Friend forgets to go offline before playing h-game on steam

>friend forgets to go offline before playing h-game on steam

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is this the erp thread

It's always entertaining isn't it I never forget to go offline
The sauce for anyone interested

>not gifting your friends H-games

anime girl

all weebs must fucking hang

off your dick? :d


Doesn't look like /trash/


who plays /vr/ here?

I judge any of my friends even playing weeb games. Last kid that played Doki Doki got several death threats to the point where he blocked me.

>Playing H-games
>On steam
>Having friends

I play online and gifted multiple of my friends Meltys Quest already.
I don't give a fuck and I love spreading around good games

>not leaving it in online to encourage intruders

I want an user to fuck my tight pink hole.

you wish, i bet it's burnt sienna

Shave your legs, put on a wig and some stockings then we have a deal

>steam finally reached a point where a dumb situation like this is actually legit
Thank you based Japan for releasing their silly RPG Maker games on Steam.

It will soon.

>Meltys Quest
Okay after a glance at the steam page, does this horrible monster actually force the brown knifeear main character to swallow his hotdog?!

Prepare to get ravaged by my chance strapon

>buying h games on steam

I already shave, my natural hair is longer than a lot of girl's and I've got mule pairs of stocking for you to pick from.
Yes, please.

Can someone explain what happens in this? Besides the sex of course.

What's a 'chance' strapon, that a brand name or somesuch

I could honestly not give even an ounce of a fuck. So long as my profile isn't an embarrassing amalgamation of Sup Forums ERP and Steam friend threads, I have nothing to be embarrassed about.

Chance is a horsecock dildo on bad dragon

>Last kid that played Doki Doki got several death threats to the point where he blocked me.
That's autistic as fuck, user.

Ah, I see then

got anything I can add you on?

Thank you, you spoonfeeding bastard. You glorious bastard.

Post whatever you prefer to use.

this is very important
flared or unflared?


>user posts cropped porn as an OP again

Shut the fuck up you bait-poster
There is no h-games on steam, they dont allow it. And it does not show you play non-steam games unless it is on U-play or sometimes Orgin.
Stop lying to get )you)'s

>they dont allow it

post your discord

>Having friends in steam at all

Ok you fucking little shit link me one (1) Hgame that has hentai in it without mods sold on steam

If you weren't some entry level newfag you'd know just from the bangs it's the mom from Kanon.
I mean it could be Nayuki, but it's way more likely to be her mom.



what did you expect? he posted boku no entry level academy. at least I forgive him because invisitits is best girl


i'll be your friend


Eeh..i guess she erases his memory so he becomes her fucktoy.

Flared of course

It must be so easy to get laid if you're gay. Probably the only thing I envy from faggots

g o o d taste

don't a bigot user

just look at these qts