What you guys playing?

what you guys playing?


Rocket league




Just played some WoW. Somehow we wiped 3 times in Strath UD despite all 5 of us being geared to the teeth.

Still working on 100%ing Odyssey. Mostly playing TF2 though.

Culdcept Revolt. I tried to build a General Guan + Ogre deck, but it's not going well.


Going to work.

Lost Saga just a momment ago, doing the daily quest and stuff, game is dead at this hour.

Tekken 7. Going to attend a tournament tomorrow. Will drive there with a bus, with a bunch of other people.

Will get stomped into the ground cause I suck. But I'll enjoy my time. I hope.

leagues got the best waifus, plus preseasons here so thats fun

I don't understand how people can play that without any type of lag or shit. I constantly ran into lag

what is your rig


I want hot chocolate

I'm in bed with my dog sleeping between my legs as I play Stardew valley on my Switch.


I started Shadows of the Damned last weekend and I'm hoping to finish it this one. It'sr really fucking underrated, though I blame somewhat ugly art direction and adolescent humor.

I installed Binding of Isaac yesterday to fulfill my short session cravings left by Spelunky. It's really fucking fun and it's a bummer I didn't get into it sooner.

Stardew Valley

Total war warhammer.
If it'd stop crashing that is.

Nothing. Can't really find anything that'd interest me. So I'm just replaying Caesar III for god knows how many times. Oh and Thimbleweed Park.
But I'd love me some RTS or FPS.

I've got a surgery and now I'm in bed for more than a week. I wanted to play Etrian Odyssey V because it looked like a comfy game with cute girls, perfect for healing, but it is still not out where I live.

I guess I will continue Bravely Default or start FF IX on the PSP, but emulating doesn't feel right tho.

Works fine on my machine :^)

Which server?

Ultra Moon

I finally went and picked up my sonic forces preorder.
I bought it because I've been down and it looked like it was going to be horrible and I needed a laugh.
The first hour or two were hilariously awful, but around 5 hours later I realized I was actually having a lot of fun.
It's the best dress up game I've played since saints row 3.

shadow episode is the only thing ive liked out of boost sanic games

Hearthstone ranking with murloc pali

Gonna hit up FightCade to play some 3rd Strike with my buddy.

I am also aiming to be Ultra Platinum in SFV


I was playing some shit "strategy" RNG-fest game about the Thirty Years War.

I just reinstalled Space Wing Hulkdeath but the multiplayer is dead, so playing through the campaign.

I don't think you can play it

Who do you play in each game?

>play badly
>feel too embarrassed to continue playing

I always play so bad but can't help to keep playing

In 3rd Strike I play Remy.I like his design and his flash kick looks really clean.

In SFV I am thinking of playing Zeku (I played Guy in SF4) though I won a local with Kolin.

i can be playing good in one game then completely terrible the next it's so annoying

Same. I can be scoring and defending and then the next I can be getting BTFO by 7-0

I don't play video games.

Zombie Night Terror

fantastic lemmings like game, much better, much more fun and most importantlz with fanservice )tits=

Stardew Valley and it's wintertime right now in my game.

A better question:
What is a cozy drink to have when it's cold outside?
Coffee - shit tier. Caffeine makes your heart race and keeps you alert even if you're tired and want to doze off. Also makes you keep peeing.
Hot Chocolate - fat tier. All that cream and sugar fills you up to the point of making you feel bloated.
I'm torn between hot tea and hot water but both seem kind of bland. And tea has the same caffeine problems as coffee.

I like peppermint tea

white hot chocolate is god tier but you gotta get it with the caramel drizzle or if they have nutmeg.

also peppermint tea or hot peppermint chocolate

>Coffee - shit tier
Nah. Just get decaf. It still tastes good. Not as good as regular but still worth drinking if you can't handle the caffeine.


Overwatch unironically. Hooked on getting loot boxes

I prefer straight bourbon during cold months.

>it still tastes good



Nearing the end of my first Endless Legend campaign.
About halfway done with Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.
If I feel like it, I'll probably finish playing though Midnight Ultra sometime soon as well.

.Hack//G.U. Last Recode

It does. I had a cup at a family member's house the other day. She can't drink regular coffee and had decaf. It tasted good. Stop being prissy.

>hot water
JFK what is wrong with you people?

>shitting on hot chocolate

I really like good matcha green tea. Lots of health benefits, slow release caffeine, and I like the taste as is with nothing added. Only bad thing is it is expensive at around 30 bucks an ounce.

I also drink green tea for the health benefits and just because it's something different but I can't imagine liking the taste.
Maybe I just get pleb grade green tea.

I haven't drunken any kind of hot drink going on what must be 5 years now. No tea, coffee, milo hotchoc etc. I think I fucked up somewhere desu also playing Fallout 4.

Kronos- Horde

Got done playing Tekken Tag 2 a couple hours ago.

How is it? I remember loving the first.

A Hat in Time. Top comfy and the gameplay is a lot of fun, so glad I bought this.

Pick for me

Rocket league

Metro: Last Light!

It's important to get ceremonial grade of you're not mixing anything else with it. Also to make sure the water you add isn't too hot, otherwise it can come out bitter. It doesn't taste like much honestly, earthy taste with a very slight sweetness.

just finished Cuphead yesterday
>Currently playan'
South Park Fractured But Whole - almost finished with this one
.hack GU - will focus playin it next after South park
Super Mario Odyssey - playing it on the sidelines for fun completion
Duel Links - my mobage

Horizon Zero Dawn. Somehow really relaxing and comfy to play.

It’s great. Better than the first Tekken Tag IMO.

FFX/X-2 HD Remaster.

p comfy, desu.

the re-arranged OST is absolutely better than the original.

How's Kronos after most people left for Elysium? Are there still multiple servers?

Just played Cyberdimension Neptunia. Not enjoying the combat much but the cast and dialogue make up for it, I love the Nep cast.

Gonna prepare my shit in Pokemon Moon to be moved to UltraMoon.

Some Overwatch and maybe Heroes of the Storm.

I'm thinking of starting up Tales of Xillia for the first time in ages and working on the Platinum too.


Pretty damn fun

K1 and K2 merged. Pop doesn't seem bad. There was a lot of wpvp while I was leveling, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. Plenty enough people for raiding and battlegrounds though.

Muh nigga

>Just started playing Prey
>Can't decide what to drop all my goddamn weapon upgrades on

I can't google it because I'll get spoiled on weapons I'll get in the future... but I currently have 16 weapon kits and I have no christing idea what to upgrade.

I use the Silenced Pistol a lot while stealing around mimics, I use the shotgun a lot on phantoms and I employ the stungun on robots... Are any of these worth dumping lots of kits into or should it be the Gloo gun or the Laser thing. Or am I stressing out when I find the BFG half way through and then use nothing but...


It's cold

Idk i keep playing different games from my library every 2 hours because i don't know what to stick with.

SFV, trying to learn new characters and improve my neutral

Matcha latte motherfucker

I started Ciel nosurge recently, it's a unique experience. Also going through Chaotix's route in Heroes, and Kirby Battle Royale.

Gundam Versus
This is the first time on a long while that I've gotten this hooked on a multiplayer game, I absolutely love it

What are some nice herbal teas?
The most I drink are water, tea, coffee, hot chocolate (weekly) and wine. Coffee is for the morning, tea in the afternoon and hot chocolate on Sunday evenings.

>hot water

Nigga u poor as fuck!


That's not a drink.