How do we save them from themselves?
How do we save them from themselves?
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we dont at this point Im just around to see how it crumbles
you could try giving them testosterone boosters for their abnormally low T.
they just need to get that studio already
sexual harassment accusations.
change the name to poke allies and make the channel only about pokemon
You don't because they don't realize they're making mistakes or aren't willing to change them and you can't make someone change themselves.
Honestly the only reason I still give them a buck a month is for Dumb Game Monday.
>brandon in the latest cup of jones: its ok to be a triggered SJW fag
Yeah I dont care anymore, only watching kyle streams from now on
I could see Ian pulling shit like this somehow.
Is anyone gonna post the link?
>>brandon in the latest cup of jones: its ok to be a triggered SJW fag
Is there any link for that? I'm curious what exactly he said.
Around 1h 23m
What happened with easy allies?
Is there someone that can Redhill me on the situation, here? Or is it just recent shitty quality videos?
too many people have tried and way more people are giving them money which drowns them out.
The only way to save them is to remove the money. I wish GT never would have been shut down, when they were in the mindset that it was a "full time job" (this is a full time job for all of them but they refuse to commit the effort into it even though they get 40k a month) and put in that time and effort into shows and actually DO SOMETHING.
Someone needs to be the boss that signs the paychecks and no one there wants to be it. Until then, the free money for doing fuckall and limp dicks and wrists with no desire to put on the big boy pants will destroy them in time.
Fuck these nerds, they get free money for nothing and they don't even put enough effort to secure that money flow.
Hell yes I'm mad. I really liked these guys once.
Thanks. And holy shit... that started out as something that seemed reasonable, but where he went with it was pretty much what you said. Fucking hell, man. When did Jones become this way? I always saw him as a pretty reasonable, centrist kind of guy, but the more I watch of him lately the more it seems like that reasonable appearance is just that.
This desu
>when they were starting out it felt okay for them to do things with low effort because they're still starting and new to the business
>a year later and they're still stagnant
Seriously. I thought that by now it would be way better
I've noticed everyone is trying to get on board with the far left because the "alt-right" is the bad guys. They touch everything related to it with a ten foot pole and preach on their soapboxes like they have guns to their heads.
Most don't even fucking believe what they're saying they just say it because if they don't there'll be riots
Yeah when he said that saying "hey you crossed a line" should be encouraged an that you should censor yourself not to hurt feefees I couldnt believe it and then he randomly goes on about "truth" or some shit, fuck off Jones.
Dropped my patreon pledge right there and then.
>Jones talking about how he wanted to make a video about the open world games of the year and how they're different
>lol fuck that there are so many let's just do another stream
I still find them entertaining but I only watch a few videos now.
>Someone needs to be the boss that signs the paychecks and no one there wants to be it.
When they first started I thought Brandon would be that guy and take charge just like when he ran GT, but I guess he's really not the management type I assumed he was. Makes me think he probably just kinda skated by at GT playing at being a boss but really just making sure everyone wasn't completely fucking up and just parroting whatever the Viacom/Defy management threw down his way to tell everyone.
Put some of the useless chucklefucks behind the cameras, and have them edit shortform videos instead of doing boring solo streams.
they all have a passion for playing video games and making videos, somehow they're making money just doing that. If they had someone that took that and molded them into their true potential they could be a big hit. But they're complacent with lazily playing video games with each other a couple times a week and the morons on twitch will show up every time.
>popular multiplayer game gets updated/released
>Ben: I really really am going to get good at this I want to be competitive
>2 months later he forgets about it
Love & Respect
>they all have a passion for playing video games and making videos, somehow they're making money just doing that.
Seems more like they have a passion for playing video games and making podcasts...
it's even called "Jonestown"
too perfect, too kool-aid
Ben is such a tryhard, pretentious piece of shit. He thinks he's about a hundred times cooler and smarter than he really is.
>watching the GT Until Dawn stream
>"Are there no gay people in this game!?"
>creeping on Elyse
>sleeveless shirt
Ian was never good.
Anyone have a link to yesterdays podcast?
>Ian was never good.
This everyone can agree on. He should have stayed an editor and never stepped in front of the camera.
By kicking Ian out
Kicking Ian out is probably the 2nd worse thing you could do after Jones leaving. Ian is a much better editor than the rest of them, without him, they'd have no content.
What the hell is he even saying? That whole argument made no sense whatsoever.
What will the first big on camera argument be?
it's not like he edits anything but his own show and like one review a month anyway
Ian accusing Blood of being a homophobe.
Blood will call someone out and things will get heated. It's only a matter of time
Basically, he's saying that everyone needs to call people out for "crossing the line" or saying something offensive or whatever so that people can more effectively censor themselves around other people and limit how offended anyone in the world ever gets.
one of their biggest and most obvious problems is their solo streams
the only one that gets numbers on youtube is kyle; literally no one watches these 30 part KH brad streams or any of the damiani streams
so many hours have been wasted on streaming 15year old games to
Daniel is a good church boy who would never do that!
>tune in for Damiani stream
>just a close-up of his face, breathing in the darkness
>damiani does a FF7 stream roleplaying as a chocobo plush on camera for like hafl an hour
Later on laments how there were more people watching the stupid bit than watching him actually play
Many laughs were had
Kyle is the only solo streamer who actually engages with the audience and makes the experience fun.
will no one answer thes anons?
Just the same general complaints of stagnation. They started out weak and everyone forgave them because they were getting their bearings and raising money, but then they got the money and got their feet wet and just never improved past that starting point.
What this?
Literally who? First, change the name, because it sounds like one of those le ebin progressive virtue signalling shit
>an that you should censor yourself not to hurt feefees
>so that people can more effectively censor themselves around other people and limit how offended anyone in the world ever gets
where did he say that?
he just said you shouldn't be afraid to talk about something you felt crossed a line, which i don't have any problem with.
if you feel like something offended you, you should definitely bring it up to at-least spark a discussion about it and hopefully all parties involved can come away learning something.
It's a shame he's insufferable
>if you feel like something offended you, you should definitely bring it up to at-least spark a discussion about it and hopefully all parties involved can come away learning something.
This is something I can agree with, but by the end of Jones' little speech it seemed like he was less supporting two-way discourse and more supporting the kind of hivemind outrage on Twitter that bullies people into shutting up.
That's part of what I like about him, honestly. I think it's funny.
You fell for his roundabout language.
He says that he wont reprimand a person that gets triggered saying you crossed a line and to keep your triggering opinions to yourself
If something via the internet, a fucking argument or an opinion, offends you, you are a little bitch and thats the end of it.
Fucking kyle. The Final Bosman was a big deal. A lot of people liked it. The head of PlayStation or something even knew him from it. It's absolutely retarted he wouldn't do it again. Also where the fuck is box peek? Fiasconauts is still pretty good just swap ian out.
>remember Damiani was hired because had "marketing, community and social media expertise"
wew lad
>social media expertise
Meaning he was on neogaf all the time.