Final Fantasy XV

Is it worth a replay after all the updates Sup Forums?

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It's always a good idea to remind yourself how bad a game can be, so go for it.

It wasn't worth a first play.

I've been wanting to replay it but honestly waiting for a complete edition some time later seems to be the best call

>KH3 will be out before XV is finished

this game is bad

Won't take to replay if you skip all the side quests since the game is 90% side quest.

Not really, Chpt 13 is a lot better, but with now NG+ the game is just a steamroll playing it through again. If you've done the end game dungeons there is literally no reason to go back outside of dlc, which is taking forever to come out.

They're not finished with the updates yet, Give it another year.

What the FUCK went so wrong with this game? I'll start:

>You need to watch an anime, watch a movie, read a novella and buy a season pass just so you can have a faint idea of what's going on and who these characters are




All i wanted was that 2013 trailer to be real..
Tabata was a mistake

wait until ALL the updates are out

XV was pure kino

But I didn’t buy anything else than the game and I knew who the characters were

some cutcenes are nice but holy crap the game was a mess

It's a solid 6 or 7 after everything.

And you missed out on backstory and certain plot points because of it.

why wasnt there just a quick recap scene of the shitty movie
why wasnt the anime with all the backstory a bonus feature on the mian menu

The 2013 trailer was never going to be real. Nomura had years to make the game and never evolved it past a handful of trailers in the same setting. I don't believe for a second that he ever had a playable build after the project was moved to PS4. Just a tech demo with map triggers.

And don't give me that "but he had all his staff stolen from him" trash. Staff was being moved around from project to project as necessity demanded and his was the only one that made no substantial progress. Nomura has no sense for time tables and the current wait for KH3 and FFVIIR are proving that. He just wants to make pretty trailers and nothing else.

Is it true that the story makes no sense if you haven't watched some movie and read some comic? If so, that's a deal-breaker for me.

You can just play the game and mostly get it, though a few plot points will fly over your head if you haven't watched the movie.

the movie explains into further detail why the ring is important and why and how the kingdom was sacked

The updates weren't significant enough to fix the core problems with the game. No matter how much they add, Gladio will still always be a dumb piece of shit and one of the worst FF characters ever created.

>staff was moved from a spin-off to mainline titles twice and the engine wasn't finished and when it was finished it was garbage so they had to make a new one. Twice. One custom made from the ashes of the previous one and the other luminous
>it's all nomura's fault though
You sure are stupid user

Is this game really that bad or is it just Sup Forums circlejerking?

It's mediocre that was a huge disappointment to everyone who wasn't already FF fanboys

It's bad.

Not a complete train wreck but still mediocre. Glad I only spent $20 on this

>The updates weren't significant enough to fix the core problems with the game.
like the combat

It was disappointing considering what it could have been as Versus 13. The end product wasn't completely awful though, just kind of mediocre.

How do I up up vote on this

It's mediocre at best. But I'd put it below FF13. The plot feel very unfinished and you can blatantly tell that large chunks of the game and story were removed,

>characters are still crap
>combat is still crap
>side quests are still crap
>no new areas worth exploring
>story gets minor tweaks but not nearly enough fleshing out


It's a solid 5/10. Quite boring and something that should have been forgotten about already.

A more competent director would have gotten it done with what he had available to him, just like Yoshida did with the mess that he was left, just like Toriyama did with the mess that he created, and just like Tabata did with the mess that he was left.

Nomura produced nothing but a handful of trailers. Clearly there's no conspiracy against him as even despite his failures Square is still giving him big name projects, but the fact is that he's overly ambitious and can't deliver. Its Nomura's fault that XV turned out the way that it is. If anything Tabata salvaged that wreckage.

>If anything Tabata salvaged that wreckage.

this mess was a "salvage"?

Android version WHEN

DESU the most enjoyable parts of the game were the more linear sections during the second half of the game. Open world was a mistake.

Wasn't worth the initial playthrough no was it?

I'm still happy I at least got to experience it. I'm not so happy I did as many shitty side quests as I did and racked up 70 hours on it.

No. Hell I still haven't finished the game and have no interest in playing it again. I got the game for free though so It's not like I actually paid for it. I learned from my mistake with FFXIII.

>>characters are still crap
How are the characters crap?

>it's another >Sup Forums blames Nomura for no reason" episode

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. There's no way Nomura would have gotten the game done when his superiors were constantly dragging him away from his own project to assist with FF13/14 damage control.

Tabata took all of the interesting character/worldbuilding concepts and potentially good gameplay and totally squandered them. I'd be less offended if he had just started from scratch.

>yoshida and toriyama used nomura's team
>the first engine was built solely for toriyama's game and was a fucking disaster
>Tabata made a mess and was only saved through heavy marketing
Are you trying to prove how stupid you are

What did the updates actually achieve? Just more useless shit, and making Ch. 13 even more of a mindless chore?

>What did the updates actually achieve?
Just dull exposition, a shitty fight scene and making Ch 13 easy.

We got a pretty significant amount of Astrals lore, a Bestiary, and an alternate ch 13 route that makes it less of a mindless chore.

I did literally none of this, and I understood everything.

>, and an alternate ch 13 route that makes it less of a mindless chore.

and normal running speed in regular Chapter 13 instead of limping everywhere

>makes it less of a mindless chore

All it does is make it a bit shorter. It's still shit.

Not really, maybe wait a couple more years.

They're underdeveloped, uninteresting, one-dimension archetypes and the script is so barebones that their "brotherhood" just comes off as unbelievable.

>b-but the banter makes them good xD!!!
Only if these characters had literally any leg to stand on other than dumb, repetitive one-liners.

Downing the shit in 30 minutes is still better than dragging the shit consumption out over several hours.

I'm pretty sure i am a F2F fan boy and even I hated it, I had to force myself to finish it hoping the ending was good but it wasn't wotht it.

I thought it was a nice surprise, considering how disappointed people were. A kind of mediocre game with some very good highlights. It's blatantly unfinished, though. For me, a solid 7/10.

30 minutes is still too long.

What should extend that attack on the train aka the only good part of the game.

>calls it mediocre
>gives it a 7

IGN really has fucked this board, hasn't it?

The game really needed more sections like the train attack instead more open world wilderness bullshit. The best parts of the game were the linear sections. Going open world then putting fuck all interesting in the world ruined the game.

Also the fact there was only one city that wasn't even big sucked. Made me want to play FXII instead.

>kind of

The highs were very high for me. I also remember the good parts fondly still, while I've forgotten the mediocre shit.

Insomnia not being a playable area was a massive mistake as well. We expected a huge urban setpiece after all the trailers we had seen over the years only to be met with literally nothing in that regard. If Insomnia just HAD to be destroyed at some point in the game it really should have been at some point near the end. At least give us some time to explore it and quest inside.

And ruined Insomnia in chapter 15 doesn't count. Not getting to actually see Insomnia made me feel nothing when I got there. Spending most of the game there and coming back to see it in ruins 10 years later would have made the experience so much better.

What did you consider to be the highs?

I swear to God there better be nude mods of Iris the day the PC version drops

Gentiana already has a nude model in the games files, so all of the girls probably do.

I'm on the >banter bandwagon. The group dynamic felt very credible to me. I absolutely loved the Titan bossfight, it felt epic on a scale I haven't felt in a game in a long time. The music had a lot to do with that, which was another highlight in general. And while I get that the driving and fishing feels like a chore or just straight up boring for a lot of people, I loved it. That in combination with the camping made FFXV one of the most chill games I've ever played. The food looked immaculate as well. I loved the ending, too. Even though it might have been hamfisted, it struck a chord with me.

Here's a good test to give XV diehards: describe Noctis, Gladiolus, Prompto and Ignis as people WITHOUT rely on their physical appearance and roles (king, bodyguard etc). Describe their personalities with what you see in the game.

>next tuesday arrives
>MP mode gets delayed again

I honestly don't even care and I have the season pass.

Chapter 14 is just a waste.

I'll bite:

Noctis is a young man of noble blood, un-prepared for the duties of a prince or a king, for that matter. He begins his journey going through the motions that his father and lineage has laid out for him, but over the course of his adventure, learns what loss and duty is. He loves his friends, loves gaming and fishing, and likes to show off.

Prompto is an insecure young man with a love for photography. His checkered past has given him a problem fitting in, and his weight problem as a boy has made him feel useless even as an adult. He hides his insecurities with a happy go lucky attitude and is Noctis' closest friend, probably because he acts as childish as he does.

Ignis is a dutiful friend of Noctis, who acts and appears older than he looks. He is a pragmatic young man with a strong sense of logic and duty, and feels bound to Noctis as his protector and teacher. He's a man of few words, but what words he does choose to say are charming and thoughtful.

Gladiolus is a headstrong young man, stubborn and competitive, with a soft side for his friends. He wants to see them get stronger and better, so he teases them to bring out the best in them. He has high expectations of himself due to his father's history and service, so he's just as hard on himself.

Just because you didn't care and ride the Sup Forums meme train about the game, doesn't mean the characters aren't good to other people.

I happen to really love the game and it's extended universe and characters. It's really not perfect by any means (the game and it's universe) but it's full of heart and I genuinely care about it.

>shonen mc
>obligatory smart dexfag
>obligatory dumb strfag
Gr8 characters you fucking 12 yearold

>Noctis is a young man of noble blood, un-prepared for the duties of a prince or a king, for that matter. He begins his journey going through the motions that his father and lineage has laid out for him, but over the course of his adventure, learns what loss and duty is. He loves his friends, loves gaming and fishing, and likes to show off.

You had to rely on his physical appearance and role as a future king for most of that. That's the point.

>Prompto is an insecure young man with a love for photography. His checkered past has given him a problem fitting in, and his weight problem as a boy has made him feel useless even as an adult. He hides his insecurities with a happy go lucky attitude and is Noctis' closest friend, probably because he acts as childish as he does.

That's the problem, Prompto is a decent character, but you need to buy his DLC and watch the anime to appreciate him.

>Ignis is a dutiful friend of Noctis, who acts and appears older than he looks. He is a pragmatic young man with a strong sense of logic and duty, and feels bound to Noctis as his protector and teacher. He's a man of few words, but what words he does choose to say are charming and thoughtful.

Weak and you also need the anime for him (although MAYBE Ep Ignis will fix that).

>Gladiolus is a headstrong young man, stubborn and competitive, with a soft side for his friends. He wants to see them get stronger and better, so he teases them to bring out the best in them. He has high expectations of himself due to his father's history and service, so he's just as hard on himself.

Again, you need the anime to give Gladio any depth.

When you do think about it, they really are tropey. Who would you define as a good FF character?

>WITHOUT rely on their physical appearance and roles (king, bodyguard etc)
>young man of noble blood, un-prepared for the duties of a prince or a king
You couldn't even get through the first character without breaking the guideline

>He's a man of few words, but what words he does choose to say are charming and thoughtful.
I've come up with a new recipeh!

Did they fix the useless magic system?

nope. Still glorified grenades

Only in the multiplayer DLC.

>Describe the characters without describing them

If you weren't so autistic, you could just take out the noble blood line, and you have a description of the character. You didn't ask me to make the characters sound like characters you would like, you asked me to describe them.

Again, I didn't say they were great retard, user asked me to describe them, so I did. You don't have to agree with liking them, but this is who they are.

>If you weren't so autistic, you could just take out the noble blood line, and you have a description of the character. You didn't ask me to make the characters sound like characters you would like, you asked me to describe them.
I said to describe them without referencing their appearance and roles (very shallow character traits) and you failed. Even if you do remove those points, unfortunately, they're pretty weak characters (except for Prompto).

>Noctis: I'll ignore what you said
>Prompto: You can't use what I say you can't use to desctibe him
>Ignis: I don't like your description
>Gladio: I don't like your description

come on man

>Describe the characters without describing them
Yes this possible without saying what their roles are and what they look like. Not our fault it couldn't be done with the xv cast

I agree these are basic outlines of characters, but as I played the game I grew found of them. They're simple characters but they're charming. idk what you want from me, I didn't make the game.

Aside from saying noctis was young and of noble blood, I did describe them. If you just want to shit on the game and characters no matter what I say, what's the point of responding to what I said?

Again, you don't have to like them, I was asked to describe their personalities.

I always laugh my ass off when people think the story could have been good, it was a fucking nomura game. Shame about the gameplay

I've never played an FF game and I have nothing against them but... Four metrosexuals on a road trip? That's what took them a decade to make?

Seems really, really gay.

I'm excited for the multiplayer.

footage I have seen from the Multiplayer Beta has not impressed me.

The combat still looks uninspired as ever

Nojima was the writer

>Again, you don't have to like them, I was asked to describe their personalities.

And you couldn't. You described what they looked like and what their jobs are. This is a very simple and well known character test that's existed for decades and its really not hard to do. If you can't do it its because the characters stink.

I had beta access and didn't even bother. Not excited at all.

There's no problem with that, I'm just proving a point that they're not well written.

You missed the point.

Only for Versus. Most of that was scrapped and handed off to some no-name fujoshit

I'm curious, who is a well written FF character?

2011 Noctis

Vapid things. Essentially it boils down to "bros", "roadtrip", "comfy", and "open-world" when speaking highly if XV.

Not that user, but you really didn;'t even read what he wrote. I actually don't like the game, but he did an alright job of describing them. The only one he fucked up was Noct

Speaking of that, Stella literately has more personality in this cutscene than Luna does in the entire game.

That trailer makes me genuinely sad. That atmosphere is amazing. It's awful that they cut the heavy themes of death because of age ratings (and most likely China).

>Noctis and Stella could "see" death because they had near death experiences
>Insomnia worshipped a Death God

This is literally true seeing as they're continuing the xv dlc to the end of 2018

This game is bad on all fronts, a waste of money and time.