ITT we post video game opinions that make you legit MAD
ITT we post video game opinions that make you legit MAD
"Overwatch is good"
>your video games are giving the computer viruses
>this time Ubisoft made a good game! Finally!
>fun cant be used as an argument
>dark souls 2 is anything but the worst souls game.
>Ocarina of time is the best GOAT
"it's a good game, it's just not a good [franchise] game"
>Its not enough cinematic
Cinematic experience
>"the female characters are ugly so the game is bad!"
>I skip cutscenes on a first playthrough
>Some western games are good, not all of them are bad!
I actually find hilarious the Pray fags crying over their indian spirit animals.
I will post a video game thing that makes others mad because nothing makes me mad.
>It's comfy
>"kirby games are bad because they are easy"
>People prefer Monika over Sayori
>Kirby games
>BotW is bad
>Cuphead is overrated
these are the only ones, because being unfair about good games in 2017 is ridiculous
Completely legit opinion. I only watch them once in case there is a tip in the cutscene.
And I never saw mgs4 ending because I slept halfway through. Twice.
>Fapbait isn't a good thing in a game.
>Buddy tells me Dark Souls 2 is shit
>pirate it
>not even half-way through i buy the game instead because it's was pretty good
You have to be 18 to post here, sweetie.
>It's anime/cartoony/not-photorealistic
>So that means it's automatically bad
"Wow, user, finally decided to come out of your cave? hahahaha"
"All he does is sit in his room and play video games."
>games need more story
>games need sex appeal
>challenge is "problematic"
>the customer isn't allowed to be entitled
"Lootboxes are ruining gaming"
I personally love lootboxes. They're so fun and I love opening them. I hate that people on this board are so selfish and underhanded that they want the government to regulate and deprive me of my right to purchase them.
>it's indie so it's shit
>excuse me while I buy lootboxes in $60 titles
>people prefer any other doki over Natsuki
>game has bad design and objectively bad
>it's perfect, 10/10 because it's fun
>Breath of the Wild is mediocre
Way to show how you don't know SHIT about video games.
You don't have to like it, that's your wont, but if you truly think this, then you either haven't played an Ubisoft or Bethesda game recently enough for comparison, or you're just monumentally thick.
>You are entitled to complete the game no matter how bad you are
>Yet you are not entitled to opinion when the game is radically changed
Sorry im not a pedophilia
Video games are meant to give you one thing primordially and that is fun, if it's fun it's good period
I actually really like
It's basically another way of saying
>I don't care about objective quality or what other people think, I like it because I like it
And really, if more people felt that way on Sup Forums, it'd be a better place.
>"Old" Nintendo is better than "modern" Nintendo
Spoken like a dumb nostalgiafag.
>bloodborne is amazing
Well, the art and setting is pretty amazing
Standard or Sotfs?
>t. nintentoddler
>nintendo is good
Where and how access the dlcs?
>I like popular game. Let me explain why every aspect of its design is genius!
Shitty opinions are whatever but it irks me more than anything when people talk about games as if even their shortcomings are brilliant design decisions.
>microtrans and milking money out of games is okay because vidya companies are businesses
XboneX is a powerful console.
>BOTW is the greatest game of all time
>It's not a game but an experience
>wow classic should have x change that wasnt in classic
But that's true.
t. normie
>Its not a game
At least they are honest
I think the entrances are in the primal bonfire chambers
>game has marriage option in it
>doesn't include butt fucking or cunt sucking fag marriage
Ummm excuse me, but its 2017. This is like, not okay.
but they are
every company is motivated by profit, why would vidya be different
Cutscenes are bad. See: Half Life
it's a Game, use the Game to tell a story, not a video
I agree, comfy threads are quite comfy until the uncomfy anons start shitting up the thread because they're too autistic to understand "comfy"
>story isn't important in games
>story is the most important thing in games
>not preferring monika
People with severe depression are too much to deal with.
I think the problem are normies who dont know shit about videogames. They just want something to small talk about
I love lootboxes.
It's fine to say if you have a stake in the company but acting like this shit's good for people who actually like games as a customer is just bizarre. It's like if you said that endless sequels and reboots in Hollywood are a good thing for cinema. Maybe for profit but not for actual quality.
Patrician taste my friend
fun is subjective and you know damn well that 99% of the time it's used as an argument to try to say a game doesn't have very real flaws
Who cares about quality when you are making an AAA game
just vote with your wallet bro!
But what if the flaws are amusing?
That durability system is an abomination and you have to be a drone to defend it.
If a game is objectively bad, it's a bad game. Game being fun is not an objective argument. Just because you like the game, it doesn't have to be good. Nintendofags should learn to admit not all of the games are 10/10. Sometimes you can enjoy shitty games too
>Video games are meant to
No. Just no.
>if you've played the game for more than 0.2 seconds it must have been fun
>if you've played the game for less than 1000 hours you didn't even give it a chance
>piracy is a bad thing with no exceptions
>nier asstomatoes is a masterpiece
It's nearly shovelware.
>any zelda game is good
>ikaruga is a masterpiece
>"videogames are childrens toys" and related normie beliefs
>God Hand is a masterpiece
>X is literally flawless, if you don't like X it's because you need to git gud
>new vegas and morrowind are bad games and/or inferior to newer games in their series
That's not the case at all if you're an adult, people want them classed as gambling which would give every game that included them an AO rating to comply with gambling laws and remove them from shelves, so developers would have to remove them simply because they wouldn't be able to sell the game.
>I hate this game after e-celeb trashed it.
>F2P just means people to play with. Don't be so entitled.
>The newest pokemon was good because it finally shook up the formula!
>If a game is objectively bad
How can a game be objectively bad? Or a book or movie for that matter?
And good games can be boring and a chore. See wow
if a game is so fun that youre too busy enjoying yourself to sperg over its flaws, then its a good game.
you need a game to keep your attention to be worthwhile, nobody gives a shit about a game just because its technically superior to other games on paper.
Dark Souls 3 was the worst. Maybr Demon's Souls.
DS2 was right in the middle, but still high tier.
persona doesn't seem like a fun franchise
not particularly angry about it though
>bad gameplay mechanics
>bad level design
>bad music
>bad story and pacing
>bad graphics
Do you seriously trying to say you can't say a movie/book/game is objectively bad?
It doesn't matter if it's objective or whatever the fuck, what matters is that a game must necessarily be fun in order to be good. Even if the game has great graphics, story and music but it plays like shit then it isn't a good game simple as that
Yes, just yes. They are meant to be fun (entertaining if you want to use a more "appropriate" word) because they're an entertainment art
>Sacrificing gameplay for story is a good idea
Cutscenes are fine they set the frame, but don't half my health for a good chunk of the game because I'm supposed to be feeling like a dying man while jumping and sliding everywhere like a madman.
3 was the best technically and the most boring with a couple of bosses that made an exception. It did nothing new for the series. It even removed stuff just to make it streamlined
>it's not pay to win you can earn things in games
Oh boy I can't wait to finally be on a level playing field after dozens or potentially hundreds of hours compared to someone who buys their way up from day one.
>you play alot of computer games so you must be good with computers, now go fix your aunt's pc
Both. All that matters is how a game makes you feel.
The kitty looks comfy.
Western games are good.
>aunt's pc has actual viruses
>they don't believe you
>I like this gamebreaking bug, it makes the game more fun and exciting
Sotfs, i wanted to wait until all the dlcs were out before getting it
>the thing you're complaining about is intentional design, therefore you're wrong
>Going to a vidya discussion board with the mindset of "I don't care what you think, I like it and you can't change my mind"
What's the point?
>Yeah, PUBG is full of cheaters, bugs and dumb shit but it's still FUN
When people have unrealistic expectations of the switch and then shitpost saying it's bad cause it doesn't meet them.
>as the tower takes off from all the bitcoin miners running
>melee fags
Shadow of Mordor is a good game.
Mad Max is a good game.
Akuma is not best character in SFV.
Mass Effect 2 is great and 3 was good until the ending.
Spec Ops The Line is trash
>mods ruin the creators vision
>shooters are fine on consoles
>30fps is good enough
>loot boxes are fine, you're just poor lmao
>exclusives are good for the consumer
>If a game has a political agenda I disagree with it is automatically bad