Without shitposting, explain to me why Breath of the Wild is a better game than dark souls or witcher 3.
Without shitposting, explain to me why Breath of the Wild is a better game than dark souls or witcher 3
Explain to me how Witcher is better than Black Sauls.
Because it's easier and you can heal in a pause menu, plus there's only 3 enemies in the game with color swaps so you don't have to memorise a lot of attacks through trial and error.
Hard games are just bad by default so that's why BOTW is 10/10
It's more fun.
6/10 game
It's a small thing, but it means a lot to me. Charm and an actual sense of humor
explain to me how dark souls is a good game
good, weighty combat
good bosses
good level design, all hand crafted and interconnected
good unique enemies
good length, around 70 hours on a blind run
good replayability, at least 300 hours worth
seamless but optional coop/pvp
This is why Dark Souls is lightyears better than any action/adventure game that came before it.
Dark Souls was a poor attempt at 3d Castlevania.
Witcher 3 is a meme game with barebones gameplay.
As a huge Dark Souls fan, the second half of the game feels a lot weaker than the first, especially Izalith.
And BOTW is full of copy pasta shrines and enemies and has a mostly empty world. A very poor attempt at exploration game and worse than Skyrim/FO4 in every way.
Dark Souls >>>> BotW > Bitcher
>Dark Souls was a poor attempt at 3d Castlevania.
Because Konami's 3D Castlevania titles were amazing, right?
>this is what soulsdrones believe
>has a clear disagreement between users and critics
according to who? paid reviewers?
both games have problems but both are 90/100
neither is better
no clue never played it
Nintendo bonus
No, that's what the game's like for the 50 hours that I did it.
Bad, spammy combat that is gear based, not skill based.
Mediocre questing and boring braindead shrine puzzles.
I had to quit after I did the elephant and camel.
The game peaks at the plateau, and the fact that you never get any meaningful rune/power/item that alters gameplay after that is a huge waste.
Possibly the most front-loaded game I've ever seen, clearly rushed to release.
Maybe now that they have a decent engine, they can focus on making a decent game for the next one.
>i like musou dodging for 300 hours
>Dark Souls gets worse as you play it
>The Witcher 3 is just a glorified polish visual novel
>Breath of the Wild offers complete freedom to the player
That said, the freedom comes at a price as everything has to be non-linear, so you end up with the story told only in meh flashbacks and bosses all being pretty disappointing since each needed to be fair if they were the player’s first.
Witcher 3 is misguided open world.
Botw might as well remove the open world and play the shrines as levels.
dark souls is better than them.
No, you actually have to time your dodges, manage stamina and carefully pick your openings in dark souls.
Try playing it.
This, BOTW open world is garbage.
I'd have preferred if the world was x4 time smaller but actually had content and more than 4 enemies and 4 mini bosses.
No that's everything from DaS2 onwards.
only autistic shits enjoy clunky games with unfair difficulty
some of us just want to have fun
It isn't. Its just nostalgia, Nintendo bias, and heavy handed advertising.
All the people reviewing Breath of the Wild already loved Zelda to begin with. That's how nostalgia works. You go into a game expecting Zelda and you get Zelda. That, combined with more Nintendo fan sites existing than actual review sites, makes up that score.
It was a neat gimmick game, but really poorly executed and unfinished.
You mean after DS2.
DS2 gave you even less stamin and stamina regen for rolls and timing rolls was way harder there.
Dark Souls is garbage compared to Bloodborne. Not surprisingly, BB vastly outscores it.
For bosses sure, but it's the most viable way to survive group encounters without cheesing their pathfinding.
Remove witcher 3, its a good story book with lots of useless padding bogging it down. Both BotW and dark souls strive for different things so I don't know on what basis is it being compared to each other.
That has nothing to do with rolls.
>18f invul in 30fps game.
>"Timing your dodge."
Kek. Not to mention quickly double rolling gets you out of 100% of situations. It least in BB enemies try to tech-catch you like crazy with delayed sweeping attack 50/50s on combinations.
The max amount of iframes in DS1 is 13, naked with the ninja ring
Most players on their first run will probably midroll and have 10 iframes.
>rolling while fighting mobs has nothing to do with rolls
Worst Zelda game ever made, even worse than the CDI games. at least they tried to have a plot.
It's not about how many iframes you have, it's about stamina.
You can't roll indefinitely (except BB and DS3) so in DS1/2 you have to use those resources carefully.
Unironically following Metacritic?
It has charm and heart, things sonyfags cannot understand.
More freedom, better art direction, better music, less handholding, larger world, overall better stage design, and more content.
I remember when Demon Souls and Dark Souls threads would only get 30 replies and video game """""""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""""""" would call it "bad Skyrim"
Good times
DS1 is 60FPS on PC ;^)
>amazing level design that allows you to orient yourself and navigate the world by sight
>traversal mechanics, combat and loot are all well integrated into the main exploration based gameplay loop
>lots of fun, organic environmental puzzles well contextualized such as eventide island
>brilliant emergent gameplay possibilities
>some great action setpieces before the dungeons
>lends itself well to speedrunning
>almost complete freedom, you're not railroaded into a who gives a shit narrative, you're making your own adventure
>you can parry laser beams, bitches
>you can tame raoh's horse, hoes
off the top of my head
I threw out an arbitrary number, but here are the real numbers:
Flip: 15 or 14.
Fast: 13 or 12.
Mid: 11.
Fat: 9.
Needless to say, this effectively doubled. These are absolutely massive recovery times.
Yes and you can be hit in the recovery frames, so timing is key.
Swipe once and roll twice is effective 100% of the time against basically any enemy or boss. It least BB can fuck you if try this.
Both systems are flawed however.
>dark souls
>pc port
Invul times*
The recovery is equal to the invul on fast roll and less on flip.
12/12 on fast.
14/8 on flip.
You forgot: infinite meals heals so you can never truly die in a fight
Also nothing can one shot, they just leave you with a quarter heart you so you can always revover with a full heal.
BOTW is an exploration game like Skyrim (but worse), combat is absolute garbage
Better execution. It feels much more polished. Dark Souls and the Witcher did a lot of great things, they couldn't tie them together as neatly as Zelda did.
And double the invul
>everything that isn't my opinion is shitposting.
the witcher 3 is good is the most stupid meme polacks are trying to push. At least zelda was worth a playthrough. Witcher is garbage.
>Also nothing can one shot
good to know you've never played the game
>Witcher 3 is misguided open world.
How is it misguided? Where was it trying to go and miss the mark?
Zelda has shallow combat, enemies, weapons, etc.
It's tied together neatly because they really skimped on shit.
Yeah lasers and falls can but i meant regular enemies.
l clearly remember getting one shot by a moblin on the bridge during the climb to zora's domain, it was early game and l had something like 6 hearts
l have no clue where this nothing oneshots meme comes from
>Dark Souls combat
>hit once
>hit once
BotW did improved on open worlds by understanding why they fall short and fixing it.
>non linear quest that doesn't throw invisible walls in the middle of the map.
>uses visual clues to lead players around the world and rewards them for exploration.
>collectables tie into improving the gameplay.
>climbing any surface and dynamic game mechanics maintains immersion by rewarding you for being curious.
This last one is important because bunny hopping up a mountain or experimenting with abilites with no results pull you out of the experience.
It's called "scope". Everything is a compromise, and Zelda balanced the different aspects of gameplay better than the Witcher or Dark Souls.
Amazing that basically everyone considers something so simple to be so much better than BotW!
Except of course the combat, enemies, weapons, bosses, etc all sort of sucking nuts.
>basically everyone
you mean autistic soulsfags
botw will end up selling twice as many copies as the most popular souls game
Explain to me how witcher isn't more than a self insert edgy novela for losers with shit combat and gaudy ass writing.
>play BOTW
>have to climb the castle to fight final boss
>just sentry enemies everywhere
>climb all the way up without fighting once
>didn't even know you could go in the castle
Best game ever???
Broader appeal, thats it.
Dark souls and witcher3 arent as accessable as botw. Normies get mad when they cant overcome a challenge.
>game review numbers represent anyrhing besides how incompetent reviewers are.
it's very probable it's an objectively better game than the shit that you play
>Popular appeal.
A million flies eating shit can't be wrong, right? Lmfao. I guess Skyrim and The Witcher 3 are better than any Zelda game ever made by your own metric.
Thats fucking rich. I love how 99% of the game can by bypassed because of climbing.
>Good level desing
Yeah Tomb of Giants was a magnificent piece of work
Soulsfags are delusional autists
It's a great game you stupid fuck, I played all the of them, didn't finish the witcher because why would I? I don't think it's as amazing as the first dark souls or demons souls at the time when they came out, but still a great game.
Bloodborne has the exact same combined metacritic score (Reviewers and Users) that BotW has.
Easy. Sup Forums is still crying about BotW to this day.
That is the sign of a classic.
>by your own metric
l was replying to a soulsfag who claimed everyone thought it was better than botw you humongous mongoloid
But Sup Forums is crying about almost all games. Does that mean everything is a classic?
Sounds like someone needs to take off their bitch baby diaper and either git gud or stop trying to protect their ego
Why make the statement in the first place? What relevancy did it have?
Furthermore, nobody who has played both games would say BotW is better, it's clearly worse.
I enjoy them both. Stop generalizing you underage bitch.
>Furthermore, nobody who has played both games would say BotW is better, it's clearly worse.
the absolute state of soulsfags
You're having an autistic freakout tbqhwyf.
If you read the conversation, it was talking about combat -- which is unilaterally agreed on.
I actually don't think either of the games are very good.
just played both recently. Dark Souls 1 is definitely much more engaging than BotW. Ironically, the exploration was better too imo..
Because it's made by Nintendo. People aren't impressed by Nintendo's work on its own, they are impressed when Nintendo manages to do something on the same level as games that have already existed in other companies for years. BOTW is a fucking joke next to Witcher 3 or even Dragon Age Origins. It's simply a joke. There's not a single challenging puzzle in the entire game, once you have upgraded armor enemies are a non-threat and all challenge is removed by exploiting braindead flurry rushes, playing and completing the game parts before ganon makes the endboss even easier than it already is which is just hilarious.
you aren't even given a cookbook to keep track of recipes so once you discover the recipes that make full health + temp hearts then thats all you will ever cook.
The game has literally one, singular, (1), challenging enemy which are lynels and that's fucking it, every other enemy in the game is a fucking pushover even the sand worms which are like three goddamn times the size of a lynel, and Calamity Fucking Ganon, who is a joke boss.
If it wasn't called Zelda nobody would give a shit, literally one goddamn collectible in the high hundreds to find ANYWHERE on the ENTIRE map, the game just screams 'wasted potential'.
>have to pay for hero's path even though it's retroactive, because everyone already had it but nintendo just makes you to see the button for it
>all the DLC items are just lazy reskins of existing masks and outfits with unchanged effects (majora mask basically renders all the monster masks pointless as it does the same as all at once)
>Trial of the Sword does not escalate in challenge at all, not even a double Lynel fight on the last floor
witcher 3 eviscerates this and pisses on the corpse
Blood & Wine, on its own, is a better open world game than BOTW.
you can’t even call Witcher 3 a game
Souls was underrated. Witch games are gay and boring
That's the whole fucking point of the climbing
You choose to explore as much as you want
The point of the runes is also that you play with the physics as much as you want to solve the game's puzzles the way you like
Sorry there's no bread crumbs or options in the menu to show everything on the map
Finds one issue gives it a 7/10.
unironically git gud
>finds one issue
>that one issue is the core mechanic of the gameplay
are you retarded user?
What a weird complaint.
omg a webm how will nintendo ever recover???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>you will never be this triggered
Feels good to be a Sonybro.
you're a sonybro but bought a switch and zelda?
I like it better
I don't understand why would anyone think otherwise
DS has a lot of problems, A LOT, glaring issues, in fact.
>horrid weapon and item balancing
>over half the bosses suck
>some areas are really ugly
>badly optimized
>stupid level design
>shitty PvP
>simplistic, bare bones combat system
It does way more good than bad, but in retrospective DaS is really overrated.
As for W3. It's just your typical, restrictive open world RPG, combat is boring, quests are hit or miss (same as BotW, honestly), story is convoluted and generally it has the size of the sea but the depth of a puddle. BotW isn't much better, but at least Nintendo tried something new instead of copying the same shit Bethesda has been doing for years.
DS really did have length but it also had plenty of lulls.
I disagree about bosses. I think a handful are good and the rest are either gimicks or downright bad.
Unique enemies is absolutely true but any game worth a damn has this.
I cant possibly see people getting 300hours out of the game. After I beat it the first time (50hrs) I figured out how to beat through it in less than 5. So I would literally have to play through the game at least 40 times to get that sort of playtime out of it.
Seamless absolutely not. PVP is incredibly intrusive and cooping is gimicky and absolutely trivializes the game.