You have 10 seconds to come up with ideas for a Batman RPG video game
You have 10 seconds to come up with ideas for a Batman RPG video game
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You play as Batman.
And then what?
And then you finish the game.
What about the DLC?
You play as Batman Beyond
i'm more interested in battlefield racing game, or dark souls fps
what about robin?
Paper Batman
Its like Chrono Trigger except with Batman.
I don't know if a Batman game would fit the rpg mold, because a big part of rpgs is gradually finding and upgrading your gear and Batman is already rich and can just build or buy whatever he needs
Game starts with the league of shadows. Skill trees determine what flavor of batman you are. Customizable suits and bat mobile. Good guy and bad guy points leading you into a few different endings, one being batman beyond and vs superman etc.
Start as early career Batman so you can justify him having to level up and gain his gadgets
Alternate between levelling combat/stealth/forensics. Manage the research and development of new toys. Everything is timed so you have to learn how to manage dealing with common thugs and supervillains. Supervillains level up with you every time they break out. Mandatory "Bruce in distress" missions where you have to escape danger without revealing Bruce Wayne is Batman
See how many Robins you can get killed in one playthrough
What if it was a younger Batman who was just starting to develop his arsenal? Something like in F1 2017 career mode you have to complete certain challenges and then you get to buy new upgrades to your car and sometimes the upgrade parts can fail etc.
Like this:
>open world
>gearing in cities
>full looting PvP
9/10 needs more Bruce Wayne lost in time costumes.
The most important is to have the PC-port run at 10 fps at the most.
Party member obviously
My thought is make the combat like X-COM, and then have segments where you can roam around the city and befriend people or do missions. Make it have a system where there are different paths you can go down, and multiple endings.
The X-COM system would allow for stealth mechanics, as well as allowing you to use various allies of Batman (Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, etc), each with their own unique abilities and allow Batman to have different costumes for different needs.
Xcom type metagame in the Batcave
It's Mario & Luigi except you're Batman and Robin.
if its a batman game, it need to be a mosou game, based on the batman the animation series.
it can have some rpg elements but thats all.
you can play as the batmobile, all of them, even those shitty one from the movie, the menu is based on batbelt,
no memes.
no dab.
Gotham Warriors, hm I pay money for it.
Make it a game about the entirety of Batman's career, with the decisions you make determining the type of batman and gameplay you interact with. Do you ignore the call to go see the flying Graysons? No Dick Grayson. Do you join the justice League? Do you build a legacy around your friends and family, who take over the city after you die, or is your end goal to keep an iron fist over Gotham with an army of Bat-Robots?
Wait, you're serious
Batman get sick of the shit he sees in Arkham every day.
>Goes to Chicago
>Seems nice enough in his cozy high rise
>All the sudden noggers are flooding into the place murdering everything they see
>Batman goes insane
>Takes his Noggerknocker 3.0 he lathed in his basement and goes to town cleaning the city
It handles like Hybrid Haven. Hybrid Haven is a N64 action/turn based RPG. You and the enemy would take turns, but the turns go by in mere seconds.
>tfw I bought that batmobile
Best batmobile desu
This, with pic related as the theme and "soldier" classes.
Also the ability to make OC Donut Steels like DC Online.
Essentially heavy rain but bat man instead of ethan mars
Fractured But Whole but Batman.
You play as batman in a open world sandbox.
You roam gotham finding injustices to right.
When you encounter an injustice you intervine via intimidation or you run up and throw fucking hands at these gutter junkies and villians.
If you intimidate and succeed. They flee queing a chase were you pull out all the stops using your gear to catch them. (Batarangs, bolas stuff, zipcord gun)Your skill level increases in using said gear.
Throwing hands triggers a boxed in arena style fight where they may be just a lone mugger/gunman or they may call for back up. You level up your fighting masteries as you combat more and more.
Both paths give you overall exp to level up in general.
Mini/main quests pop up via heeding the batsignal. Be it Harvey or commissioner gordon calling from the rooftop.
Side quests being bruce wayne also occur. You opt to make significant contributions to society be it charity organizational events or discussing and observing new tech being brought up in the ceo meeting rooms after seeing lab demos. You can opt to support or disapprove of the tech shown.
For each choice you make to contribute to society. Villians find a way to pervert it and you will have to deal with it as batman. (ie; new kevlar is made that can resist lazer beams for a short while) while yes that's great to provide protection to the cops of gotham. Now the baddies you fight have more hp etc etc.
There's even coversational exp. You level up via talking to interviewers from the media. Talking to scientists at these ceo meetings/tech demos
Talking to allied and opposing companies during these meetings.
Even while interrigating a thug for the wearabouts of a villian they affiliate with.
Not every chat can be diplomatic sometimes a minor action is available on the chat wheel of choices head butting a junkie the screaming at him about the wearabouts of the child prostitute den (think l.a. noire) you can see facial expressions to try an discern if its the truth or not
you play as Raven
Tldr version
Yakuza series fighting encounters meets l.a. noires interrigation/sluething aspects
No Bruce Wayne shit pls apart from interacting with Alfred in the Batcave
What's the most/best RPGish superhero vidya?
Play as Barbara Gordon as Oracle and control a party consisting of the Batfamily. Handles sort of like Div and Shadowrun mixed. Ultimate goal is rescuing Batman, party features Dick, Cass, Todd, etc.
I like it, go on.
The Tumbler from Nolan's trilogy is better.
The animated one is a lazy design that looks like a brick and was only made that way to save time and money on animating it.
You play as a petty criminal at the start, as you level up you can spend points in burglary (rogue) thuggery (fighter) or schemer (mage) skill trees
Mug civilians and have encounters with the police (random battles) stage heists (side quests) and so on until your final confrontation with The Batman (final boss)
Seriously though, I've been noticing a higher amount of raven-posting and raven rule 34 recently online, not just Sup Forums.
Did anything Raven related make this happen?