"random crits are fair and balanced"

>"random crits are fair and balanced"
>"random crits are fair and balanced"
>"random crits are fair and balanced"

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying dealing with crits and rng isn't skill

>kill someone with a crit sticky while buffed with the kritzkrieg
>"random crits are fair and balanced"

>the loser who has that bound so he can spam that every time he get hit by one

>kill soldier with lucky crit shot just before he would've been swarmed by our 4 fucking pyros
>spams his random crits bind in chat anyway

yes i am implying that

what's next, saying that general risk management is a skill?

>server turns off random crits
>still completely fucking own people

The weak should fear the strong.

Don't get in melee fights with a mdeic next time

>use a trigger bot to crit on command when backed into a corner

When did fuckhead binds get so popular?
Every other match has one of these stupid fucking kids spamming this garbage. I don't remember it being this bad 5-6 years ago

Xavier is a pacifist.

>he thinks he's subtle with his 100% crit kukri
I'm onto you nigger

>(random crit) direct hit a fleeing escape plan soldier
>*DEAD* HearthstoneRocks: Random Crits Are Fair And Balanced (lenny face)

Yeah and he's gonna shove that pacifist where the sun don't shine.

how did overwatch get away with it?

>"random crits are fair and balanced"


he's an assassin tho

>Reddit images.

Kill yourself.

>be demoknight with bottle
>rely on crits
>actually get them

>Autists can't deal with RNG


>You will never be his bromigo

Does this shit still exist? had a demoknight on hightower who I could've sworn crit every fucking time.

>get a few random crits on the same guy and dominate him
>he accuses me of crit hacking
wew lad

>100% crit chance is fair and balanced

I don't see any waifu material characters in overwatch though.

>server I used to go to banned obnoxious chat binds
>owner had to shut it down because he didn't have the time to manage it any more

Shit sucks, man. Imagine, for just a second, a server with no lenny spam.

They are.
It's still dumb, but they're completely random.
I don't get the "unfair and not balanced" argument, when that is likely the only argument for them.

>implying they're truly random
>implying you're not a zero damage shitlord, and that's why you never see crits

It's already been proven that random crits favor skillful players.

Damage spread was worse with the 49 body shot sniper shit.

wait, that's damage dealt or taken?

Why do so many weebs still play tf2? Whenever I see weebs in a server I always bully the fuck out of them and single them out till they leave.
They always seem to use binds too.


What makes more sense, buddy?

>Playing Team Fortress 2 in the year 2017

>shitters complaining about rng

name another fps to play

Everyone has access to random crits. Everyone's crits use the same formulas.

They are technically fair, and balanced.

It's free, free games attract third worlders, and third worlders like anime
You should have seen when Sup Forums had flags on April Fool's

to have a flat crit chance

Yup. Most people don't even realize it's a thing because they're fucking retards, but most people using it are also fucking retards so it becomes super obvious if you know what to look for.

Why the hell would you have random crits at all if you're not going to use them as rewards for players on a streak?

Why the fuck is it that suddenly everywhere I see people are actually glad with the sandman not being able to fucking bonk someone anymore. The fuck is wrong with you people? Everyone loved that shit years ago.

>You should have seen when Sup Forums had flags on April Fool's
Ive only met one weeb but i could guess..
Brazilians,sandniggers,Russians,Mexicans,Turks and Arabs

God i hate anime

Crits were designed by Valve so that if you're doing well you continue to do well. While simultaneously allowing low skill players to occasionally one up a high skill player.

>Playing soccer in your local park
>been playing since you were 6
>doing pretty well so far
>suddenly, just as other team misses a kick into your goal, your goalposts extend to accept the ball
>according to new regulation standards, your city soccer field's goalpost will randomly extend to much greater than their original width
>if the ball stops just before the goal during these times, a mechanical arm will pull it into the score zone
>there is no way to predict when this happens, other than you know it happens more often to teams losing
>Lose the game 6-2 because of these random goal extensions
>yell out "what the fuck was that shit? That's not fair"
>enemy team member walks up to you
>he's a fat, shit-grinned drunkard that scored once because of a goal extension
>"What, can't deal with a little rng?"
>"Guess you're just not skilled enough"

Post teams and rate others.


Why should players who are highly skilled get a huge edge on players they're already better than? Just sounds like shit game design for me

Use skullcutter

Only shitters hate random crits.

>Be soldier/demoman/heavy
>Do much more damage than anyone else therefore have higher crit chance
>Weapon also has much more deadly crits
>Fair and balanced

so you're telling me the the top scoring soldier on the team loses to jose.gonzales2005 who just joined the server because his first shot was a crit?

I type unlucky in chat every time I kill someone with a random crit.
I also always taunt them.

plz fuck off with your dress up simulator.

You're playing TF2. A game with no skill ceiling to speak of. If you want a competitive game, go play Counter Strike or something.

Because ideally you're playing with a group of people that are about equal skill level so it evens out.

no u

Nope, worse. Yuropoors and Amerifats.

>join tf2 server after not playing for 3 years
>play soldier
>lucky crit on a different soldier
>autisticfaggot34: Random crits are fair and balanced!
>leave server
and he was never heard from again

>Saying random chance isn't so bad
>It's even more random and less predictable now

Never thought I'd meet a drop-out who is so passionate about it.

But you're wrong.

Random crits reward players who are doing well. That's not to say players with low scores won't get them, just that the former has a higher chance.

To promote continued offensive play, rewarding the player who follows their killing-people high with a higher chance of killing more people. Most of TF2 is designed around rewarding offensive pushes and eliminating stalemates, it's the same deal with how on attack/defense maps the attackers have much faster respawns than the defense and on 5CP maps your respawns get lower and your spawn room moves forward as you cap points, to keep the momentum going.

binds are cancer nonethless if they are right.
what is also cancer are random crits. they obviously benefit soldier and demo more than other classes.

Did you not read my post?

If the end goal is that it will even out, why not just... even it out?

What fucking game do you think you are playing user-kun?

Why do people take their anger or shitty binds out on me when I crit kill them? It's not like I have any voluntary control on that shit, it's fucking random.

>Yuropoors and Amerifats
If we are talking 12 year olds on moms laptop then i guess thats true. Imo you must be a real fucking autist to be over 20 and play TF2 in 2017

>Everyone loved that shit years ago

right, because stunning ubercharged players when it was first released was fair

Huh. I guess I misunderstood it. My bad.

could you rewrite this as a food analogy?

>only kills on me are crits

>all the shitters who cry when you get crocketed
>dont say shit when hit by a melee crit

>1200 kills on strange bottle
>700 kills on strange skullcutter
help me

If only strange kill transfers worked that way.

unfortunately the sign decals dont come out

Then just make ubercharge immune to stun instead of removing such an iconic gimmick. Problem solved.

>A game with no skill ceiling to speak of

>That pyro hat

Pyro should have the Dragon's Fury and new fire extinguisher misc.
Engie has the blueprint miscs.
Heavy should be wearing the new military chest he got.
Everything else is more or less what's in the picture.

Because ideally you're playing with equal skilled players and crits prevent stalemates. Have you seen competitive 5cp? Stalemate city.

>Everyone loved that shit years ago.

post your favorite hat for your main class
allclass fags need not apply

Fuck you too

>Counter Strike
yeah because waiting in front of a corridor for the other faggot to run into you takes so much skill

Isn it like semi random? I heard the chance to random crit changes based on how much damage you've done during the round giving an edge to those who played better.

speed makes a huge difference

especially if you get crits anyway, random or shield charge

waifu means character in a remotely female shape

good thing it's fucking worthless

The black clashes so bad. Get some taste my man. And watch the homophobia.

>dominate someone
>he goes out of his way to kill you in team fights
>he switches to your counter

t. head prize pyro

the best

>"random crits are fair and balanced"
>never complains when he kills someone with a crit


>dominate a guy
>he comes back with 2 guys as backup
>press the suicide button

one of the first changes to it WAS making ubercharged players unable to be stunned, you dip
and nobody likes becoming completely helpless in a shooter all because some stupid scout hit a ball at you and now you can't do anything for like 3 seconds
or you just get oneshot if you aren't a soldier or heavy because of the cleaver

>Have you seen competitive 5cp? Stalemate city.
Don't worry, I'm sure competitive players will adopt random crits soon. Maybe we'll see maps that aren't 5cp soon as well.

artificial difficulty

Only started playing again since inferno, not all classes have proper cosmetics