Did you cry too, Sup Forums?


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It was very obvious that they were just canned responses and nobody’s save data was actually being lost by your gameplay which undercut a lot of the impact. It was a neat moment and I’m glad I played it, but no, I didn’t cry and no, it’s not GOTY material.

This honestly. I'm really surprised at how overblown the response has been to this. It was a nice surprise but little more.

Literally every single word you said was wrong.
Wew, good job.

>prompts you to delete save data
>reboot game
>wow its gone


Are you fucking dumb? The credits present it in a way that makes it seem like your mistakes are causing their save data to be deleted, when in the moment it's clear that isn't the case, and after the fact it is made blatantly clear they deleted their save long before that.

It's also obvious that none of the game is real, guys. Why should your knowledge about it being fake matter?

Haha holy fuck how low is your IQ really?

I mean, are you serious? This isn’t just bait, right?

>crying over a bad shmup
emotionally stunted manchildren

What the fuck?

Unironically yes.

Retard, if you get hit while getting help that save can’t help anyone else, that’s how it works, that’s why it says “XXX data was lost”

>tfw purposely deleted over a dozen other players "saves"
>left behind controller
>took a nice fat shit and played on my phone
>came back with game completed

Felt fucking great.

who here /D E V I L I S H/?

only one game made me cry and it's not this one

Data’s stop being lost by the same user after a certain number to counter retards like you or people replaying the same sequence over and over.

it only deletes one save of a player who offered you help so you kinda wasted your time user

what game and who's the trannie

which game is that?

What am I looking at?

No, I thought it was neat, though.

>being so bad you need cheat mode for a drakengard final boss
The current state of gaming truly is sad

Was really hoping for a salt factory final boss like in the previous games.

I'm glad I pirated it.

undertale wannabe known as nier automata

Wow you clearly got everything wrong there was about the ending.

Understale stole it from Nier you underaged retard.

Your save data is deleted from your computer immediately and your username is added to the server database. Your username will be deleted from the server if it gets destroyed.

You are correct in a sense, as it's not the save data being deleted, just the record that they deleted their save data being deleted.

undertale was a nier ripoff to begin with though

>came out first
>stole it from nier


Nier came out in 2010, dildo.

The first Nier.
The one that come out in 2010.

So anything that's even slightly meta even if it's in an entirely different way from Undertale is just gonna have posts like this till the end of time now, huh?

>crying at video games

Yeah but nobody actually played that game. Undertale made it work first.

>crying because of a credits gimmick
You people are either lying or legit retards. Game was mediocre with a terrible story, some of the worst balanced combat ever seen in a hack and slash along with shit enemy encounters to begin with, and one of the most egregious reuses of content to pad the game out.

Not having emotions at a passionately crafted moment is pretty autistic user. Now I only got a bit teary eyed during that credit sequence, but I can totally understand who cried over it.

>whishful thinking


>"Yeah but I'm underage and none of my friends played that game so it doesn't exist"
This new generation is hopeless...

>nobody played that game
i guess that's why they released automata.
which weirdly enough was a letdown compared to the first, only thing it did better was shoehorning philosophy(while still having good thematics) and melee combat

Im confused, are they crying because its sad or because they deleted their save file?

Why are you even falseflagging as an Undertalefag?
It’s like pretending to be a Rick and Morty fan and acting like a retard.

What’s the point? It’s impossible to make the fanbase look worse than what it already is.

Stop wasting your time.

When will ironic weeaboos kill themselves?

Nobody actually thinks Nier Automata is a good game right?

>i guess that's why they released automata.
Nigger lets not get delusional. I fucking loved the game but I don't think anybody thought that shit was getting a sequel. I was there for that e3 announcement, the level of disbelief was unreal.

It's more uplifting or bittersweet, rather than outright sad.

nier tomato is my goty, how crazy is that? Boy I'm such a pathetic manchild

back then people were proud of how strong they are and shit, now fags like that are proud to show how much of a pussy they are in public, same for all men crying reaction videos

they're crying because of the song i think


>the development team joins in at the end
nice touch

no because I am not a faggot who loves cheap drama

>needing helpers

>it’s not GOTY material.
let me guess you think botw is GOTY material

I haven’t owned a Nintendo product since the Wii and I don’t like Zelda.

Why compare singing statues to a shmup sequence?

Yakuza 0, Persona 5, BOTW and Mario Odyssey are GOTY conteders.

Automata is GOAT contender.

>Automata is GOAT contender.
this fucking delusion

>people have different taste than me!
The absolute state of retards

it hyped me a lot, but not to the point of tears
what came after was stupidly short and disappointing
not worth the hype desu

Yes. Wanna fite about it?

>BOTW and Mario Odyssey
great games dont get me wrong but they are overrated as fuck

Eat shit. Millions of flies can't be wrong.

who is this nobody?

A mid-size streamer with the best thumbnails on youtube.

How fucking long will he be rising for, it's been like half a decade

name? I actually like see people cry over video games

Liam, who was alleged to have had a bigger reaction to Automata's release than the german guy who went viral. Rising superstream I believe is the channel.

Salty pcbro detected lmfao

Minute 14 or 15 of automata finale

hows about saying what the fucking game is first

I thought that was cute, but nothing in the game made me cry. The characters were all absurdly underdeveloped.

>The characters were all absurdly underdeveloped.
That's because Taro developed them in his novels and stageplays

I'm usually kind of a crybaby, but no, why would I? Why would I even feel sad? There's nothing except a (pretty good I admit) bittersweet music and 4th wall breaking power of friendship asspull

Hope this is bait

you cant be this fucking retarded

Not him, but yes along with SMO. And you're delusional as fuck if you don't think so.



Yeah I did. Shit was too good.

Birthday ruined.

I can't breathe

Nier Automata and Liam is no tranny, he's a Rising Superstar

Fuck that bitch for crying. Poor downy boy didn't know any better.