How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
add one more to the 19-24 and male categories this coming week ;)
That I was wrong millenials really are manchildren.
Sup Forums lied to me that girls like nintendo
But user girls(male) love nintendo.
the only girls that Sup Forums knows about have a penis
just epic
Me too!! Add 1% more to the gray bar on bottom this weekend :3!
You guys looking forward to Skyrim? You're buying it for 60$ *AGAIN* like me, right?
actually, that ratio is probably still better than other consoles'
Obviously the womyn are lying about their gender to protect themselves from being raped and harassed by the patriarchy.
that man children is real and women dont really play video games.
Kids don't care about nintendo, they think it's childish so instrad they play the most recent shooter or AAA game. You can't blame them though, some of them are only dipping their toes into games. Give or take 5-6 years down the line they'll either be A, casual gamer who only plays with friends, B, someone whos dropped vidya all together, or C, which is when they expand their vidya knowledge. Past the threshold of about 16 you expand your vidya knowledge if you're interested enough in the game community, and passing that threshold usually helps you figure out just how many cult classics nintendo has made. It would only make sense that some people just enjoy nintendo games, they're generally fun to play (for the most part anyways).
It could aldo be that the holiday season isn't around yet so only older people are able to buy a switch, thats about it though
Im surprised too. I didnt know there were that many hermaphrodites let alone playing on a Switch.
>opt in email survey
I'd take it more seriously if they'd like called random people or something
how does this make you feel?
doesn't this apply for gamers in general?
This. It's more a show of who answers email surveys than anything.
source since OP is a fag
you're seriously retarded and don't know how statistics work. This isn't the DS, i haven't seen a "game's for women" advert yet.
it's still wierd to see it with the switch considering how much Nintendo pushes it as a family friendly console
I don't give a shit. Only thing I care about is Prime 4 and how good or shit it is. Though with the ages you'd think Nintendo would listen more to the older fans and people who ask for various things, but we all know Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about what people want so the supposed chart is useless to those who it would matter to most.
I was more skeptical about the age bracket, the numbers seem to line up with your neckbeards, which I also imagine would be ones to answer opt in surveys if they were nintendo related
>How does this make you feel?
I feel absolutely nothing. There are more important things to care about.
>That tiny ass Bowser phone.
Cute. Though I doubt Bowser would care much if Jr. was playing some violent game. He let's him go out to try and kill Mario all the time by himself.
Makes me wonder why NoA ever bothered censoring games in the first place.
>Sup Forums hates women in and playing vidya.
>Sup Forums gets upset that not more women play vidya.
I don't understand you guys.
it's almost like there's more than one person on Sup Forums who have differing opinions!
25-34 is really fucking broad. That one should have been split in half and you'd probably have more in the 29-34 range than 24-28 range.
Because back then, and I'm going to assume even now, companies don't want to have to tell people to start being better parents. It's always the companies fault if lil 8 year old Timmy gets his hands on Bayonetta 2 or something and starts seeing half naked women doing erotic death moves on demons and angels. Why should the parents do anything productive in raising their child when they can try to sue a company over not doing it for them? Even if the suit would fall flat, it's still bad publicity.
I don't care what the protagonist in a game is as long as it's fun and the character isn't an annoying piece of shit.
No there isn't. It's just one poster named Anonymous talking to himself all day.
God, I hate that fag
Anyone who has tried to do fun things with their girlfriend knows why this is.
Girls are cute and soft and gentle creatures who are pleasant to be around. But they don't like the same things as us. So whenever we do something together, one of us will always be dissatisfied. You have to hope that the experience of being around the girl, and her being around you, makes up for the dissatisfaction one of you is always going to feel when doing things together.
I thought this guy was that carpool karaoke guy james corden.
Did someone just make a weird clone of him?
sounds like your gf is just a cunt, mate.
my gf liked going to shows, playing vidya, and watching slasher movies.
Do u think they are cyborgs?
God, I love that guy. He’s a better version of matpat.
>dumb bitch says some dumb bitch stuff
She pretends to like them for you, you don't understand women.
No those were her interests before we dated, before I knew her, and after we dated.
I don't think you understand people.
Sounds like you had a pseudomale woman, they're rare but do exist.
No, you just look for women who actively don't share your interest because r9k has memed you into looking for the imaginary women they worship
>kids in college and some young parents are the ones who want switch the most
indifferent i guess because that makes sense
I have to ask- anyone vaguely interested in sociology whether or not this demographic is also one that is generally more likely to answer e-mail surveys, therefore skewing this. Or if the survey itself had questions pertaining to that
t. Post gaymer gate newfag
Its going to sell well,
what did they mean by this?
What? It's one or the other, how is that a hard question?
You are braindead if you think male and female interests are the same.
Refer to the OP image if you want to understand why.
What about EU and JP statistics?
You're braindead if you think that people have exactly the same interests period.
But there are people who exist who have some of the same interests you do, guaranteed. And it doesn't matter if less women on average have that overlap. There are so many fucking people that it's guaranteed to be a surprisingly large number.
People who complain are actively looking for women who don't share some of their interests, and then complain when they don't share their interests. It's mind boggling.
Why do girls not like vidya? Is it in their genes?
>if no woman involved then it's bad and for children only
Wut? This is retarded.
>The response rate was about 11%
Is this an edit? Because the last time one of you fuckers posted this (Yesterday) it was a 3%
>girls don't play vidya
wow, you don't say
This. Only blind idiots think that girls are more than 10% of gamers (or they count mobile ""gaming"" as games too).
Though that may be unrelated.
Hey, that's me!
I actually know two girls that did lie on the survey about being male.
Gayming is an anti-social beta trait so it naturally repulses them (the above average Stacies anyway, won't affect your chances with ugly). Nothing will dry out a pussy faster than seeing a grown man playing his Switch or DS in public. Chad would get away with it because his looks far outweigh the downside of playing with a kids toy.
>gaiming is anti-social trait
This. Woman are ultrasocial creatures. It's always how "valuable" your activities in "others" eyes and not about how they are actually enjoyable.
If something is "anti-social" then it will never be popular with girls, unless it suddenly becomes a "trend", but they will leave as soon as something else will become a bigger trend.
I'll buy it agains since I'm not a poorfag.
as if girls would manhunt on consoles for manchildren
>Gayming is an anti-social beta trait
there are just as many anti social women as men, and believe it or not, statistically there are way more fat women than men
they just rather watch shows or read magazines alone instead of gaming
noone outside of this cesspool sees nintendo as a manchildren company though. Girls see zelda and pokemon cool and nerdy and is a lot more appealing to them than let's say Halo or Unchartred
>Woman are ultrasocial creatures.
False. Most women have very few friends and desire a man with a good social life to fix that. That is why they dont like anti social men.
>full price for 6 year old gimped down game
How does the Todd do it?
This only proofes my point really.
They can't live without "social life" and try their hardest to be fitting in.
They don't do anything that is not targeted at bettering their "social value".
They are anti-social but we're talking about the high grade Stacies here who get hit on everyday and not the fat or ugly couch slobs who have no option but to settle with anything. The same could be said for a Chad who sees an ugly woman who is obsessed with some TV show and finds it a repulsive trait.
That early adopters don't tell you what a console's long-term install base is going to look like. See if it still looks the same after the holidays.
You miss the point where it's not just OK but even cool for a girl to play games and just makes them much more popular with the boys.
Gaming is not a nerdy, antisocial thing anymore, it's something over 80% of the teenager boys do frequently.
>Gaming is not a nerdy, antisocial thing anymore, it's something over 80% of the teenager boys do frequently.
>we live in a future where its you won't fit in and will seem like a weirdo if you don't play videogames
Yes, it has become more socially acceptable but lets be real, playing a bit of candy crush or 1 hour on a console most days hardly makes you a "gamer", at least not by Sup Forums standards. The main reason gaming is seen as anti-social and puts these women off is because it's commonly used as escapism for those who've basically failed at life and have a low social value. The correlation between the two is what makes it bad. The same could be said for any excessive consumption of media, gaming is just the most popular choice. They flock to it and create the stereotype of a loser sitting in his room all day long playing games. This is what makes Sup Forums a bit of laughing stock because I'd wager it's populated mostly by those types of people who have no shame exposing their power level and not the casuals who'd keep any gaming addiction a secret. I'm sure there are low value woman doing the same thing but it's certainly not as common as with man-children.
That lists that shows women playing as much as men are as usual full of lies.
So indifferent.
>That lists that shows women playing as much as men are as usual full of lies.
They aren't lying, they just include fucking around on a cellphone while you shit as being a "gamer"
>response rate 11%
You guys realise this has nothing to do with the actual statistics, this just shows the age and gender of those who bothered to fucking answer
the other 89% were in middle school
and to add that, this was sent to 600000 people. So 11% of 600000 people asnwered to this, and only in the US
>The main reason gaming is seen as anti-social and puts these women off is because it's commonly used as escapism for those who've basically failed at life
lol no
the 'average gamer' these days is seen as a 14-22 years old guy playing lol or cs, not a neet, fat neckbeard in fedora. Almost every boy these days plays video games and the girls know that, they still don't play them, because of a difference in tastes.
Why do video game companies insist on trying to pander to women when this is the norm?
>the other 89% were in middle school
check the description again
the graph doesn't show the gender and age of the answerers, it shows the age and gender of who they bought the Switch for.
It's obvious that mostly the older people answered this article, but if they bought it for their 12 years old daughter they will still pick that option.
Because they are untapped profit potential.
You can't expand the default demographics (males) anymore (as limit is reached, every male that "would play video games if..." already plays them), so they decided to get more money by pandering to other that currently brings them no money (females). If you lose 20-40% of male sales, but will get overcompensation for them in female sales - you get bigger profit then before.
The thing they fail to understand is the fundamental difference in femal and male demographics preferences, which will just alienate core base with time (and with more rough and extreme pandering) and still won't bring enough females to even go zero compared to previous money.
So kids, the one demographic who have more free time than any other to up vote Youtube videos all day, suddenly don't fill out a simple survey because they were in school and not because the demographic is actually made up with a considerable amount of man-children?