ITT: Iconic scenes in videogames
ITT: Iconic scenes in videogames
ITT: low standards
>not posting the webm
Why is her voice acting so terrible? Why are all the Zeldas in BOTW, including fish Mimpha have british accent?
she has such a nice ass damn
Jesus, every day I see you guys complaining about horrible voice acting, and every day I tell you bitches to go jap. But do you do it? No, you refuse to take the best version, but still bitch about the lack of quality.
If you really like shit this much, at least eat in silence. Dubfags should just fuck off.
>they're all unique posters
Dumbass the french voice acting for Zelda is the best. Go listen to it right now.
Not surprised. Just disappointed.
Kind of doubt it, since all the posts are at least a minute apart.
>14 posters
Maybe because it was modeled that way.
I'll name 4 dubs better than the Japanese counterparts. Death Note, DragonballZ, FullMetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop
Sup Forums is not a hivemind, they say.
The only thing iconic about this is how much waifufags drone on about it to justify their attractive to what is otherwise arguably the least attractive Zelda. Her ass isn't even anything special.
this topic is not, look at the timestamps on those posts you idiot
I agree with all of these. Though Death Note is sort of because is sillier in English adding a humor element to it.
You also have to choose your battles. Only watching either dub or sub is stupid. Gurren Lagann is basically unwatchable in English.