Nitendo isn't SJW

>Nitendo isn't SJW

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Is this another case of quality Treehouse localization?

That's fujob8ing, they have to pander to their female fanbase.

Leon is the best tho

No, Leon is just a straight up fag.

Gay guys are the exact opposite of SJWs. They love men and don't put up with women and their dumb bullshit.

No, is in the original.

also the original gay romance with niles and rhajat where eliminated and change with the het ones, the problem is that het romances are shit for these 2 characters.

nah, the LGBT community is getting bigger there, is not onl fujoshis, also the own japanese market, and western countries, FE16 would have gay romances and characters, belive me.

Leon is a THOT, but a good thot.

I'd lick his bussy

i want to pound his boipussy

>het romances are shit for these 2 characters.
>for these 2 characters.
Het romances are always shit. There is no exception.

Why would Rhajat be exclusively a lesbian? She's just meant to be Kamui-sexual. Also, don't expect anything but one or two gay characters that only your self insert can romance in FE16.

The Tale of Genji has men lusting after each other. Gay sex isn't some new phenomenon in Japan.

The flamboyant gay character is a classic anime archetype, and has nothing to do with SJWs.

They used to say No Homo tho


Pick two

>mfw lala prancing homo man was one of the biggest and most loyal bros in the show
>literally never gave up on Simon even when others did

I found him really well characterized even as a gay character which is rare. Valbar's respect and friendship with him despite not being able to return Leon's feelings due to being straight and suffering from the loss of his family makes for a pretty mature and moving platonic relationship. And I say all of this who has no particular care for any of this sort of thing.

Gay dudes are almost the most loyal bros. They understand the strength of the bonds between men in a way that betacuck loser straights never could desu.

Yeah for some reason these characters always end up being the most level headed and the best bros. Must be gap moe.
Hey OP look at this one, he's even a nigger. Are you triggered?

He got his info wrong. There was a unique support conversation for the lesbian option that was changed in the localization. Now the dialogue is just like the straight option. I imagine it's probably because treehouse is both lazy and because they wanted to force the creepy stalker image the character had since the lesbian support didn't focus on those traits at all.

It's probably because of what said. The more a character likes women, the more of a selfish unprincipled scumbag they are. It's one rule of fiction and life that never fails to ring true.

>kill yourself
Pick two and only two.

Is one of the heavy-hitting beefcake units gay yet?

He meant that Rhajat's support with a Femui had a vastly different plot than with the male one. It even involved Rhajat being insecure because they were both women. It was really sweet.

>tfw Fire Emblem has the shittiest taste in men

Does he count as gay though? Because he refers to himself as having a woman's heart which is Jap speak for transsexual.

This sub human might be what you're looking for. Although his homosexuality was removed in the localization.

Imagine being so thin-skinned that a single gay character out of a cast of like 30 characters is an example of “SJWs” taking over the industry

So does Leon in japanese.


Putting gay people in your game isn't SJW. it only becomes SJW when you specifically do it to fill some kind of diversity quota. But if you do it just because you want to do it, it's just fleshing out your characters.

First, Nintendo isn't Intelligent Systems. Second, having a gay character doesn't make it sjw.

Because gaybros are always the most level headed and best friends you can have in real life too.

It's hilarious that there are still so many people around here that say something like this and are being completely genuine.

Gay characters used to barely exist in fiction. Functionally there's no difference between people adding in a gay character because of the era we live in and someone adding one in because they wanted to fill in some diversity checklist as long as they actually write the character well. It's a work of fiction, everything is in it because someone wanted it in there.

Just call shit writing shit writing, anytime I see someone talking about "forced diversity" I know I'm in for a level of intellect matching that of a typical youtube comment section.

The gay dude in 7th Dragon III was also one of the most loyal bros All the way until the very end

I'll call shit writing shit writing when it's just that.

Nigga helped ruin everything though

Surprisingly, Treehouse wasn't involved with it at all, it was done by 8-4.

Makes sense it wasn't treehouse actually. The dub is actually good, and there aren't memes shoved into any of the dialogue.

I want to fuck that Leon

I hope you're ready for the gayest gay shit in japanese gaming coming to the west next year.
I can already see the Sup Forums shitposting.

>gay = sjw
Give me a break.

Fab as fuck.

thats traditional brazilion dance

Sylvia-chan is best girl.

Looks like fujoshit for the female audience.

OP, it became really obvious that this was a shit false flag when you criticized gay men. Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about male fags anymore, in fact, nobody cares about them anymore. SJWs don't ardently defend them, and the right has moved on to more morally offensive things to lynch. Try again, but maybe with Link or Mario crossdressing, that's still controversial.

The one dancing it is literally gay though. Japan doesn't really into trans*shit the same way America does, but as a japanese character Sylvia uses female pronouns and likes dudes.

>next year

It was announced for 2018. Do you think it will be delayed?

>gay is SJW
But OP, that'd make you an SJW

8-4 are huge neofag sjws


yaoi is not sjw

Gay characters can be done well. I didn't know arcade gannon was gay for a long time.

He was gay?

Wait a minute, Leon was gay? He hides it well.

Whats wrong with having gay characters. The game isn't even in your face about it, he isnt just a stereotype either or some pandering like ME:A or DA:I

Its not SJW to have gay characters in your game, it IS to force diversity and LGBTQ+ characters for the sake of inclusion.

Nu-FE is legitimately written like Tumblr did the translation. They use modern phrases and are obnoxiously overdramatic about everything. Probably because Tree house and 8-4 had blatant regressives among their staff who "LOVE VIDYA XDXD" but can't write to save their fucking lives, because they spent their whole life being outraged about things on tumblr and never learned a real talent.


That's literally the only thing he talks about.
Granted most Echoes' characters are pretty monodimensional due the lack of supports, but there really isn't much to him beside wanting Valbar to pound his boipucci.

Leeron was probably the biggest example of "total bro I expected to be a total fag" I've ever had the pleasure to witness.

>Japanese gay characters > Western gay characters
>Japanese Black characters > Western Black character

What's wrong with that one? She had to pee, it's taken out of context for the reaction image.

straight as a arrow bro

She's an adult, adults do not talk like retarded toddlers.

He was gay 25 years ago when the game released.

Only more "subtle"

She looks like a teenager, maybe early twenties at oldest, to me.


They're also just as fond of rewriting and 'augmenting' scripts as Treehouse. Birds of a feather.

lol, gaiden units weren't characters, he wasn't gay, but he don't have any personality like all gaiden units

It's all right when glorious nippon does it.

That's literally what happened. They started an official tumblr page at the same time as the shift in quality.

Exactly. You only find out if you attempt to romance him or go really, really deep into his conversation trees (but don’t quote me on the latter)

Is there anything the West can write well?

Why can't we all just be born Japanese :(

why dont you go back to your containment board fag

(((((Who))))) told you that?

They changed the gay s-supports to match the straight ones because the gay ones in JP treat being gay like it's an abnormal/undesirable thing.

You act like old-FE is the paragon of writing.

When did japan start shovinv these angendas down our throat.

it is something the series was generally praised for before awakening happened and """saved""" the FE franchise

Compare to Awakening and Fates? Yeah definitely. Im sure treehouse and NoA made it worse than it already was though

That's a pretty good backstory
Not any dick sucking or anything, just a hopeless romantic who's motivated by the people they fall in love with

Okama have been in nip games forever. It's just the degree to which they're stereotypical and treated like jokes that's changing. Even now, they're still not SJW-approved.

Yeah by dumb retards. Only 4 and 9 have decent stories.

Is that image supposed to be a bad example? Have you never had a conversation with another human being?

>because the gay ones in JP treat being gay like it's an abnormal/undesirable thing.
They really seem to like those kind of changes, like how they change Charlotte telling Aniki that she'll give up on manhunting for good due to how it pisses him off in how it distracts the army, and feeling a bit awkward, and overwhelmed to tears about the whole situation because gotta be a strong independent wymwn or something who's always on top of things, can't bend down or be emotional in front of The Man

*during the proposal, I forgot to add

Yeah, and it wasn't that static, dry, and worthless.

Although this is not an example of an SJW thing (gays do exist you know), I think it does say something about SJW culture that we've reached a point where anything that coincides with the SJW ideals (like gay / trans / stronk womyn prominence) makes people fear, reflexively, that things were compromised as part of an agenda

okay you're just lying to tell yourself you are right. fuck off.


An agenda is still an agenda. Why would they allow such shit writing to get through if not to pander to tumblrinas. It was fine when it was a joke, but now it's suppose to be taken more seriously.

Motive is important when determining if something is truly SJW or not.

Japan has lots of gays and lesbians in their media but it's not usually done out of a desire to create diversity but out of a desire to create boners. If the intent it for it to be hot to someone then it is not SJW.

That being said, I never played the game that screecap is from and do not truly know the context. I assume it is just fujo bait as it normally the case when an attractive character is gay.

Try DB:Fusions

There's no need for this cherrypicking bullshit. Every FE game has a range of low and high quailty.

What fucking agenda? Nips do not give a single shit about western politics

Is this support supposed to be superior somehow? Girl has an oh-so-unique-and-amusing quirk where she can't control her grimacing around the objects of her racist hatred even when she's not angry, and the highly original big-scary-guy-who-is-actually-a-softie is intimated by her, complete with comical shrieking. Eventually they exchange a minor amount of background information on their countries and historys, amidst the continuing animu shenanigans. In the FE9 support, two fairly normal guys have more natural if boring discussion about various aspects of their lives, amounting to some meager world-building all the same. It's nothing more than a matter of opinion if you prefer the greater abundance of cartoonishly exaggerated character traits in Fates to the generally drier old writing.

Thats fujo bait you retard.

I want to orally assault Nowi's belly button.