middle child, the open-minded defender of the Milky Way's just too much.
Since you said you know about her, I'm going to ignore her.

Overall the companions are mostly unlikeable, are static bricks and have no reason to either be in Andromeda or at least in the pathfinder team.

sure the models and animation is shit but is the story and actual GAMEplay in this videoGAME any decent?

It was so bad that it got the studio who made it shutdown.

They're not longer even supporting the game, bugs will never be fixed, no updates to come.

Pirate it.

Dont support this trash.

Did they ever make any story DLC?

oh never mind then already saw

I could be wrong, but the last I heard they are offering Andromeda for free on Origins?

It's faster than any previous ME combat, but it takes a step back when it comes to cover mechanics and the AI is beyond retarded (on both sides)
Could as well be published by Ubisoft. Your typical map filled with questmarkers and other points of interest, that you visit one by one. Nomad handles better than the Mako, but has no weapons, gets blasted to pieces after a few hits and needs to go into a slower off-road mode, when you want to drive up a slope steeper than 30°.
Worse than ME2, because it takes far longer to actually find ressources.
Ok, even though it's pretty unnecessary, since you can loot more than enough equipment. The most useful stuff (augmentations to alter a gun's/armor's behaviour) can only be crafted once to unlock them. Afterwards they can only be found via looting.
Only difficult after a brain surgery. You unlock A to go to B, you unlock B to go to C and so on.

Regarding the story:
The game doesn't properly explain why or how you even got to the Andromeda galaxy. So that's a pretty bad thing. Afterwards it suffers from SAM (the AI connected to you) being space god and the actual protagonist of the story. It also didn't help that they wanted to show short- and longterm struggles of a new society in the same game. Otherwise there are a ton of plotholes and they constantly contradict lore from the original trilogy as well as their newly established one.

>A whole new galaxy removed from the Milky Way by more distance than a human mind can reliably conceive and the best you can come up with is "purple Milky Way humanoid biped"? Fuck off.

This so much, why the fuck did Bioware screw up so bad, I was so damn angry Andromeda was trash even if I could see it coming a mile away

It was alright if you can get past the dialogue and bioware faces. I stopped playing because it kept crashing on me every 10 minutes during single player.

It's supposed to be ~$25 on Black Friday, I'm going to pick it up as the bugs have been fixed.

Iam mad too.
Its worst, i lost hope in game industry

Andromeda is like a ghost ship in a lost galaxy. abandon by all to be a memorial that we are doomed

>I'm going to pick it up as the bugs have been fixed.
Not really. Just look at the ME:A bug section on

I got it for $10

I feel cheated

accurate post is accurate.

>people of the Andromeda Initiative invent long-distance interstellar travel that was only possible with Mass Relays in the Milky Way
>fuck off with it to a new galaxy despite it possibly giving organics an edge against the Reapers in 3 if it was ever given to them

>Alliance top-secret Tantalus drive core installed on a random Initiative frigate

>tranny Asari that go by male pronouns despite the fact that, since they're all monogendered, they don't even see shit in terms of male or female when it comes to themselves

>Alec Ryder, human warrior, N7 graduate, was around for first contact with the turians, smart enough to create a fully functional AI in his garage, hates my bullies and my dad and kevin from school

>those animations
>those faces
>muh LGBDFRTTS representation is literally more important than fixing game breaking bugs and crashes as seen in

It's trash. If you absolutely have to buy a game from EA, buy Titanfall 2.

Only if you already pay for their service Origin Access. I think it's 25$ a year or something like that.

I don't even care how retarded the story gets
I finished ME3 like 5 tiems cause the gameplay was so fun. Quit ME:A at the first planet cause it was the most boring drudge

Or you could pay like $4 or $5 for a month and just play the handful of games you are interested in... unless they did away with paying monthly.

True. I just wanted to point out, that it isn't completely free.

Don't do it, not even for the memes. I'd return it if it was free. Pirate the game if you absolutely must know what it's like. There is no saving grace with Andromeda. It's bad in every sense.

Either way, it's not too bad if you were planning on playing any of the games and not just pirating them. I'd actually give ME:A a shot if it only cost me a few dollars and I get to play other games for the same investment. I honestly feel like pirating it would be too much effort, if that makes any sense.

why would you buy it ? get origin vault you fucking sperg

So we're posting ME:A webms now?

someone please post the pouring jello and dusty bed webm, I want to get nice and infuriated.
