What's with the outrage before? Bayek's obviously Egyptian

What's with the outrage before? Bayek's obviously Egyptian.

>Sup Forums is retarded

What's new?

>before game out
>WE WUZ shitpost and hurr durr everywhere
>after game comes out
>everyone stops caring

no one cares about the game, marketers already got their salary so there's no more need to make fake outrage posts

Sup Forums being Sup Forums

Anyone notice you do a lot more outright murder in this game than the others?
You always could, but now it's in quests.
>Help, help! The tax collector is making us pay taxes!
>I'll take care of this


They obviously made him and the rest of Siwa very black. There are several characters that Bayek knows from Siwa or has grown up with, and they are all dreadlocked blacks

That's what you do in that region of the world. It's like that today. Why would you expect it to be different 2000 years ago?

Yeah, because back then they worked under the Egytian sun most of the day.

Even whites back in the 1800s were more "darker" or "redder" unless they were bankers.


Not with those nigger lips

There are "Egyptian" characters, and there are ones that sound and act distinctly black. You can't deny the appearance and voice acting of the fucking Siwan characters. They made them black.

Middle Easterners tend to have bigger lips too.

blacks existed in ancient egypt so it's not historically innacurate. just not the basketball american variant.

They didn't comprise the entire population of Siwa

Not nigger tier lips

getting mad because there are too many blacks is exactly the same as getting mad because there aren't enough blacks, either way it's 100% irrelevant

It really isn't.


Unity is like that too, I even particularly remember a quest where some people were setting up tolls on bridges and you had to go and murder all the captains in charge of it. It's funny when you can kill so many loyalists and random criminals in that game and then a plot point gets brought up about someone killing a story character that wasn't an assassination target.


modern* egyptian.
ancient egyptians were a lot whiter before great migration and climate change.

>its a "Sup Forums pretends their retarded bait shitflinging was really Sup Forums all along" episode
You faggots cant fool me, I've been around the block, and can spy your autism from a thumbnail on the catalogue.

I don't think you've ever seen a black person outside of someone doing blackface

desu, the pre-release media didn't really show that he was a Nubian. I didn't really care anyway though


There are a TON of side-quests in this where Bayek is a prick for no reason when he is supposed to be the upstanding man of the people. The best example is "The Good Roman" where you are initially going to liberate the workers of an aqueduct. Rome is trying to build you a fucking supply of clean drinking water and he's bitching about the workers the whole time

cool centrism bro. everyones retarded, everyone but you.

In this case yeah

But it's ok tho because Bayek is kind to children.

never played the game but do they play up a anti-colonialist slant a la asscreed 3? like replace the the brits and americans with romans and greeks.

Not really. Greeks are cunts, so are Egyptians. The secret society of masketta men who pull the strings have both ethnicities, one of the few 100% totally sub-saharan black with no ambiguity characters in the game is a member and a storyline target.

What said, at least story wise.

But I did notice that basically all soldiers/guards you fight are Greek, and eventually Romans as well, meanwhile all the bandit gangs are Egyptian and/or Africans.

Maybe I just didn't pay enough attention though I guess.

Honestly compared to the abortion that was Syndicate the writing in this is surprisingly non-leftist. Everybody is focused on the WE WUZ shit, nobody is talking about how the game doesn't push a feminist agenda at all

Syndicate had 19th century London street gangs with even numbers of men and women and nobody in-game found this ridiculous. Here, all the combatants so far except for Aya herself are men (and she gets occasional shit for it from the men around her who acknowledge it's weird), Cleopatra is portrayed as the exact sort of hedonistic slut as popular history remembers her.

That may be true, but as to the general attitude of the main character and the side quests (which are what I have mostly focused on, level 40 but only like half way through the main quest) there is definitely anti Greek and Roman sentiment.
Multiple areas have a theme of force relocation of Egyptians and the creation of "The new Greek quarter" of a city, a side quest where a Greek merchant is poisoning all the poor Egyptians so Greeks can take over the area.
See above

That's not a major focus of the storyline though, the Greeks and Romans as a whole aren't shown as being the baddies, a bunch of globalist conspirators are.

It's fine to have some aspect of that in the game, Greeks basically were the ruling class in Egypt at the time with the Ptolemys being a Greek dynasty, and native Egyptians weren't thought of too highly.

He was asking if there was an anti-colonialist slant as there was with the American ones. He didn't ask if it was fitting to the period, the point is that it's there.

Hard to say there's an anti-colonialist slant when a chunk of the bad guys pulling the strings are the natives. If you want to stick to the AC3 analogy it's like if halfway through the game Connor realised that there were Indian tribal leaders among the templars and that they were using racial tensions to maintain power.

Yeah, it's anti-colonialism, but in the Alex Jones sense, rather than the SJW sense

I'm really confused. Bayek's a libertarian at the most but the one who created the game were bunch of socialists.

In some of the early shit they released he was darker. I did the whole we wuz kangz shit because it looked like they were trying to put a black protagonist in egypt. Obviously when the game released videos showed otherwise, its funny how some of you retards think this is a whole conspiracy though.

Honestly I was confused why there were so many non-Egyptians in the order, since they were clearly going for a link with the actual rumors that Templars worshiped Ba'al or something, and they are all acting to strengthen Egypt or some such (Before they go on to become the Order that we know)

Because we let plebbit and ifunny get in on the memes

Is this game even worth playing at all? How much SJW bullshit is there in it?

less than witcher 3

you encounter 0 gay couples


AI quirks and bugs are practically half the reason I play open world games at all.


Tons, don't play it, we don't want you.

Riding a chariot through town, there's always villagers that jump directly in front of the wheels. Is it possible to be disconnected from all the suicidal villagers?

I don't think so, I haven't used my 40 arrows on a crowd yet, so maybe.

I've always put it down to 'gameifying' for want of a better word in AC.

I guess it's a matter of suspending the disbelief because if you never killed anyone but assassination targets in AC games, well... they'd be boring I know people gonna say >more boring, but you get my point

>Tons, don't play it, we don't want you
Too late I already bought it. :^)

Not that guy but there's more than two viewpoints pal and in this case, arguing about a quota for a minority in a video game about history with embellishments is fucking retarded from both sides and everyone involved in the argument should re-evaluate their shit.

Not about being a 'centrist' like that's a bad thing lol, but moreso about not being a fucking idiot.

Well I doubt it counts but two of the main villains are black and one of them is a woman

Egyptians are Africans.

What do you expect?

>I've always put it down to 'gameifying' for want of a better word in AC.
actually, violent crime is on the GIANT fall only recent couple centuries, that's why these outbursts of terrorism seem shocking, but in reality it's minuscule percentage of victims compared to murder rates in, say, rome
even in 18c it was much easier to kill somebody than trying to "correct" them
Life didn't matter at all in the past if you could get away with it. Now is the comfiest time for humanity.

>can kill people in side quests
>can't kill cats

Which is really surprising considering how many Greek characters there are.

Bastet to punish you! Blasphemer!there is a funny quest in alexandria related to this

It's not just that you can slaughter anyone with a sword, it's that the quests increasingly give us that as instruction. The people we are killing are becoming less obviously corrupt bad guys and more and more people just doing their job. Genociding every Captain and Commander of every outpost, the introduction of "Elimination Areas"
I think it is just casualization and lazyness.

there is a few brothels where two dudes are busy in heraklion

>greeks invented threesome, romans added women hahaha

>cat lives are sacred
>they have 9 of them
>human lives are worth shit
This reflects the state of today's world all too well.

But taxation is LITERALLY theft

Statists get out reeeee

it's not real RPG, don't judge it like it is
AC2 Brotherhood had million assassination missions, but since there was no story attached to targets nobody complained

No that's exactly in line with SJW pomo social deconstructionist rhetoric. People in positions of power are oppressors in toto, and social constructs of power are to be destroyed so that everyone is equal and no one is oppressed.

he is fucking not

>that nose
>that skin tone
>that dindu accent


Modern day Egyptians are basically arabs that migrated in over the centuries that Egypt was under the Ottomans.

Bet you look like a turkroach too

>We are assassins, we want you to assassinate this person, there are reasons why which we may tell your or not as a trust based test
>My master/tax collector/local captain is being kind of a dick
>Where is he? I'll "take care of it"


>Hello, I am the taxman and I am here to collect your contribution to society.
>Oh, so you don't want to give some of your money to uphold civility and order?
>Are you sure you don't want to contribute to all the healthcare services, public services and upkeep and be a part of this country/society?
>Then we'll just throw you in jail/out of the country/kill you so you won't mooch off of other people's contribution
Sounds totally understandable, you commie.

>that nose
greek nose
>that skin tone
from siwa, desert region, i'd see how you look after 2 months in there
>that dindu accent
did you hear egyptians talk english? it's like complaining ezio had italian accent


How about the Gladiatrix you fight with, who you grew up with in Siwa? Straight black, dreadlocks, and black voice actor.
Or that charioteer from Siwa, who is trying to act Greek, but is black and voiced by a black guy.

that's not how it happens in game and you know it. also it's intentional, did you play to the end?


desu most people including subhumans like egypsies are worth less than animals. A cat can't steal your car or grope your sister on the metro.

yeah, so did Cleopatra.
I don't understand your issues with her, she is not Bayek, she is a side character

>You are an assassin, do what we tell you, remember, nothing is true, everything is permitted


>You're a medjay, an Egyptian sheriff. The concept of a judicial system doesn't exist yet(?) so you're the judge, jury and executioner rolled into one. You decide that Ptolemy is an asshole who is abusing his divine power, therefore the people under him who pledged fealty to him are fair game

I'll take the latter thanks

does the taxman himself pay taxes?


I'm describing the sidequests, and I'm level 40 with everything on the map done but sidequests. Not to far into the main quest, either.

The taxman pays taxes by collecting the tax and being a kingdom-wide target for hate and contempt.

>I'm level 40 with everything on the map done but sidequests. Not to far into the main quest,
why?...are you a masochist?



I like getting as OP as I can before the main story.
That reminds me, aside from the rare instances where you get stun-locked and killed before you can move again, this game is really easy for playing on hard.

If you're 20 levels above the enemies then yeah, it's easy. If you're playing with level parity then you can get killed if you're careless.


Just got done with the 'sail to Alexandria' part. Jesus Christ that shit was such a mess. Pacing was all over the place and everything was just touch-n-go with historical celebrities. It honestly reminded me of the middle sections of AC3 again. Shit was fucking stupid and weak, it seriously felt like I was missing some missions and cutscenes whenever they did a time skip.

Nah, even against level 40s, I only ever die if I happen to get stun-locked

it's not hard, cyrene arena elite mode is somewhat decent, try that

It was fun tho
Felt to me like a more fast-paced version of 4's naval battles

Beat it

it's one mission, so they made it short, felt alright to me

So did they totally do away with the assassin mini-game where you send them on missions and they level up?
I'm not ashamed to admit I loved maxing my assassin's and even played that one AC that had the companion app with the missions.

Probably be in the DLC which focuses on the new assassin brotherhood.

no assassins yet

I liked the naval mission, I even liked the part where we had to access the tomb and all. Then, it suddenly became this rush to get shitloads of history/plot shit. Everything was being dumped non-stop on your lap without so much as a breather. 2 weeks later here, 3 days later there with nary a proper transition aside from a mere blackscreen. There weren't any war room briefings telling us of this or that battle, no more information on finding our targets or anything. They just glossed over details to get these things out of the way. I'm glad that the pacing is back to how it was in the first half of the game afterwards though. I was worried it would end up being a mad dash to the credits roll.

Thought I'd form them half way through or something. I already heard the creed under the sphinx

>it's one mission, so they made it short, felt alright to me
Yeah, I think that's the problem. It shouldn't have been a single mission. Stretch it out a bit so that it actually feels like a major event. As it stands, it feels like something minor that they didn't want to spend too much time on. It's weird because the build up to the whole thing was a pretty long time.

to be fair, cleopatra+ceasar is very well known story, they probably didn't want to repeat movies
nothing important happens there anyway

Are actually retarded? Not everyone in Siwa is black or even nappy headed