Why is Sup Forums against paid online?

Why is Sup Forums against paid online?

Because there are literally no advantages to it

Are you saying that IT'S

Mmmm proly cuz their poor :/

Because Sup Forums hates capitalism

Gee I don't know, maybe because paying to use my internet twice seems kind of dumb?

I don't want devs to spend too much time and money on online instead of on single player

There's no reason they should be charging for it other than 'we want money give it to us'. It disincentives getting online-focused games like splatoon.

Why would we not be?

this is some weird trick of the clash in colors, I see the thumbnail as something incredibly artifacted, but its a png with lossless and on mouse over its fine...

Because there's just routing you through P2P connections. You're not even getting some sort of well maintained server architecture with custom lobbies and chats etc

You're basically paying to use the internet you already paid for. And if no one bought into it/refused to buy consoles that required paid online then they would stop charging for it. But people lap it up for whatever reason

The fee is not justifiable under any circumstances.

The same reason you should be against ISP data caps; it's bullshit they're charging for because they know people will pay it/won't have a choice

Paying twice to use your internet service is so anti-consumer it's mind numbing. It's even worse when there are no dedicated servers being paid for, which happened with the 360.

because paying for anything sucks

I'm not if it offers above average services.

I'm totally against it when it doesn't even provide what was free basic services 10 years ago, which is what nintendo's is doing.

I'm not paying for nintendos shitty online service just so I can play a dying game like splatoon 2 or dead game like arms

isp data caps are a two fold dick move.

They do it because they can and it also punishes cord cutters hardcore.

haters and trolls!

I wish more people were informed. Most people probably think they're paying for 'servers'.

>Paying someone to let you use the internet connection you're paying someone else for

I don't even play online games, I don't care.

What sucks is if you wanna fully enjoy the next pokemon, mk, or smash. You gotta pay up. Oh it's been a year since you've last played the game? Pay up.

I'm not against it. Where profit can be made it will be made. I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive since it costs the company jack shit to run and they don't do anything to improve it

I am going to go buy a switch.

What games should I get?

I haven't used online for any of those except pokemon in a loooong time, but it did prevent me from buying arms and splatoon 2.

I know they aren't charging yet, but I don't want to buy a game I can't get real enjoyment out of eventually without paying more.

If the global trade system in the next pokemon is locked behind their online fee it will be total bullshit.

You know Nintendo is in pretty good shape financially with the insane profits being generated by the state-of-the-art Nintendo Switch and 3DS. Stock is at an all time high and revenue stream is solid and it can only grow. However, don't you think Nintendo could be making more money than they already have? I feel the same way, so as a thanks for 30 years of providing their loyal fanbase with consistent quality entertainment, I propose we each donate $300 (the price Sony wished we would have spent on their ill-conceived pieceofshitstation 4). If you can't afford $300, then any amount would be fine but $300 would be the ideal number. Can you imagine if million and millions of Nintendo's loyal fanbase donated that much? They would be a powerhouse that could easily and effortlessly crush any competitor. If interested in this exciting endevour please send an e-mail to [email protected] for the P.O. Box to send your personal check made payable to me or convenient paypal account. Serious inquiries only please!

With the success of this donation that will surely make Sony cry, no longer will we need to fear Nintendo ever going bankrupt or going third party!

Most online is P2P, and when it isn't, the ones hosting the servers are not the ones getting the money

Most posters are poor teenagers

Because most of the time, i'm not paying for anything at all. VOIP? Why bother when I can get a better service on my computer. Servers? most of the time it's just P2P and no kind of interface to let me pick which games I want to join, instead just random or somehow letting the company pick for me.

the quality of servers (more like host migration) doesn't fucking cut it. no dedicated servers, lack of server browser, etc makes me feel its not justified.

Plus server upkeep is cheap as fuck nowadays, they don't even let players make their own. its fucking gay and its no different than the "convenience fee" that you're charged for buying a ticket online. a fee for no fucking reason

>If the global trade system in the next pokemon is locked behind their online fee it will be total bullshit

Why wouldn't it be?

Lots of cucks in this thread
No wonder blacked shit and sissy white boys keep being posted on this board


They probably aren't going to increase the quality of their online service once it becomes paid. They don't even provide basic shit like voice chat. Why should we pay for something that doesn't offer basic shit?

sent ;)

you'll see less people against it now that the big three are supporting it. Fanboyism rules all.

Because it's not a real direct multiplayer feature. It would be like making mario maker or little big planet levels paywalled, and will generate a colossal negative pr blowback.

>Paid for your system that allows internet connection.
>Paid for your game that allows use on internet on said system.
>Paid your Internet provider for your internet access.
>Still can't use your game online on your system connected to the internet throught the access you paid monthly to your ISP.

Gee, I wonder why.

Paid online is a boost for people to stop buying videogames, also too add the games die after 1-2 years for online play. Online play only on Pc.

I would unironically do this if like 50,000 other anons did the same thing

what online games are there even to need to get this

you're unironically a huge faggot

>The go-to is response is "lol those fags aren't paying to eat a plate full of shit so they're poor."
Well enjoy your "rich" shit eating, faggots.

Good goy


thank god there was a ms paint comic so now I know who is right.