When this comes out, will it seem kind of outdated, because it won't have Breath of the Wild's advanced movement or physics? For most people, it will probably feel weird to go back to an open world game where you can't climb surfaces or do stuff with the environment. How much of a shadow will Breath of the Wild cast on open world games to come?
When this comes out, will it seem kind of outdated...
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nobody who is interested in this game cares about zelda kiddie shit. so no it isnt going to feel outdated to most.
its going to be another cash shop jewfest, take two already confirmed it. whatever hype this game has evaporated.
RDR2 will probably be helped by the fact it'll have things in the world, a story, and memorable characters.
the only impressive thing about botw is that you can climb anything
I'm just sad it won't have RDR's physics. They were fucking great.
By the time rdr2 comes out, zelda will be ancient history
Doesn't matter. It will gain critical acclaim, and it will outsell every single good japanese game from the last few years even if you combined their sales.
only buying this game for liar's dice
Does this game seriously feel adult to you guys? It felt like the target audience was 12 year olds when I played the original.
This is a terrible post, and you should feel bad.
Why is it bad? That was a genuine question. I guess I'm wondering because I don't see a clear distinction in maturity between Zelda and RDR. Is it swearing and feint puffs of blood? Because the writing and humor was childish.
Fuck me im ready for cowboy kino
No because zelda was actually rather forgettable other than the "climb everything meme".
>I'm wondering because I don't see a clear distinction in maturity between Zelda and RDR
You're baiting but the scary thing people this autistic most certainly exist.
How is climbing everything a meme when it's only in that game?
Have you ever played assasins creed?
I'm not baiting. I literally asked. The game didn't possess writing or story that appealed to adult sensibilities. Is kiddie shit literally determined by visual aesthetic or shallow vocabulary? I really don't understand that line of reasoning.
You're trying to hard to defend Zelda. Way too hard.
Are nintendies so far behind the times that they think climbing is a new innovative feature?
I assume english isn't your first language if you think jumping everywhere is climbing? Also if you are regarding a fundamental aspect of 3d platforming as a meme
This has nothing to do with Zelda. I'm asking what makes RDR for adults in general. Compare it to any game short of something expressly designed for toddlers and I would say the same thing. I've never seen anyone say Doom is for adults yet I've literally seen tons of people say RDR is. I don't get it.
can't wait for Sup Forums-tier autists to fellate rockstar for their awful writing again
Cowboys are manly or some shit.
have you ever played assassin's creed?
Wtf? You havent played any assassins creed then because if you think you cant climb every single building and tree in any game you are just wrong. Fucking nin toddlers i swear to god
Mom! I posted it again!
I assume you guys are autistic if you cant tell the difference between climbing a wall, and parkour?
Imagine being this person.
zelda fags think this shit
That would require a lack of autism little buddy.
>get btfo
>well you have autism so haha
the state of nin ten year olds
Well if you only count games where you can magically stick to completely flat surfaces then what about Spiderman 2?
hold on guy those guns are way to small to use in a video game and they are supposed to have a crazy big kickback its going to be a shit game
>Spiderman 2
Yeah I guess world wars are a meme too.
>being limpwristed
Shadow of Mordor alllowed you to climb anything before BOTW nintenbro
>demonstrates autism
>gets called out on autism
>demonstrates more autism
the state of autism?
you mean like assassin's creed?
Yeah I'm sure this will be a long, quality thread with minimal shitposting judging from the OP alone
also underrated
he's a big guy.
eh I didn't follow the reply chain and thought we were just listing open world games where you can climb anything, my bad
>microtransactions already confirmed
na man this guy said they need to be crazy big and have lots of kickback
Are you even surprised?
no single player mircotransations right?
How can you watch this? His voice alone made me shudder
that's right, no single player
na man he said he is a animation major so you need to listen to him and he made a video shitting on mortal kombat he has to be right
then why the fuck is everyone all pissy
all that matters is single player, we know that multiplayer is just a money pit. who cares.
no he meant
no single play
at all
That's just wrong though
enjoy your short half-assed single player like GTA V then
Why the fuck WOULD you be able to climb everything anyway? If they're trying to create a wild west atmosphere and have some immersion it's not like they'd just let you climb 90 degree angle clifffaces
Tendies just now got a game where you can climb things. Its earthshattering to them
I just want there to be gold mining. Ill spend my days prospecting and chasing off coyotes with my 30-30
I never even thought of that but that sounds comfy as fuck, a game where you go into goldmines or pan for gold.
That game is called real life.
Why do autists always want games of things you can do in real life?
Like climbing?
luckily for autists, simulators exist
look up gold rush the game
Zelda is a cartoon.
You can't actually climb every surface at a 90 degree angle.
Red Dead isn't trying to be a cartoon.
Nobody wants to admit it but ALL of Rockstar's games are outdated in terms of gameplay. They make elaborate game worlds with (generally) well-written stories and characters and some of the best voicework in the industry and people just forget the games themselves suck shit. Controls are always stiff and limited, shooting is always incredibly bad and missions are downright lame and frustrating. I don't think I've ever enjoyed the gameplay in a single Rockstar game....RDR was enjoyable in spite of its gameplay. All the things people really like about it have nothing to do with actually playing the game, they even fucked up hunting/gathering challenges by having a stupid animation play everytime you pick flowers or skin an animal.
Rockstar gets more of a pass here and by the industry at large more than any other dev. People just plain ignore massive flaws in all their games as if they're not even there.
The gunplay is amazing in rdr. You can skip the small cutscenes. You're not as intelligent as you think you are.
Lol rekt
No future SP content ala undead nightmare because it’s easier to make horse retextures for Online
Zelda is garbage. Nobody was rekt
Yes I am. Cockstar fans are mindless sheep who likely started playing games in the PS2 era.
Id like to argue with you fellas, but we just dont know anything about rdr2 yet. Sorry boys, maybe in a few months.
>All the things people really like about it have nothing to do with actually playing the game,
You could argue that people play open world games in order to feel really immersed and that "playing the game" often involves just being part of the world.
But you on Sup Forums, groping at every new nintendo title, are officially woke.
Oh, now i get the hate.
>no pc
>no nintendo
I agree with this, Rockstar's games have always had shit controls and movement, very clunky AI and animations, like Bethesda's shortcomings with games like Skyrim, people just ignore all the badly crafted bits of the game for some damn reason, things that other games lose points on seem to not harm Rockstar's games in the slightest, people just take it as fine despite many other games doing it way better and showing you how it should be done.
Consolewars amirite!? Kys
Mad af
Its a nice gun, ill give you that. But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever.
If they dont cast karl urban in that movie im giving up.
I have a ps4. I dont care. Youre just an idiot