Remember when people were paid to go on to message boards and pretend to be outraged about this game?

Remember when people were paid to go on to message boards and pretend to be outraged about this game?

Now it's been forgotten.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Marxist heroes fighting le ebil nazis

>games shit
>nuh uh racist
there, i saved you an entire thread. you can delete your bait now.

That's what happens when you get outsold by Prey



good thing i remembered not to buy it.

double the number of owners on steam

the butthurt for this was ridiculously overblown

there's only one marxist character and he gets shit on, even the black woman gets shit on

you're all crybabies

>goes soley by steamspy
>doesnt count all the ones who purchased via keysites

but keysites give you a steam copy...

>SJWs always project

Same thing as Hatred, will repeat with Far Cry 5

prey's been out longer

you have to compare these games over comparative time periods

You can't go, "wow this game that's been released for 6 hours hasn't sold as many copies as this other game that's been out for 10 years"

I don't even understand why or how it's necessary to explain this to people

Yeah it will

faux outrage gets people to talk and comment and that's better for sales than nobody talking about the game at all

Really if there are games you don't like, the best thing you can possibly do is ignore them and never even mention them to anyone

The sad thing is that they do it for free. There are no shills on Sup Forums on shitposters atop shitposters atop shitposters and occasionally a madman interlinked in there somewhere.

But it sold like shit because of the outrage, it's one thing to do something controversial like Hatred, but Wolfenstein 2's marketing equated Trump supporters (AKA half of the United States) to nazis


What went wrong? It has a lower player count than other single player games that are 3+ years old.

Its because it came out with a $59 ish price tag. A lot will be waiting for a price drop then buy it.
Its happened before & will again.
I bought it for £27 off a keysite. Games fun,thats it.

Prey's sales figures exactly matched Wolfenstein II's in May 2017(the month of it's release). On May 10th Steamspy showed Prey Steam users at 150,000, which was 5 days after release. Wolfenstein II is sitting at 190,000 sales pic related currently 2 weeks after release. At 5 days after release, Wolfenstein II was at 74,000 sales.
They're pretty much incomparable due to the time of release - pre christmas season - while Prey being a reboot of a more dated franchise, Wolfenstein was a direct sequel whose predecessor came out in 2014. The only link is the publisher and the fact they are both shooters.

Forgot pic fuck

Buying from a keysite means the developer gets no profit from the sale and you just earned a credit card stealing criminal some cash. Why not just pirate it instead? It's morally cleaner to pirate than to buy from a keysite. The dev isn't getting money either way, but pirating doesn't support CC theft.

Actually most sell keycodes that are given out as press/review copies.
Also greenmangaming happens to be an authorised seller. So try again
So getting one of those isnt as morally justifying as stealing it from the internet?you fucking what?
Also devs....its Bethesda.

>Now it's been forgotten.
You seem to remember it fine enaugh?
But yeah short games get forgotten fast.

I member! FeelsGoodMan

white women deserve BBC
white boys deserve chastity

But Far Cry 5 doesn't have a political agenda, it's a bunch of true and blue Americans fighting against a bunch of villains who would do harm to fellow Americans, which is what Wolf II should have been instead of the Black Antifa Brigade fighting "white facists".

REMINDER: this shit sold even less on ps4
bethesda is NEVER EVER publishing this shithole again
Todd only likes games that sell

Within the first week of both releases, prey preformed better with weaker marketing than wolfenstien


especially the last part, but that applies to all idiots who bring up politics, get disagreed with, then go "muh Sup Forums mods pls hlp"

Sup Forums is always the first to bring it up, though.

>You look like a good joe

>Remember when people were paid to go on to message boards and pretend to be outraged about this game?

no. I remember Sup Forums getting triggered and throwing tantrums everywhere

This game has been a magnet for neogaffers and Sup Forumsacks to have mindless flamewars over.

>Sup Forums goes full retard and gets triggered over nazis getting killed in a game that has been about killing nazis since the 80's
>everyone and their mother realizes they're being retarded and calls them out on it
>look so retarded, Sup Forums is actually forced to have some self-awareness and realize how bad they look
>t-the jews paid people to pretend to be mad!
Typical. For a group that imagines themselves to be so fucking badass, you guys are stunningly pathetic and meek.

Sure kid

Really desperate to get that flamewar rolling with the Sup Forums baiting don't you, too bad no one cares anymore.

here comes
Salt Kino

bait harder you pathetic retard

what is viral marketing?

Sup Forums is worst board on this site. Hirsooma moot needs to nuke it

>ctrl+f Sup Forums
i wonder who is bring up Sup Forums all the time?

It's autistic trolls who spam it constantly.

Not even Sup Forums man,mainly shitposters looking for replies and redditors from the_donald all in all. Mostly just shitposters though.

Doubling down on this strategy backfired on bethesda pr.

You can tell the person is SHIT of he dislikes Wolf 2.

>we didn't get super triggered and sperg the fuck out over literal nazis being killed
>it was all just marketers guy
Too late to backpedal now, nazi scum.

>Your definition of American isn't political

OP, the reason the game isn't discussed it because it sucked. No one gave a shit, no one gives a shit. The shit storm was literally the only thing which kept it from being completely forgotten

>no true scotsman
The_donald is nothing but sock puppets, Sup Forums is sincerely racist.

>that has been about killing nazis since the 80's

you expect Sup Forums to do research? That's a laugh

I didnt get paid
They gave me a free key tho