Tfw i want to enjoy Classic WoW but i will never have friends who to play with

Tfw i want to enjoy Classic WoW but i will never have friends who to play with.

Funny how life works, huh?

You make friends IN the game.
I've made a bunch of friends playing on Elysium (Light's Hope) and we're gonna play on classic WoW together too.

The fuck do you mean? I met the tightest bros on old WoW. I started playing as a young, annoying, high pitched retard. Eventually I met some cool dudes who took me under their wing and toughed out my idiocy while I became a better and more tolerable human being. One of my biggest regrets to this day is not exchanging outside contact info with them.
When Classic swings around I'll be sure to scoop up some tards and pay it forward.

>You make friends IN the game.
This worked for me and XIV. They're all morons but I love em.

You can be my girlfriend

>tfw too judgmental to make friends

If you can't make friends in a 40man raid guild then you must have extremely strong autism.

I want to marry and impregnate Satania

>mfw when classic is where I made most of my best friends

>He needs friends

vanilla was the easiest time to make friends because you had to interact with people

it's a lot different than nu-WoW where people just stick to their groups of friends from outside the game

When I joined the discord everyone was either orbiting around some tranny or already had a discussion going and I couldn't get in
In game it's even worse, people just leave parties the second they're done with quest

Become a tranny and get your own orbiters.

Make friends, retard. That's how these old tyme social video games work.

>orbiting around some tranny
For what purpose? How much of a turbo-virgin do you need to be to orbit a neckbeard on hormones?

Just in case, NEVER EVER play with /vg/.

Whats my waifu laughing at?

You don't join discords, ever.
Discord is for bottom feeding faggots. Find people questing in game and invite them to a group Made tons of friends and met tons of cool people doing things like that back in the day.
Just don't even use fucking discord or other similar bullshit

your dick

I'll be your friend if you have cute butt and let me touch it.

I think he just wants regular friends, not boy friends.

lets make an anime guild OP, horde only, no non weeb faggots

when i was doing stuff on nost, people were very willing to talk and joke especially if you broke the ice. you'll usually get in on a lowbie guild pretty quickly and can chat with people there, and general chat in some zones is pretty active. also since the retail servers will (presumably) be split up to be smaller than nost which was just everyone on one realm, you'll probably get to know the people on your server pretty quickly.

i'm on plenty of discords that are solid, i've also left plenty that are pure cancer. the ones that are good i end up wanting to go back to. discord is basically modern irc or modern skype and it all depends on the people in the server and how retarded or not retarded the people running the server are. some servers you can tell are going to be cancer just by looking at the rules they put up.

You'll make friends. I've always been socially retarded and even I had friends in vanilla. I was an awkward 16 year old. Got into a guild with other awkward kids and middle aged people, so many walks of life. You HAD to make friends.

>modern Skype or irc
that's not a good thing, but if you enjoy discord then you're already lost. sorry, I can't help you

But alliance has cuter races... I'm going to be a night elf.

I hate Horde shitters.

Please stop posting my waifu thanks

vanilla horde > vanilla alliance > nu-alliance > nu-horde

prove me wrong

I'm gonna fuck this retard to death with my cock

Horde is full of nu-males and i'm sick of them.

No bully

My waifu is NOT retarded

better than playing with the mongoloids who pick night elves or gnomes

No it isn't.

>Satania posters