Why do the majority of Sup Forums hate Doom 3?

Why do the majority of Sup Forums hate Doom 3?

Yes it was a lot slower than its predecessors
Yes some of the guns where underwhelming
But you got to appreciate the atheistic of both the Facility and Hell.
Also the Demons imo were very well designed and some down right spooky (looking at you cherubs)

It was a great game

because the majority of Sup Forums likes the less 2004 fps and want to discredit doom 3

Doom 3's ok. It wasn't as impressive as Half-Life 2, but it had it's moments. Doom 3 Hell is way cooler than Doom 2016 hell, and the new Hell Knight design was fucking sick.



HL2 is a mediocre tech demo for a mechanic already done better in titles already out at the time. Not to mention how shit the story is compared to the original Half Life.

>Yes it was a lot slower
You've already said why Sup Forums hates it

I'm so glad you shared your opinion with us.

literally no one cares about your onion

Doom 3 is pure patrician tier gaming. Most of the people that hated it were the pixel art hipster faggots.

I'd say it's because it wasn't bad in itself but it was called Doom while being more of an horror game than a FPS and most Doom fans were expecting something with fast movements in relatively open environments, not slow gameplay in dark cramped corridors with scripts everywhere and screen shaking when hit.

Also, imho all Id Tech 4 games felt weird when it comes to gunplay.

wrong it was a fps

Not an opinion if it's objectively true.

It's an overall good game, I can see why people would be upset if they expected a traditional DOOM game though. If you get past that and play it for what it is, it shines. Lighting throughout the entire game is amazing and really gets the spoopy setting down for the most part except for the annoying jumpscare closets.


Of course, technically, but not a "Doom style" FPS, a slow and clunky one, like those old horror games on consoles where to most scary thing when you encountered a monster was that the gameplay was so shit you couldn't even react correctly..

Idtech 4 was a weird period for all the id franchises

>System Shock: Doom edition
>Call of Quake
>Legacy of B.J: Soul Reaver

I like it, but I think it was a bad game.

A lot of fights in the first two thirds are boring and repetitive. Imps are cool, but way overused. Audio logs are mostly really bad and boring. Scares are boring. Hell is overrated, it's just fire and brimstone and some masonry. Last boss is ridiculously bad.

here we go again lmao
go be stupid somewhere else please.

Didn't FEAR run on idtech 4?

I wonder when they stop rebooting Doom and give us Hell on Earth. "Start in Mars and go to Hell" is getting kind of boring already.

>Doom game
>you literally can't shoot the Cyberdemon until it dies

Doom 3 was an objectively bad game, it was bad on release, Id haven't made a good single player game since Doom

Doom 3 is garbage in comparison to Escape from Butcher Bay.

yes consider suicide.
You are just proving everyone that says this sort of shit has no clue about gaming. It was a great leap in technology at the time. It was a fps and plenty fast.
People like you look back at it and say it's not doom2 so it's somehow bad.

Quake 4 is actually really good, though.


no the megatexturing shit was idtech 5

hit and miss weapon lineup
underused enemies
levels were too constrictive
basically they tried to do some kind of survival horror system shock thing then realized halfway they should be making an action game.
fundamentals are solid though which puts it head and shoulders above the abortion that is Doom 4.
>Yes it was a lot slower
It's not slower, you both just play it slow

Should've been a spin off and people would've loved it.

>the abortion that is Doom 4

>It was a great leap in technology at the time
Who cares, nerd. If the guns feel like shit and the action is slow, it's not a worthy fps.

It's good, but it's fucking nothing compared to Quake 1, or even Quake 2

Was unaware it was stupid to not like something that is objectively bad as a sequel. First hour of the game wanted me to kill myself with all the pandering "wink wink nudge nudge" shit dialogue. Not even counting the rest of it.

>It's not slower, you both just play it slow
>Game literally has a stamina meter that determines how long you can sprint

are you kidding me? this is the one where you had to pick up notebooks and read them just to get to secret items

I can't remember, but I think a few of the notebooks were mandatory?

thats the least doomy thing imaginable

I both love and hate the demon designs in Doom 3. I'm glad that the Hell Knight model was kept for D44M though.

>It's not slower, you both just play it slow
As someone who never played more than the first level, I'm not too sure as to how you could play it any quicker.

>Who cares, nerd
exactly what your mom said to your dad.

I haven't played doom 3 so I can not rate it
But I am getting the feeling that it was a good game, just not a good doom game.

Look at banjo kazooie nuts and bolts for reference

Wow, rude.

why would you even post in this thread if you haven't played the fucking game

oh shit i'm sorry

It's basically Quake 2, but every enemy is improved and made more interesting to fight.

Sorry for what?

The thing that plebs won't understand about Doom 3 is it pioneered cinematic experience games , importantly without cinematics.
I was pretty happy that the latest doom retained this cinematic feel.

And with forced vehicle sections, unskippable cutscenes and escort missions

yeah it's bad, great AAA presentation but the game's design is dogshit
yeah I dunno why they did that since strafejump makes it redundant
only section where you are forced to wait for anything to happen iirc much more tolerable than anything in Doom 4

Doom 3 tripped over something in the dark, banged its head, and forgot that it wasn't System Shock .

>without cinematics.
Did you even play Doom 3? It had cutscenes out the ass, especially at the beginnig

>the game's design is dogshit
another lol

it had cutscenes but they weren't very long. About as much as the current Doom.

>And with forced vehicle sections
They were alright.
>unskippable cutscenes
It had cutscenes, but I don't remember unskippable ones after the intro. Unless you count combat-less levels like that ship.
>escort missions
Important teammates can't die IIRC so you aren't escorting them.

>It had cutscenes out the ass
it has less than the new game and they are all skippable.

>it pioneered cinematic experience games
That's Half-Life.
Also, "cinematic experience" is the reason FPSs are so shitty nowadays. Go watch a movie if you want cinematics.

Did you retard?

Decent game but not a good Doom one is the impression I usually get

>Literally proving my point for me

ok so you are actually retarded. That isn't the point it was cinematic without using cutscenes.
It had about 7 minutes of cutscenes you brainlet piece of shit.

>7 minutes
proving what point you special stupid fuck?


>No cinematics
>Except here's a whole fucking video of them

>Doom 3: The Movie,' is a cinematic experience that contains all cutscenes, most of the dialogue and short bits of gameplay to tie the story together

Do you even fucking read? You are that same stupid low iq fuck in the wolfenstein thread that posts screen grabs without knowing the content of the video.
That's a fan film.

I actually watched through that video.

He counts the holograms as cutscenes and has 30sec-1 min of gameplay before the cutscene sometimes.

>People like you

I'm not one of those "It's not old so it's bad" for example I enjoyed Quake 4 way more than Doom 3 because it was a better FPS. I'm even actively defending Quake Champions and I was a fan of Quake 3.

Doom 3 was maybe a leap in technology graphically but it's certainly wasn't a leap in fun compared to much older FPS. FEAR was a better exemple, it was repetitive but it was a leap in technology and it had good gameplay.

>7 minutes
You autistic subhuman.

>posting this as if we don't all know that "Game Movie" videos include copious amounts of gameplay as to give the cutscenes proper context
Try again

>everything from the environments to the enemies is steel gray
>fails miserably at being a horror game despite trying its hardest
>story is completely dry and self-serious, in a bad way
>every gun beside the plasma rifle and BFG is lousy
>killing enemies doesn't feel satisfying at all thanks to the aforementioned lousy guns and the fact that they disappear immediately upon death
>almost no music
>takes way too long to ramp up in intensity

That's my laundry list of problems with it, now here's the things I like
>you can move fast (too bad the level design doesn't really accommodate it)
>the plasma rifle and BFG are good weapons
>menu music is great
>some of the enemy designs are neat
>_____that's it_____

I don't like "demon popping from the dark" games, gets me too jumpy and scared. I get enough scary thing in my normal life.

I remember an autistic user from another Doom thread that calculated how many minutes there are of actual cutscenes (IE: Mandatory moments where control is taken away from the player for more than 3 secs) there in D44M and he got about 17 mins or so.

HL2 was pretty boring with some nice adventure sections and some boring shitty sections. If you play it now it feels worse than shit fans and modders would do.

I liked it, it's probably the worst of the Doom games but only barely since they're all great. And it's still miles above most FPS games, I think the same of Rage as well. The shooting's just so satisfying.

that isn't just cutscenes and doom 4 is chock full of "watch le epic animations play and not be in control of the character" shit

Why fanboys have to be god damn half a fag idiots?

Compare it to the new Wolfenstein game with 3 hrs of cinematics. That's not even including the in game cutscenes.

As I stated, an autistic user combed through the videos with the pseudo-cutscenes of D44M and got 17 mins, which is not actually horrible for today's standards.

>The Authority MG with the armor piercing rounds

Rage was criminally underrated, that mission in the bunker where it starts exploding around you was the tits

Never have I ever loved a game so much but at the same time wanted my money back.
>gunplay and graphics are fucking phenomenal
>have to deal with an abysmally shit story and terrible pacing and some Commie and Black Revolutionary politically soapboxing every other cutscene

>the atheistic


All the enemies, environments and guns are outsourced work by freelancers. It is a game made by two different groups of people.

Yeah, gonna need a source on that

Because the guns were shit. Worst shotgun in any game ever made.

You can look it up yourself sport.

*whispers "pistachios" demonically*

Is that really what the whisper says when summoning imps?

Burden of proof isn't on me right now, bud. You made a claim, you gotta back it up. If I walk up to a random couple in the street and yell out "oh hey did you know the shampoo you use has Elk pubes in it?" I can't then just go "JUST GOOGLE IT!" when they ask me how I know.

Yeah, the demons are in the mood for a bar snack.

>faggots hated the vomit that is Doom 3 before Doom 2016 came out
>faggors now love Doom 3 just because Doom 2016 exists, even though the latter is infinitely fucking better and more of a doom game than 3
Fucking die.

decided to give it a replay recently and yeah, what really kills it is the weak arsenal. If the guns were better the game would've been 10/10 for me.

Quake 4's campaign after you get stroggified us easily the best campaign of any Quake.

Doom and Doom3 are the same game dude. One just has better graphics and some better boss fights. They are even in the same setting with some slight variation.

>It had about 7 minutes of cutscenes you brainlet piece of shit.
That's 7 minutes too much though.

Half Life pioneered cinematic experience without cutscenes, and it did a better fucking job than Doom 3, which actually had cutscenes taking control away from the player.

>no one pointing out how it has loading screens
You faggots need to stop letting devs screw you over

Half life 2 had cutscenes. It also had cutscenes where you were held in fucking pen waiting for shit to happen for 5 minutes.

you don't have to finish many enemies if you don't have to, you can just shoot em

I like both

I don't even think there is a single Doom game that I didn't like, some obscure railshooter for ipad touch and a Doom 2 RPG dungeon crawler included

The only entry in the Doom franchise that I didn't like was the movie with Dwayne Johnson

I'm not talking about HL2, I'm talking about the first fucking game yoy idiot. HL1 had one cutscene, and that's when the HECU soldiers capture freeman, which happens for about 15 seconds. Every other instance still allows you to move and/or look around, and are therefore not cutscenes. They're all in-engine real time sequences. If you still have control of your character, it's not a fucking cutscene.
Also Half Life 2 didn't come out before Doom 3. It was also a fucking pile of steaming hot garbage in comparison to the first.

yet all of those cutscenes in Doom 3 were skippable and Half Life and Half Life 2 both had unskippable cutscenes where you could still walk around relatively freely during them to touch buttons and throw boxes while you were waiting for the NPCs to finish their boring dialogue

>yet all of those cutscenes in Doom 3 were skippable
Not him but no.

>Half Life and Half Life 2 both had unskippable cutscenes where you could still walk around relatively freely during them to touch buttons and throw boxes while you were waiting for the NPCs to finish their boring dialogue
And what do you know, Doom 3 has that too!

>Why do the majority of Sup Forums hate Doom 3?
That's bullshit, most people here seem to be ambivalent to it. It wouldn't have nearly such a bad reputation if it was called something else.
It was a technological masterpiece when it came out.

Why is every one suddenly saying doom 3 was trying to do something like system shock? I’ve never heard this shit until today. I haven’t played doom 3 very much but I don’t ever remember getting a system shock vibe from it.