Doki doki literature club

First time playing i think i fucked something up really bad


keep going

Only normalfags would find this kind of cheap gimmick "shocking" or worth posting about. Fuck off with your retarded try hard shit.

>hey guys how do I make my visual novels interesting
>bro just rip off creepypastas and do cheesy metashit. everyone loves that. oh, and zalgos


Any hint of how to save my ass and get a good ending?,, or there is no hope left for me

How's your game going so far?

Just keep going.
Worst case scenario, you have to reload an earlier save.

Linkin Park lyrics? ;_;

>Any hint of how to save my ass and get a good ending?

Same way you unlock things in any VN ever made

You could say that Sayori took inspiration from Chester in more ways than one

i knooooow bro it's so fucked up xD i watched a LostPause lets play and it got really dark!, the whole time i wuz like wtf am i watching? hehe WTF JAPAN XD?
and people say anime is for kids, heh... id'll love to watch them play this without peeing themselves >:)

>Literal Unironic Poetry
>Waifu Posting to the 4th degree
>I WANT TO ___ X posting
>Loli fapping
>Literal depression
>Gay buttsex
>Tulpas straight out of /mlp/
>Sayori fags
>Onion Skinning

This is literally the gayest general I've ever seen, and I used to browse /ksg/ and /d2g/

well Yuri liked my first poem then sayori liked my second poem and during the 3 poem i decided i didn't like using the word depression in the end so i reloaded and i got a scene with yuri instead of sayori like it was abot to happen before

i felt really bad for doing that when i saw sayori leave but i didn't want to reload again

i visited yasori before seeing yuri for the weekend and she told about her depression which made me feel even worse after seeing yuri sayori appeared and then i told yasori i loved her

Now the festival is about to start and i just read that scary poem in the op pic

i just want to know is that poem that monika made that ends with the words "load me" iportant?

i made a save after reading that just to be safe

a few months ago when the game first came out you fags loved this shit

and now that it's popular and le pope man played it, it's time to be contrarian and hate it because it's popular

Make up your minds shitters. Either hate it from the start, or love it till the end

Nice, I told Sayori I loved her too, just continue the game, you'll talk to Sayori about the poem.

unless you've been able to track down my IP address and monitor everyone of my posts, don't speak for me you tremendous faggot, I always thought this "game" was stupid as shit

how about you calm down sir, you don't need to reply to my posts with rudeness. Take a xanax and eat some good snacks, cause you my fellow need to mellow say hello when you cry and bellow, throw away your dell, oh and slit your fucking vello.


Fuck this im out im not even sure if i can exit the game safely

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that part didn't I?

>this whole post
You wanna know how I can tell you've never seen a vagina in your life?

It's only just begun

It's ok


it begins

Your abysmal humor only shows further how hopeless you probably are with girls.

Please update, I want to go through this emotional roller coaster with you.

So this is the new meme game


at least its free and its hilarious watching people fall for the memes.
now get off your ass and play it, its fucking free and a wild ride.

it's just a cute love story

Please reddit-kun, get the fuck out.

I'll pump her with MY life support if you get what i mean ;^)
hahah i,m talking about penis wenis, haha my penis wenis ;6)

Is this baby`s first edgy game just like how Elfen Lied and Higurashi was for anime back then?

Finally this bitch killed herself.

maybe if you got your mind out of penis you could focus more on the real issues. How about the fact that one of the most powerful nations on the planet is being run by an orange madman dictator? Nah, just sit here on your little Sup Forums and bully people into submission, you vindictive little shit brain

kys too faggot

I'm gonna BOMB that little orange madman with MY nuclear MISSILE if you get what I mean ;^)

Why are you talking about politics?
is that way. You can make friends there and talk about the orange man.

Fucking madlad

someone have the webm for that fan made "joke" ending?? I have been looking for it for a looong time

my girlfriend


You have a very cute girlfriend

Play it yourself

I'll go back to playing tomorrow it's 2 am for me right now and im a forgein student who lives completely alone i can't keep going right now or tomorrow i'll be scared shitless and unable to talk to anyone at my college

Hang on bro

Fuck you carlos

So whats her gimmick?

One is depressed. One cuts herself. One is AI. Did she get raped by her dad or something? That's what the story seemed to point to.

>being such a shitty childhood friend you forget to pick her up on the morning of the big day
>the morning right after she confessed her love and depression the day before
I seriously hope you guys don't do this