Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread

Waiting for Japan time. How is gears and Saga btw? It's the only ones I didn't play yet

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I haven't seen an RPG shipped this hard since Persona 5. Which one will be better and have the better soundtrack?

I'd imagine the initial shipment would actually be quite small, I'd expect sales of 300k all up. I think Xen 2 will have the better soundtrack, but they are completely different soundtracks.

I don't know about better (Beneath the Mask is really hard to top IMO), but I think XC2 has a bigger soundtrack with 120 songs on it



I wager this one will be a little better in gameplay but Persona has Meguro for music sound it's hard to beat that.

But I've been loving the XB2 soundtrack personally so far. The Direct trailer music gave me great 2000s anime feeling: not that generic but a nice mix of rock and orchestral sounds with clear themes and motifs

Today we found out that Rex's voice isn't actually that bad

Reminder, someone needs to add pyra to this image, nintendo are being fucking madmen lately

>Yasunori Mitsuda, ACE+, Manami Kiyota

Xenoblade 2

The cutscenes in this game are so anime!
I love it!

Looks like Bana's maidbot has Poppi pinned here.

I wonder how she's even created, as she looks a lot like Poppi. Does Argentum raid Tora's lab while he's away?

where did you get this footage? This is fucking gold

Maybe the maid is just a maid but Poppi is a maid that is also a blaid.

Gamespot got some gameplay footage

The actions scenes are going to be as good as xenodaga 3. And that one had some really good ones


This is the fucking cutscene that sold me on the game

Or maybe all Nopon can't use normal Blades so they make their own,

A few sites posted footage today (I think IGN Gamespot and Gamexplain).

I loved Xeno X but there was barely any animation during the cutscenes.
I'm glad they improved it

any idea who does Pyra's voice?

Tora says Poppi's the world's first artificial Blade, and I think Famitsu said it's something his family's been working on for three generations. I don't think it's the norm that Nopon have their own artificial Blades.

Pyra's voice sounds pretty good...I like that it's a little more mature sounding, and less like a child or teenager.

what do you call that look

it gives me something a funny feeling more arousing than smug girls

>i havent played the ony good games in the series

literally how retarded nintendo fans are and why the series is shit now

Cool thanks muh doods.

rex actually sounds fucking great here

Then it looks like the Guild DOES end up stealing Poppi's blueprints

Upgrading skills and I didn't see any lvl requirements for armor

What a creepon

>Argentum steals blueprints
>Tora: "Fuck you I'll just upgrade mine. Who's laughing now?"

Tora's pretty cute.
I hope we can protect his smile in the game

"It's... pretty big..."

Old news, now is Kozuka time

The story will have dark turns, according to the director. What do you expect to happen?

>what do you call that look
Disgust, disappointment, condescension

I'm sure the end-game has Tora building Poppi to become a mini-Titan like Gramps after Gramps dies or something.

I'm sure Poppi factors into the end-game story in some way

What is?

i know youre probably out there, help me kind soul

who dat
Tora gets killed or Poppi gets killed
Gramps gets killed or it turns out he betrays Rex and corrupts Elysium to save himself from whatever is letting the Titans die.

Jin got used by his previous Driver to commit atrocities, now he's nihilistic.

Mithra/Pyra tricks Rex into doing something terrible

>I'm sure the end-game has Tora building Poppi to become a mini-Titan like Gramps after Gramps dies or something.
Why would he suddenly make her that small?

That reaction is fucking priceless.

Disc 1 is sublime. Disc 2 is a STRONG meh. It's pretty obvious the devs ran out of time/money halfway through the game.

Episode 1 was okay, but good GOD all those cut scenes were tiring. Also ran out of time/money so the cut content and the intended final arc for the first game was made the first disc of Episode 2 (no lie). The rest of Episode 2 is...ass. The battle system is a HUGE improvement, but they cut everything else (such as the ability to purchase anything). Episode 3 was everything the first two games SHOULD have been. It's just too bad that the series was supposed to be 5 episodes, so if you want to know what the fuck is going in in Ep. 3, you'll NEED to read the encyclopedia entries (Ep. 2 was so shitty that Namco forced the studio to cut the intended Eps. 3 & 4).

They're all okay to good games for the most part, but it's best to go in with your eyes wide open.

You're dedicated, I'll give you that






dear lord.. the lip sync is still fucking bad, I thoght it would jsut be with the Direct since it was rushed. A pity since it looks good otherwise

Mini-Titan as in the form of transportation they use, as in Gramps' big form

Unless you're clowning me, in which case good one


Well-defined, beautiful ass ALWAYS sells. Western devs should know this. Hell, ND sculpted this a decade ago, yet they seem to have forgotten.

Okay guys make your bets. Will he be able to tap that ass before Elysium? The little boy sure is trying hard

>implying she's not going to become a meido mech for Tora to act out all his sexual fantasies on

And now Ninty gives them unlimited budget.

They got quite lucky there, But I think that they aren't going try another multi episode game that soon.

delet this right now

But they already have. X is basically episode 1 of some new series. It's too bad nothing's going to happen with that any time soon.

>Mini-Titan as in the form of transportation they use
They don't use him for transportation, though. The fact that we've seen Rex piloting an airship while Azurda is in his helmet is indication enough that he's stuck in his mini form. He's basically back at the start of his life cycle again after whatever happens to him when he helps Rex against Torna at the start of the game.

Oh Fuck, please tell me this is releasing soon.

3 weeks, hang in there

I just rewatched the Direct and I saw that Blades sort of act on their own at times with Blade Arts that they use to help or buff the player without the player's direct input.
I'm curious if Rare Blades get unique Blade Arts, anyone know?

That will be interesting, so the mainline Xenoblade are all standalone but X is a continuing story.

Thanks. I just hope saga emulates well

Can people datamine the pre load?
What are the chances of it leaking like SMO?

Wait, Gramps helps Rex against the Torna?
And I didnt see Rex piloting an Airship, which vid is that?

Now there's a good reaction pic

It doesn't work that way, SMO leaked physically, so the same chance as Odyssey leaking.

I'll probably get the Amiibo of her just for the hot glue action...

I neeeeed xenosaga back holy fuk, MAN

Is the shape of that monolith something just common to the Xeno series?

That's a Zohar

This is what peak performance looks like.

Both are in the E3 trailer.


Pic related takes place at the same area where Rex and Pyra fight Malos, which seems to be at the very start of the game when Torna attacks the ship Rex finds Pyra in. Azurda probably gets badly wounded, causing him to turn into his mini form that Rex and Pyra find him in when they fall onto Gormott.

When will we see more of my husband, Zeke?

>who dat
The guy that made the junes theme

Xenosaga is terrible, though.

Fat weighs more than a Nopon a large Nopon.

Kozuka and Tsuchiya are so much better than Meguro it isn't funny.
Him being in V again was the greatest news about that game.

Pretty much. That monolith (which is a "Zohar", or in that specific case a Zohar Emulator) was featured in a pivotal cut scene in 'gears, was all over the place in 'saga, wasn't included as far as I recall in 'blade, I never got around to playing XCX so I can't say, and I refuse to be spoiled for 'blade 2.
Before you ask, here's the wiki opening on wtf a "Zohar" is:
>The Zohar (Hebrew: זֹהַר, lit. "Splendor" or "Radiance") is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah.[1] It is a group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah (the five books of Moses) and scriptural interpretations as well as material on mysticism, mythical cosmogony, and mystical psychology. The Zohar contains discussions of the nature of God, the origin and structure of the universe, the nature of souls, redemption, the relationship of Ego to Darkness and "true self" to "The Light of God", and the relationship between the "universal energy" and man. Its scriptural exegesis can be considered an esoteric form of the Rabbinic literature known as Midrash, which elaborates on the Torah.

So, yeah. Like that.

Some things about the Affinity charts I noticed from the direct
>You have a general set of buffs and such but also some special ones:
>Pyra has Purifying Flames, which aside from its actual effect has two interesting bits of info
>First, a quote ("I'll be watching over you")
>And second, a little icon in the upper right hand corner of that says "Idea" with an icon of an upside triangle with a plus

Any ideas on what the latter bit means?

>It seems you send out Blade Groups on specific missions, not just general level up fodder trips
>Some missions seem to require specific Rare Blades (the one in the Direct mentions needing a 'Justice Loving' soul, so maybe those are the side quests the Game Informer article mentioned)
>It seems there's also potential for these missions to fail

Rex always had a good voice, the screams are the only bad thing we've heard

They weren't any Zohars in X, but there was this

got a few tens of millions to fund monolith? Takahashi's down

Gotcha, missed those things the first time around.

I am excite

I guess he'll improve as the game goes on, same thing happened with XC1 shulk is an special exception

The way Dromarch moves his head to follow Nia's movements looks somewhat unrealistic. Also, this game has a lot of mobage mechanics, what the hell are they thinking at Nintendo?

Well all we've seen of the shape so far is that it's the shape of Pyra's Core Crystal but it's cool that Takahashi has turned Xeno into a cohesive JRPG franchise that's getting up to striking level of FF

If that is what I think it is, then that makes sense.

it's not possible to get duplicate Blades, at least

Mobage mechanics?

Can this man be fucking stopped?

Alright so I'm going to sound like an idiot but here I go
Blades come from core crystals, but you can also create an artificial blade from what the Nopon did?
But most look so human, is that just a coincidence? Where are the blades origins? Can humans be made into blades?

At least this one doesn't use Pyra's inferior ass.

Whoever did this, has to do Rex next.

Eh, kinda. it was the design team for Xenoblade who insisted in naming the game "Xeno-" anything. THIS was the original title, or at least something close.

I love his Japanese voice actor but I dislike Tora's Japanese voice. Plus, there's the problem with a lot of games with English subs where they don't bother to subtitle quotes said outside of cutscenes, so I probably wont know what all the different Blades say during battle.

I'm really torn on the voice over for this game.

It's really just a reference.
The lifeholds don't hold any great power like the Zohar does.
Lifeholds just hold people and data

Well we know that Tora creates the FIRST artificial blade in the beginning of the story.

We assume the Argentum Trade Guild must have stolen the schematics from him

Where is there another artificial Blade? I think that robot meido next to bana is just a normal robot

>weebs are going to ruin you favorite series in your life time

That was what I thought it was. Now stop spoiling, haven't played it yet.

The Idea icons go with the blades soul alignment type. The green triangle is Truth and there is also Bravery, Compassion, and Justice. These level up on each character (maybe on the blades too) and affect your core crystal summoning. Merc Missions also have requirements in these, such as needing to dispatch 1 blade that is a Justice-Loving Soul level 1+.

I think Xeno still fits, in that the game deals with the concept of the "other" pretty often