Why don't you play fighting games user?
Why don't you play fighting games user?
They have no content and get boring quickly.
latency and lag issues
and my fingers are made of shit
But I just got back from a Rev 2/VSav tourney, user
Got bopped but had fun
Not a fan of em. Don't have any specific reasons.
99% of them are the same shit of just remembering the right combos and executing them properly, a lot of work and practice for an unsatisfying payoff. Only fighters I've enjoyed were smash bros, MK deception and injustice 2
I do, I love them. I love picking up new games to play with friends and figure shit out as we go.
I would if I had a training partnerrival
i don't like playing against strangers and none of my friends will play them with me
combined with the constant release of new versions which make the older ones inferior, i can't justify buying them anymore
I don't know anyone in person and I don't play competitive games with my latency.
because i live alone now
when i was back in college we'd play mk9 and get smashed, not as much fun without a bunch of buddies on a couch screaming obscenities
Because they generally take a fair amount of dedication to get reasonably good at to the point where you can compete online without getting your shit pushed in 9/10 times, and i rarely play the same videogame for any more than 2-3 weeks in a row
I can't into execution
Not worth the time investment
I get too mad at them. 2D games don't really interest me anymore, I don't like how most of them are a turtlefest into a 10 minute long combo. Only tekken is out for 3D games right now and it makes me want to smash my controller.
I would play more if the developers would stop being kikes and charging me for unlockable outfits, new stages, new characters, or otherwise make me grind for days on end to get them normally. I would also play them more if the developers would give me more incentive to play them offline and offer more customization to my characters without charging me extra for the fucking bikinis.
In other words, fuck you Harada, and fuck you Ono. I hope both of you die in a homosexual murder suicide.
Come fight me right now then
My friends call me a tryhard because they don't try to learn, meetups cost money in my area and playing online in Australia is a death sentence.
There's a reason why he said he had friends
Because they are not fun.
You can have good taste in fighting games and have cool friends too.
Got gud at SF last year. Learning to play tekken now. Going to learn Kof and GG after that. I want to understad all the major japanese fighters. Not worried about NR fighters. I don't care about getting really good at them. I'd just stay scruby
At the moment I can only play PC fightan with a steam controller and it is genuinely garbage
>Can get more consistent inputs with a switch joycon than a steam controller
Gets exhausting losing all the time.
Benny a cute
I can't really get into this genre.
I do, I'm Breaknoon on steam if anyone wants to add me. I mostly play Guilty Gear but i'm down for whatever.
I do, venom is an insane amount of fun to play.
Because I can't comprehend where to begin on getting good. At least I'm good at my babby Naruto games.
Because I suck at them and there's not much to do if you don't care to play multiplayer. I don't want to play multiplayer because I'll just get my ass kicked.
but I do, want to play some skullgirls?
I'm bad.
But I do and not only that, I play the most technical fighting games that are so technical and complex that even a cesspool like Sup Forums regards it as autism
been playing the injustice 2 beta on pc. it's pretty fun. supergirl a best
nice stick no homo
Just start playing, play arcade mode and work up to other players. Make it a game you REALLY like otherwise the time spent will feel like work.
Thank you user.
I wish there was a scene in my area. Kinda jealous of West coasters, even though I like it here in east coast. All the people at my campus play smash.
Somebody who lives in my dorm just ran his first little Tekken 7 tournament in our lounge tonight. I showed up because my roommate told me he saw it, showed up, recognized nobody, beat three people with King, won a novelty mug for a prize, and then played casuals for another 45 minutes with the only other guy who knew what he was doing.
They're probably going to be doing this weekly and will also probably change up the game being played, so that sounds like a lot of fun.
No friends and local scene. Online sucks because lag.
there are 2 types of fighting games
1. Mash X to win
2. Memorize and mash endless combo moves, up, down, X A B B left, RT, down to win
smash bros sort of dumbs it down but it still applies to mash combos to win
I'm sorry sir we're talking about fighting games here
you haven't played a single one for more than 5 hours
I don't have any meet ups in my local area and I'm not willing to drive 2+ hours to hang out with some people at a university campus to do so.
I refuse to play online or via netplay as lag can alter how you play on a fundamental level and it isn't indicative of any local/tournament setting play.
In no game can you mash X to win unless you're playing against literal retards that just bought the game.
Fighting games are more about knowing how every single character in the game plays and their frame data and weaknesses more than combos.
>Yet another person who thinks fighting games are all about memorizing combos when they're among the least-important aspects of almost every game in the genre in terms of learning how to play, and in many cases are easy unless you're using a very high-execution character or are playing a game with no input timing forgiveness
>y as lag can alter how you play on a fundamental level
This isn't 2004 dude. Yeahfighting against a lagswitching brazilian or playing the steam version of any KOF game is garbage but otherwise you're looking at maybe a 1-2 frame difference than offline, and if you're going to argue that those 2 frames make a difference when doing cr. MK -> hadouken you're fucking stupid
>durr 20ms or more wont affect how you play at all
kys mongoloid
Name your game and your country, I'll see you in whatever
>inb4 brazil
eat shit
Name some games
It's very minimal.
But I do, I was even given early access to fightcade 2, and I can confidently say I am really good in street fighter iii 3rd strike
check mate
Why in fighting games threads Sup Forums downright just say it that they are bad and all argument and pride showing disappears
just came home from locals fuckboy, what about you?
What gaem
vsav, was fun
I'm bad right now though
amazing its still having locals I know only one guy who pushes this game to no end called rotanibor
I think the game is growing in popularity offline, isn't it?
And yet you post a picture of a character from a shit franchise, oops!!
Same like street fighter ii x it has like so many offline tournies and arcade streams and jap weekly arcade shows but it always had less players than 3s on fightcade, also vsav and ssf2t are really hard to get into after enough practice you can easily be good enough to survive online in other games but these both games super weird since there aren't that much combos to practice there aren't usual traps like throw bait and a lot of usual mixups. I don't even know what I have to practice to get good in street fighter 2 x
>tfw you'll never be good
>low player count
>will most probably get matched with smurfs or very good players
>can get repetitive or tireing if you don't like the fighting genre
>time sink to be gud
I have many reasons.
The main one is that I hate most fighting games. Have to memorize big lists of button combos for every character. And you pray your input isn't dropped when you enter it in. I have a hard enough time getting zelda games to register spin attacks. The ones where you spin your control stick, not the hold to charge up ones
Other than that, I have nobody to play such a game with and playing them online is bullshit.
Anyone up for some fightcade
idk there are really good people on fightcade 2 now
I do.
melee is not a fighting game haha
What game niggu?
I used to main Rashid in fightcade
I want to try Skullgirls mainly because of Big Band but im in fear of getting utterly destroyed by anyone since the game is already that old and only veterans still play it.
because the only fighting games I like are dead games.
why is fgc infested with disgusting weebs and their anime avatars?
It's hard finding other people in Australia who play fighting games
I'll play ya in GG if you are still up. I consider myself garbage comparatively to a lot of players, but I do my best and have fun.
I play KoF '98 with my girlfriend sometimes.
I used to be pretty deep into fighting games but then I realized I have anger issues and I didn't want to alienate literally all of my friends.
because it's not 1994
I have them too, I get so fucking angry when I play them, I cant even do ranked no more but casual gets me mad too
Because i fucking suck at them and lack anyone to play with
'cause I suck at them
I do even though is true for me too. Waiting for UNIELest EU release right now.
I'm not black.
I don't have them myself but I got a friend who gets angry too easily. Great dude and good at games so coop and fighting games are fun with him but as soon things take a turn for worse he starts yelling. It gets so fucking awkward I dunno what to do. Being "passionate" is what he says it is.
Because the last time I played an competitive versus, I broke the S key on my keyboard.
And guess what happened few years ago? I broke the fuckin arcade stick.
I tend to justify it as being overly passionate too.
It's not exactly a lie but it's definitely no excuse either that's why I just avoid the genre these days.
Because I suck horribly at them, I hear from my fightan game enthusiast friends that capcom basically mismanges their franchises and they make the "popular ones", and I have far more of a thrill watching high level players play than I do getting my ass kicked by one. That and saltybet is also more entertaining to me.
Nothing against fighting games and I certainly don't want them casualized just because I'm shit at them, they're just not my thing.
I do play them, but what's the point if I can't play locally with anyone because they all play League or some other bullshit, or that I don't have an ethernet port in this shitty apartment I live in?
I envy fags that have locals. They have it good
I agree. I am growing so paranoid of "online tactics". I just want people to play with locally.
I feel like fighting games have gone the opposite direction of where I was hoping they would go. 3D fighters like Soul Calibur, Tekken and DoA were my favorite, but everything is trying to be a 2D fighter after the success of SFIV.
On top of that, it feels like the 3D fighters that are left have gotten shittier. Both 2D and 3D fighters have horrid DLC practices that make the base game feel like a barebones purchase with on-disc locked content or making costumes high-priced DLC (Dead or Alive is notorious for pulling this shit).
I also play fighting games more for the fun of it, but it feels like everything has gone the competitive route and everything is tailor made around EVO and other events, with everything else being cast out or underdeveloped from what it used to be.
They are boring as heck
Too bad for online, too good for friends. A personal hell I'm sure I'm not alone in.
How come no good at online?
I have the same problem, but I work on methods to overcome it instead of ignoring it, otherwise I end up with the same problem with the next thing I get invested in. It's good practice to slowly humble myself, and I try to communicate with my opponent to humanize them and learn from my mistakes or hit training mode if I do get on edge. It's still in my temperament from time to time, at least just in smaller degrees than before, but it's better than giving up what you are passionate about because you are afraid of yourself.
They get boring quickly.
For me, at least, they are a horrible investment, because even in the ones with lots of story, I rarely play for more than a few hours. None of my buddies like them, and there's no point going online to git gud if its boring in the first place.
Man I've tried I really have.
I just can't get over it no matter what I do and it's not something that's exclusive to fighting games it's just heavily magnified.
Probably because people online are mostly decent to good/great because of a larger player pool that is by nature more dedicated due to going online regularly. The other hand is only a handful of friends you may sometimes play with.
>it feels like everything has gone the competitive route and everything is tailor made around EVO and other events
That's how they get their returns now days. Unless you totally make the big push for a casual pleaser, i.e Injustice and MK, then your safest bet is the players who will be there a year or two from now that show off your game for you and will be buying DLC etc.