Do you guys prefer to play games with a mouse or with a controller?

Do you guys prefer to play games with a mouse or with a controller?

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K&M only, haven't used a controller in years

Kill that disgusting disease infested rat

Mostly K&M unless the game is designed to be played with a controller like dark souls or metal gear

Keyboard and mouse for strategy games, role-playing games and shooters.
Controllers for fighting and racing games and platformers.

depends on a game

Depends on the genre.

The only thing I use a mouse for is shooters and RTS.

Depends on the music.

Resident Evil 4 is superior with KBM. Fight me.

I use a keyboard + mouse for most games but platformers and driving/racing game I refer a controller.

Keyboard and mouse for shooters, controller for hack n' slash and RPGs, and stick for fightans.

Only fools play with the stuff it weren't meant to. Being faithful to gimmicks is pure retardation.

almost every game is as good or better with a keyboard/controller. if you disagree, you just dont know how to use a keyboard

The game gets too easy like that.

>zombie comes, easily headshot him. Even with the handshake, it's still WAY faster than with the controller
>if some plaga gets out of the head, shoot him in the neck
>pfiuu tsss

There's no horror like that, you kill half the joy.

To other's 3rd person shooters, I only use K&M tought.

You seem to be misinformed. Domestic rats don't carry disease and are incredibly clean pets.

Joosten is cute. CUTE!

It's still a disgraceful and disgusting creature. Would love to give that minion of satan for my cat to purge.


controller but obviously you need a keyboard and mouse to play some kinds of games (i.e. mmos, shooters, etc.)

lol i still use KB&M for ds.

but i will use controllers for racing games and platformers :)

does a HOTAS count as a controller?

Wish I could control your HOTASS.

>Domestic rats don't carry disease
Look up "RBF"
for the low low price of $106.99, you can.


you can't get comfy laying back on a couch with M+K


Keyboard and Mouse for most games
Controller for very actiony games and games with a retarded keyboard configuration

resting bitch face?

yes yes ha ha they're actually one of the best manufacturers of hands on throttle and stick


How are rats as pets?
I heard they're actually pretty good but are they social toward humans?


Depends on the game. If it requires even a hint of skill to play then K&M, otherwise controller

they're good if you're a total autist or vegan tumblerette

personally i'd go with gerbils/hamsters if i was full autism, maybe ferrets.

get a fucking dog

Just get a cat or a dog like a normal person.

I already had those.
Nothing wrong with a little of variety

I occasionally use a controller when reading VNs or emulating.
For almost everything else, including souls games, platformers, racing, etc., I prefer M&K.

Get a different breed of dog than

Keyboard and mouse for almost everything, Dark Souls was the only game I used a controller on, I think

Fish then.

Or get a pet ferret if you feel dangerous

I don't want to

Alright, get a rat, it'll probably have some weird genetic disorder from lab testing and die in a year.

scorpions are cool pets

don't expect them to be social tho

Go play Cuphead with a keyboard and mouse and get back with me you fucking idiot.

yes you can. also im typing this from my bed right now on a kb/mouse

I switch between kbm and controller depending on the game because I’m not a moron who is set on using just one.

>tfw use controller for driving and kb + m for shootan in GTAV online

What's wrong with your dog?

You mean a disease that has only affected 200 people since 1839? It's Petco's fault for selling poorly bred and raised pet rats that one of their rats carried it. More people have died from dog attacks

Fuck off you sad cunt

This is the most patrician way to play any GTA.

Depends on games.

Eurotruck= controller cuz poorfag and don't want a fucking nerd wheelie

All other shooting games= K&M

Mouse and keyboard always.

Depends on the genre.
Controller for racing, third person with no or little shooting.
Mouse and keyboard for the rest.

Not impressed

Controller. I have no choice. Carpal/nerve damage in right hand. I can't even use a mouse. Must be trackball/trackpad.

Even learned to play WoW using just a controller. Had to say goodbye to PvP/guild raiding. Sucks, but better than having my wrist opened up.

How did it hapen to you user?

Rats are incredibly social and require more attention than you'd think.

Never get just one rat, get at least two so they don't get lonely, and make sure you give them exercise and a bit of variety in their diet so they don't get too bored because when they get bored they get destructive.

Also don't buy inbred pet store feeder stock, find a breeder on craigslist who hand-raises their animals

I prefer to play with mouse and a keyboard, but when it comes to some genre of games i just swap to a joypad.

They are super cute and smart and die in 2 years. 2 much heartbreak.

>game is only scary if you cripple yourself
maybe you should just play a better horror game

I only use a controller if I'm running an emulator or the game that i happen to be playing has shitty keyboard+mouse controls.

Plus a G27 for racing crap but i guess that can be considered a controller type accessory.

Fps, rts and city build games---> mouse + keyboard
Anything else----> controller

the real patrician answer is playing with the maximum amount of macros and tool assisted controls possible


>if you feel dangerous

That rat is cute
Also usually keyboard and mouse

>using only one
Keyboard and mouse for shooters, RTS, 4X, etc.
Controller for platformers, JRPG, ARPG, fighting games, brawlers, etc.

I mean if having absolutely no socks is your thing then by all means

Fightings, racings, slashers ---> controller
Everything else ----> m&c

Not that user, but I did finish cuphead on km, whats your point?

I play Battlefield 1 better with a controller.

Controller for emulation + some fighting.
Keyboard for everything else.

I prefer playing with a controller if the game supports it well.

I really have been considering pet rats but I don't have the room in my room for a cage I'd be satisfied with setting them up in.. little ratties are so fucking cute and smart. I've held a couple at the pet store, one tried to climb up my shirt and into my beard, the little sweetheard. couldn't stop smiling and laughing.

I just don't want to deal with them dying either.. 20 year long lifespan rats FUCKING WHEN?!

There seems to be something wrong with your mouse

What's wrong with not wearing socks? It's comfy

This completely depends on the game

Your pets will never leave you if you eat them

>not using an mte+keyboard

Started playing through a graphic tablet board + keyboard.

Never went back to the fucking mouse.

K&M for most, depends how much aim matters in a game.
I can't imagine playing a game like Batman, Tomb Raider or Dark Souls without a gamepad.

More like left is skill and right is casual playing.

KB&M for everything first person and gamepad for most things third person (unless the game is a precision shooter e.g. Wildlands)
Largest drawback to a keyboard is no gradual analog movement, you cannot incrementally adjust your speed, either slowly walking or gradually pushing into a run. It feels great on a gamepad.

>quintessential toxoplasma gondii

whatever the developer intended. assuming the developer isn't retarded.

KB and Mouse.
I don't own a controller because I'm heterosexual.

CUTE! what's his/her name?

I generally prefer playing with a controller, but k&m definitely is better for some games

This is the hardest part. My parents bought my sister and I mice when we were younger but old enough to take care of them and we were always in tears when a mouse died.

They're wonderful pets, smart, cute, energetic, but it's hard to say goodbye.

I hate using wasd to move, I'd rather use a analog stick, is there a peripheral I can do that with?

You don't use a gamepad for analog control, you use one for maximum comfort.