Useless card killers

Do you use

-Motion Blur
-Depth of field
-Chromatic Aberration
-Any other useless setting that makes the games look worse

If so, why? How do you enjoy games when they look like shit? Do you also use filters on emulators?

Motion blue and depth of field off
Anti aliasing removrs jaggies so it's good
Idk what cromatix abbertation is
No the worst offender is film grain

I'm starting to believe these threads are made by low spec shitters. I can understand not wanting bloom or motion blur/hair effects. But you have to be running a 10 year old setup to even think those dynamic settings options are card killers. Upgrade you fucking brazilians or just play on fucking console at this point.

never blur or dof, always aa if it's an option, but only x4 at max

if chromatic abberation and grain and such are a stylistic choice, and they have sliders, i'll use them but toned down from default settings. if it's just an on/off switch, off.

I sometimes use depth of field depending on the game, but generally I turn all that shit off you've listed with the exception of AA on older games.

>anti-aliasing makes games look worse

It makes everything look blurry.

Literally depends on what type of AA you use. Only TAA, FXAA, and TXAA make your games look blurry


you telling me this shit looks good OP?

DOF is fine depending on the game. Worked well in Alien Isolation when you have the motion tracker up. Works well in fixed camera angle games too.

Motion blur is good if it's per object and not just a screen blur. Most implementations are awful though.

AA is necessary if there is no option to super sample.

CA is garbo. Get rid of it.

Chromatic aberration occurs when the lens in an camera do not filter color frequences in the same place and so you can see the object like is duplicated in the same place.
Pic related shows a chromatic aberration accentuated.

Once you mature enough with these settings you will become obsessed with things like anti-aliasing.
SMAA is my fauvorite setting if the game has it otherwise MSAAx2 no matter the perfomance hit or FXAA if i'm playing a strategy game. Also you can use TAA with a light luma sharpen from reshade to counter the blur.
Motion blur and DoF always off. "Blur" without "motion" looks cool on games like Dead Space and Dark Souls.

Just look at that blurry mess holy shit.

I like chromatic aberration.

>AA makes the game look worse

Is reshade an updated equivalent of sweetfx or do they have different purposes?

>there are faggots that use blur in 60+fps games

It could look worse.

-Motion Blur
yes,30fps look smoother with it turned on
-Depth of field
gets rid of edge aliasing in distant scenery so yes
yes, its great for low resolutions, especially fxaa since it actually masks distant shit even more
-Chromatic Aberration
get that shit out of my face, would be good cheap aa if it wouldnt give me pure braindamage

ReShade has sweetfx built into it, as well as a few other shading modules.

Cool, I'll try it out.