One of the greatest consoles of all time

>one of the greatest consoles of all time
>only lasted 1.5 years in north america
how did sega do it?

I unironically love the dreamcast controller I collect them I have about 15 atm

Because the Playstation 2 came out and did everything the Dreamcast could do but better

It didn't last much longer in Europe either.
But fuck me if it wasn't convinient that it didn't need to be chipped, only cd-key and full-on cd iso loading.

dreamcast had a better online infrastructure than the ps2

America didn't have widespread internet usage like in Japan and the normie public at the time didn't understand it. On top of that the marketing for it was horrible and it was primarily available in less mainstream stores like Comp USA. I had one shortly after release and it was fucking glorious and the only other kid I knew that had one was Chris Chan tier and brought his VMUs in to class all the time... Oh and the launch price was way too high and it was forced in to a lot of bundles like the one I had to get at fucking Costco.

tldr the old cliche of it was ahead of its time

its pretty crazy how in europe the last dreamcast games were great games like shenmue 2 and CT2. usually it would be some shitty sports game (although i like the 2K games when sega owned them).

99 to 2001 is 1.5 years?

Hmm... Interdasting...

Dead or Alive 2 would like to have a word with you.


Yes. 9.9.99 to March of 2001.

It was launched in September of 1999 and discontinued in March of 2001.

September 99 to September 00 - 1 year
September 00 to March 01 - 6 months.

1.5 years, literally.

NBA 2k1 was so fucking good.

Sega does what Nintendon't.

PS2 had a DVD player
Terrible marketing
Bad rep from The Saturn
Easily pirated games

The Dreamcast is still my favorite console, I'd give anything to go back to those days.

Fucking RETATD

my grandparents bought a dreamcast for some outlandish reason or other (I think a saleman pitched it to them successfully) and whenever I visited it, I always played the generator disk they got with it that had a demo of sonic, tony hawk, rayman 2, and... dead or alive 2.

I fapped so many god damn times to that damn doa2 demo disk. so many.

>I think a saleman pitched it to them successfully
thats interesting. i have heard tons of stories of employees telling customers to wait for the ps2 instead.

They reached the point of no return, they had to stop.

Stop with that shit. Sega already had problems before the PS2 happening. Sega wasted too much money on stupid shit(like the 32x, CD, etc) and had too many internal wars between west vs japan.
Dreamcast sales couldn't stop all of that, but we were kids and didn't knew about the financial situation and had the information of today.

In europe the console was released in some countries in october and others in november or early december because they messed up in the stock so some countries didn't had consoles to sell. Just before x-mas they fixed the problem

Funny how Europe got PSO V2 on March of 2002 so it was officialy the last game and the online was about to end in like 3 months or so

Has anyone ever considered the fact that it had no fucking games? Seriously, when you have to point to arcade ports and sports titles as examples of your game library, you're in dire straits.

Sega GT
Sonic Adventure
Shenmue 1/2
>No games

I'm only guessing because I don't know how or why they bought it. I asked them and they just said they got it for us but I don't get why they did when we owned a ps2.

Yes, I'm remembering correctly... They bought the dreamcast after the ps2 came out. That has to be the explanation as to how they got it.

oh please, it had games. you could argue it barely had any third party support. capcom was really the only one that fully supported it.

It has, arguably, the best versions for most ports of multiplats.

>first 3 months had shit like Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, Sega Rally, Toy Commander and that fucking Soul Calibur

The library was a great rollercoaster ride, things like Crazy Taxi, ChuchuRocket, Virtua Tennis, JSR, MSR, MvsC1 and 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Power Stone 2, SoA, Grandia 2, Shenmue 1 & 2, PSO, etc.
Even things like UT and Quake 3 were good in there.

I just bought a dreamcast with some of the more notable games, and I'll tell you that you're wrong.
>Sonic Adventure
>Grandia 2
>Ecco: DotF
>Jet Grind Radio
>Soul Calibur
>Phantasy Star Online
>Resident Evil Code Veronica
That's what I got with mine, and they're not disappointing in the least.
except when my disc 1 of Shenmue isn't even recognized by my Dreamcast

>Code Veronica

That was pretty cool. People forget that was an exclusive at the time

>disc 1 doesn't read
There is no worse feeling than reading something like "insert a ps1 or 2 disc" or "this is audio disc insert another disc"
At least we are reaching a point where it will be pretty common for a Dreamcast to get SD adapters

Colors? Any raritys?

most overrated console of all time

no thats the ps2
not the games. the ps2 itself is the most overrated shit weve ever had on the market

things changed crazy fast that time