I just can't into the combat of this fucking game. Any tips? I'm level 5 and just got to the Hub getting my ass raped.
I just can't into the combat of this fucking game. Any tips? I'm level 5 and just got to the Hub getting my ass raped
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Don't like it, don't play it.
shoot everyone in the eye
get the .223 pistol (a quest reward for helping someone in the Hub iirc)
Read the manual before you start playing you dolt
If that doesn't help then play a different game
I've played New Vegas a couple of times, got interested in the story. Never played games as a kid and not much as a teen, New Vegas was my first Fallout.
Should I just say fuck it to playing the game and just watch a story recap on Youtube?
if you're using guns and you have no Perception + Agility you're doing it wrong
make sure you're actually strong enough to at least hold a gun
don't put points into things that you'll never fucking use
go for the eyes
i thought HZD was hard and even i thought this game was easy
post your build.
what's the problem with the combat? it's pretty straight forward.
Dont get in combat then
Your build is probably dog shit. Although there are some moments where you will be quickloading because the game decides to shit on you. But those situations don't come that often.
I thought HZD was piss easy, even on the hardest difficulty, but this game is too hard for me.
sort of topic related, does anyone know if the UO patch for fallout 2 makes the game's combat harder? i don't recall having this much problems when i last played the game.
also is bozar a "big gun"?
Invest some into small guns and perception if you wanna shoot things. I think melee builds were kinda ass in the first game. The endgame is energy weapons though, particularly the upgraded laser rifle melts everything.
Also, savescum like the first of the north start and try to steal and pickpocket everything that's not nailed down.
Roast me.
I had to reload the raider quest for the .223 pistol 10 times before I actually killed the raiders.
So, as much as I love FO1 and 2, there is a major issue with how SPECIAL works, and it's that Agility is the major combat stat because it determines your action points on a 1 for 1 basis, and without enough of it, you just suck out loud all day, every day.
If you don't have 9 Agility, you should probably restart. There's a surgery you can get later in the game that will give you 1 more. You can also tank Charisma. It barely does anything in FO1, and you're better off putting points into Speech rather than relying on the raw bonus to the skill from Charisma.
There's a plasma pistol in Necropolis, the sewers. It'll be one of the earliest energy weapons you can get, so put some points into Energy Weapons every level. Speaking of skill points, you should have around 7ish Intelligence. You can skimp a little on Small Guns because there are skill books for that, but there aren't any for Energy Weapons.
The gun with the highest average damage per action point is the turbo plasma rifle. You need a regular plasma rifle, and the turbo upgrade is a quest reward. It's worth getting. You can use the sniper rifle/.223 pistol to carry you until then, you just have to nab those when you can. So keep an eye out.
Anyone who tells you to use the sniper rifle/shotgun combo and rely on the Sniper perk is selling you a line. You're not going to reach 18th level for that perk unless you do some serious grinding. Last time I played I beat the game at level 15, and I started the end game at 13th.
You may want to abuse the Gifted trait on your first playthrough. It does in fact make the game easier. Critical hits are nice too, so aim for those perks.
You may also want to consider the Fast Shot trait/Bonus Rate of Fire perk combo. With the TPR, you'd be getting shots off at 2 AP, so with 10 Agility, that's 5 shots/turn. However, that comes at the cost of aimed shots, which raise your crit chance and can deal status effects like blindness.
well there's the first of a myriad of problems
No it doesnt (Maybe some encounters due to AP Ammo changes). Yes, bozar is big gun.
>3 luck
>5 charisma
>to tag combat skill
>only 5 in PE
>strong back
>not having gifted
>using CH and speech at all (pro tip. those skills are useless in fallout 1)
i have seen worse but yeah, its pretty awful. i say star over and have atleast 8 in AG and PE and than maybe 6 in ST (you gonna get Power armor later which will boost your ST 2 points)
again, no shit you cant kill anything when you have not tag a singal combat skill. you think you can talk everyone to Death or something?
Your build is all over the place.
As the anons have noted you didn't tag any combat skills, yet you put more points in Strength and Agility than in charisma. You keep pouring points into small guns, which you haven't tagged, but your Perception is mediocre.
They're amazing games, fuck off you retard.
I think I see your problem.
Tagging in the old games makes those stats raise twice as fast per investment of skillpoint than the others. So instead of doing like you do in Fallout 3 and NV where you tag stuff you just want to start at a certain point cus its only like +15. You tag things you plan to heavily invest in.
>bloody mess
>no other traits
>3 LCK
>8 AG
>Strong Back
Well, if you felt that the game was too easy, this is a halfway decent self-imposed challenge build.
First off, 7 Strength is too much. Eventually you'll have an opportunity to get power armor, which gives a +3 to Strength, and there's a surgery to increase it by an additional +1.
Perception is good to have, especially for some of the better damage perks. Endurance is probably fine, but you can literally drop that Charisma by a couple of points. As I stated , it barely does anything in FO1.
You need Intelligence to be 7 or higher. You absolutely need the skill points. Agility needs to be 9. Agility is king in FO1 and 2. I recommend having 6 Luck, so you can qualify for perks like Better Criticals (Better Criticals in particular requires 6 Perception and 6 Luck).
I wouldn't worry about First Aid. You can rest in most places, and it won't help you a lot in combat. You can (and this is a little cheaty) go directly into your inventory and use as many stimpacks as you like during a turn.
I would not tag Speech unless you're doing a self imposed challenge. It doesn't help all that much in FO1. Lockpick is an okay choice for a tag skill. You should tag either Small Guns or Energy Weapons. My recommendation is to tag Energy Weapons, and put points into Small Guns and snag skill books to raise it. Put a couple of points in your tagged Energy Weapons every level, and use the .223 pistol and sniper rifle as your main weapons until you can get the plasma pistol and rifle.
After that, ditch small guns entirely. Don't put points in Big Guns. They generally aren't worth it on your first playthrough. If you don't think tagging Science or Repair is something you want to do, hoard some explosives for when you go to the army base. You'll thank me later.
Pick the gifted trait. The increase it all your SPECIAL is worth getting a small penalty to skills since youre not gonna worry about skills you dont have tagged
Fucking all caps typing mouthbreathing manchild.
Just because of this, I'm not gonna play the game. Was thinking about restarting, but now I don't wanna risk becoming a retard like you.
I don't know if anyone has told you yet, but Bloody Mess doesn't affect your damage or anything mechanics related. All it does is play the bloodiest death animations when people die. That's it.
Okay. I'm sorry. Please play them. They're really good.
Thanks, this is helpful.
Read a build you like and you're set to go
No problem. Stock up on RadX drugs and Rad Away. When the Brotherhood tells you that you need to prove yourself to join, bring them, and a rope.
>Int is the king of stats. You should start with at least 7 for skill points and dialog options. There is precisely one dialogue option with a requirement of 10.
>You can dump charisma. Most charisma checks can be overcome with speech or barter.
>Endurance is relatively low value. Stun-locking and burst fire crits are a death sentence at any level.
>Luck has the fewest ways to increase. You can get 1 at the boneyard, and cheese a second point.
>Perks are listed based on your buffed/debuffed stats when you open the window. Use drugs to your advantage.
>Skill point investment is based on current buffed/debuffed skill level. You can cheese this with drugs/withdrawl, and using a higher difficulty level to lower it artificially, then revert and keep those extra points.
>You will never be invincible.
>You can cheese mobs around corners.
>You can cheese mobs into friendly fire.
>Get "Quick Pockets" perk ASAP for easy reloads and stimpak spam.
>Big Guns is useless. Heavy, low damage per shot, high STR requirement, not available til later.
>Energy weapons not available til later, but Plasma/turbo plasma rifle probably best weapons in the game, if you don't have Sniper perk AND high LCK.
>You can "steal" items onto and from companions, giving them effectively infinite storage space.
>Don't give Ian a gun. ESPECIALLY anything with burst fire. He's a terrible shot, and will spam burst fire you to death with friendly fire.
If you don't plan on reading this, try talking to everyone but save before you talk to them.
As a matter of fact, save before every action you think is crucial like
adventuring out far to a zone you need to go but you enter to unlikely event in the wilderness that you get your ass handed to you and
you have to travel all the way back again.
Allies have a chance to kill you so never ever stand in front of them.
Allies can also block you, for good.
The extra step perk is the best perk with a bug that will help you if you're ever in need of it.
>nu-faggas baby
Restart the game with a different build. It's not like modern RPGs that have been playtested to be beaten with any possible build, before 2000 not all RPG builds are born equal. Go intelligence and agility for easymode.
>Being mad because someone played a video game
But I'm the autist.
>Gifted is far and away the best trait. The skill points are cheap with a couple extra points in INT.
>Skilled is a terrible trait. Perks are too powerful to trade off like that.
>Good Natured is efficient, and helps early game. Those non-combat skills really help in early game, and you usually only use 1 or 2 different weapon skills, anyways.
>Don't forget to save scum!
>CH and speech are useless
They're not useless at all. high speech, barter and charisma gives you infinite money. You can easily get combat armour and any weapon you want at level one or two, as well as infinite ammo, stimpacks ect. Shit's op.
>Skilled is a terrible trait
I was about to mention this. Don't take it. It delays perks to one every four levels, rather than every three. At 12th level, you'll have four perks normally. With Skilled you'll only have three. It's a much bigger difference than it appears at first glance.
money is very easy to get even without CH or banter. you just have to be careful not to spend it all early game.
This is a playable build, just put points to combat skills as you level up. Unsurprisingly, complainers are mostly metagamers annoyed that your build isn't optimal--as if that is the point of a _role-playing_ game.
Pickpocket lets you steal anything with enough save scumming
high strength
high agility
high perception
get guns
get plasma guns
get the power suit
>high strength
you only need 6 points to effectively wield most weapons apart from Big Guns
even then you can just get Power Armor and you'll never want for strength
points better allocated in Luck
Did OP just left because he couldn't handle an autist?
Gambling gives you infinite money too, and you don't have to dump Luck to get charisma.
Fallout 1/2 combat is really basic
make sure you have as much AP possible, kite, attack and use stims when you're low
If you're too weak to do a fight, come back later, most random encounters you'll have to run from
it's heavily reliant on crits aswell so prepare to save scum
blood mess is mandatory kys
>put violence in the options to max
>shoot the eyes every time
There you go, Bloody Mess for free
doesn't work that way
the violence level only enables certain death animations and blood pools. It doesn't make the most violent death happen every time.
Indeed it does not. But considering the small HP pools for all enemies in F1, critical shot to the eyes (which should happen 68-78% of the time) will do so much damage the most violent death will trigger anyway.
i wouldn't know, I always pick fast shot
So you pick bloody mess over gifted as your 2nd trait choice? Is this really worth it just to make same animation happen over and over again?
Fallout 1+2 are bad games. Don't touch them.
If you want to know how to easily beat them: Basically all strategies involve going to a place called "The Glow" in the right bottom corner. Then moving to the Brotherhood to get Power Armour as early as possible. That's how everyone does it.
The End.
Go away, Todd.
avoid combat if you want. except you'll suck straight to the end of the game this way, because you'll probably start putting your points into non-combat stats. still, fo1 is beatable with character that sucks at combat.
What' s so hard? You got certain amount of action points per round. Use them. It' s not rocket science.
>3 points into luck
>8 in agility
Oh my fucking god!
Use your 17 skill points, for fucks sake.
Those are both fine, though. Missing better criticals from low luck is bad, but that's the only important loss, and it's not like it's that big.
>he doesn't use Gifted, the only Trait worth a damn
you are basically gimping yourself without Gifted
it's like a free buff with no downsides
luck isn't that important in combat unless you push it to the extreme (10lu+junxed+whatnot). with proper accuracy, you land almost every shot no matter how little luck you have.
>this sniper rifle with good agility and gun skill that basically gets you through entire game, landing crits in placed shots one after another
Luck doesn't really factor into attack rolls. It does determine how frequently you get critical hits. You can manage to get through the game without relying on crits, but they're definitely nice, and higher Luck will get you the special encounters faster, and allow you to qualify for Better Criticals.
>sniper rifle
>costs 7 ap for an aimed shot
>at lvl 9 with bonus rate of fire you're still firing only once per turn
>223 pistol does more damage anyway, ignores 80% of the armor, uses the same ammo, is available at the same time and only takes 6 ap
>the same accuracy as basic hunting rifle which also costs 6 ap but is available much earlier
If you have a hard time just go 10 luck + jinxed with small guns and shoot everybody in the eyes or the balls
how do i create a good melee build in fallout 1?
most of the traits come with a negative aspect as well, so bloody mess is still a viable choice if you don't want to deal with that
Stop it, Jinxed is a gimmicky memeshit that doesn't do anything 90% of the time.
jinxed makes people drop their weapons every single round, user. it changes everything
if anything, it might be annoying because you drop your weapon too
The critical rate bonus from luck doesn't really matter. I mean, it's still nice, but eye shots have a base critical chance of 60%. Adding a few more points on to that doesn't help much.
Luck is just there as a perk requirement and to cause special encounters, like you said. Those are important. The critical chance bonus, not so much.
Good Natured is probably a better choice, seeing its penalty basically means nothing seeing you're only going to have 1 or 2 weapon skills and they'll probably be tagged
Pump Strength to minimum requirements
Pump Perception because honestly it's one of the more important stats because of how Sequencing works
Pump Endurance because how you gonna kill something if you're already dead
Drop Charisma because that's obvious
Pump Int because that's obvious
Pump Agility because it's the MOST most important stat
Pump Luck because crits are nice
... Really you rely on too many stats to really shine in melee combat in F1 & F2
It's simply a wiser decision to shoot shit instead
aimed shots are overrated, i prefer fast shot
Jinxed only does anything if people miss. Late game misses are pretty uncommon, so it doesn't do much. It's just there to make melee with rats really dangerous for both parties in the early game.
Still fun though. And it means you see critical misses more than like one time per game, so that's good. They're insanely rare by default.
Aimed shots get pretty good. You can get 95% accuracy on eye shots before too long, and then you get a huge critical hit bonus and a really good critical hit table. You don't need the extra one or two shots per round when you can just have one single shot that does quadruple damage and ignores armour. Or just instant kills no matter what if you get a good enough roll and have better criticals.
Allow me to enlighten you on the Jinxed mechanics, user. Jinxed means that every time someone (you or the enemy) misses, there is 50% chance to upgrade said miss to a critical one. Critical miss involved losing all ammo in the mag, dropping your weapon, weapon exploding, etc depending on your luck.
The big problem is that the fuckers must miss first. And guess what? If you play on hard difficulty, every enemy has a buff to their perception. Meaning they always have 95% chance to hit you no matter the distance. Even peasants. Even children throwing stones at you. So you have to lower the difficulty for this. Even then, late game enemies still have good accuracy regardless.
And if you play as melee jinxer, there is no distance penalty for AI to hit you since they're shooting you point blank, so jinxed barely triggers.
And if you're using viable weapons, you're mostly killing everyone in one shot before they can shoot back so Jinxed is also useless.
That's the problem with system where AC goes 35 when accuracy goes to 200+Perception. So, the only thing Jinxed essentially does, is that it turns the early game for you into savescumming hell because your weapon skill suck.
The game says it's 95%, but you still miss one in three shots.
...huh. borr
By not going melee and doing unarmed instead.
The sniper rifle's main advantage is that it has an extremely long range, longer than any other weapon. It's one of the better weapons for killing the deathclaws with. Everything else can be killed with the .223 pistol until you lay hands on the holy TPR.
You can also choose not to select any traits at all.
>extremely long range
Not really. It's 50 hexes. Hunting rifle is 45, but lets you shoot twice (unless you use the fast shot) for potentially double the criticals.
that's why you go 10 Luck to counter it, so for yourself the game stays mostly normal (mostly because 10 Luck will also trigger a lot of rare Random Encounters in the wildnerness and sometimes you will still get some ridiculous jinxed debuffs)
but most NPCs get heavy disadvantages regularly, I find it funny as hell to read stuff like "XXX critically missed and hurt himself" or "XXX's weapon exploded in his hand, hurting him for XXX hp" in the combat log every single fight
>I find it funny as hell to read stuff like "XXX critically missed and hurt himself" or "XXX's weapon exploded in his hand, hurting him for XXX hp" in the combat log every single fight
>high luck
>tried hitting supermutant
>missed, dropped weapon
>supermutant uses his flamethrower
>exploded in his hands, blinding him
>he got close for unarmed combat
>critically missed, knocked himself unconscious
>combat ends, mutant is lying down
>nothing weird, just another combat
it's like fight between two clinical retards
Looking at it right now, I think I agree with you. Maybe next time I play I'll ignore the sniper rifle.
Charisma is a dump stat you stupid fuck.
I think that's his point, friend
something like
>Luck that low
>Charisma that high
Reminds me of the best playthrough