What is the best party comb for RPGs?
I always aim for
>Caster (sorc)
>Healer (priest)
What is the point of Rangers, Rogues, Druids, Paladins (or similar stuff in modern rpgs)?
What is the best party comb for RPGs?
I always aim for
>Caster (sorc)
>Healer (priest)
What is the point of Rangers, Rogues, Druids, Paladins (or similar stuff in modern rpgs)?
the point is to mix up if you dont want to play a warrior, sorcerer or a priest.
Ranger/Rogue/Druids are cool.
That's it.
If it's three:
Magic, Strength and Agility oriented character
If it's four:
Warrior, Mage, Rogue/Archer, Priest
If it's five then both archer and rogue are in and archer may be replaced by druid.
Depends entirely on the RPG, but usually a combination of casters and caster/beat stick hybrids.
>Only one man
White bois subtly btfo again
you just KNOW that all 5 of them gets his big spear
>One tanky character to mitigate damage
>One melee damage dealer
>One ranged damage dealer
>One healer
This set-up is unstoppable
An all-mage strong party who don't need no other roles!
for a rogue they can put out a lot of damage if they can work with a front liner, they usually also have skills that are beneficial but not in all games
>1 healer
>fill every other slot with warrior type melee classes
Fuck mages. Fuck rangers. Fuck rogues.
Enjoy not being able to disarm traps or open locked chests.
omg this is so hot, i wish this gal/ganguro fetish was bigger
>not using your warriors to smash traps and smash open chests
why are you acting like these things are the same in all games? it's retarded
1 female priest 5 male barbarians
In many games clerics can only res from a high level on and traps would easily kill your warriors. Also destroying chests often comes with the chance of destroying loot.
Rogues has almost never any true role in ANY videogame RPG, modern or not, because their design is FAR more focused in combat than in puzles and traps, which are were the rogues shine in pen and paper. And so they end just as another DPS, but magues are almost always the funniest DPSs, so yeah, they are sadly pointless in most videogames.
Rangers, Druis and Paladins are just some of the plethora of hybrid classes derivated form fighter, wizard and rogue, and so they work as well as the main jobs do.
>1 female (male) priest 5 male barbarians
Fixed that for you.
Knight, Flanker
Mage, Healer, Ranged
“Party” games are gay and not fun. Companions are a liability
It depends on the game. If we're talking Wizardry, it's almost always Wizard, Lord, Samurai, Valkyrie, and Ninja, with the last spot being whatever the fuck you want because all your bases are covered.
- Mage
- Mage
- Mage
- Mage
You don't need tank or heal whatsoever if all enemies are dead before doing anything
Rangers are ranged / melee battle mages with pets in a way, Rogues *used* to be utility for lockpicks and trapfinding(lel), plus backstab DPS, Druids are alternate flavor Clerics, and Paladins are warrior healers.
I really wish we were in the future that they expanded these roles and ideas, rather than dumbing shit all down to WAR / THF / WIZ or whatever.
Bossfight with 5 goirillion xp. You got no tank. You dead.
My IWD party consisted of a sword and board fighter, sword and board paladin, mace and board cleric, bow fighter, bow rogue and a wizard.
I don't like the idea of one "tank" screaming at the enemies and somehow drawing all their attention, I would prefer to have multiple melee fighters with decent protection that can form a line. Having some of those be paladins and clerics means they can heal each other, too.
Something tells me that the chick on the far right has one of those long, ugly pussy flaps.
>posts a screenshot of BG, where warriors are completely worthless
Fighter, Paladin/Ranger, Cleric, Mage
Mainline, mainline support, backline support, backline
You literally always want a thief in a bunch of CRPGs because of literally just traps and lockpicking
Combat isn't part of the reason for ever taking one because they suck donkey dick at anything besides backstab and shitty ranged support
except berserkers, because they're immune to everything other than damage
Any fighter class mix, or fighter/cleric or fighter/mage
Rangers and rouges are silent, and rouges are more intelligent and compromising so if you need to sneak in somewhere or to pick a lock, rouges are the superior option. If you need to snipe someone, ranger.
Druids are stealthy and also good at healing. They can turn into animals, giving them that animal's abilities.
Paladins are healers AND warriors. They are pious so if you need a deity's favor they obtain it easily.
please die
>that guy
>Hunter (with crossbow, not a fag archer).
>Agile melee dude with a one-handed sword and a throwing weapon variant.
>Bard/Jester (Optional).
Behold, I have broken the cancerous trinity!
>cancerous trinity
it only exists and is only cancerous when all enemies only attack what you want them to attack