These are your supports and healers. Be nice to them for they're the ones making sure you stay alive

These are your supports and healers. Be nice to them for they're the ones making sure you stay alive.

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but like 2 of them are bad guys

But they don't ever actually heal me even when I smash, so fuck them.

Ana > Mercy > Sym > Zen > Lucio > A Dog Turd > Moira

Zen is my only main support I pick

Ana is annoying to use, so is Lucio and Sym (though I pick her more often just because I like seeing her in the vampire skin)

Mercy is on my “fuck no” list along with Pharah and Widowmaker because I have fucking standards.

>they're the ones making sure you stay alive
That is wrong because I don't play tanks or anything else with huge hitboxes. I stay alive because I outplay and outwit my enemies and do not rush to my death. The healing from a dedicated healer now and then is merely a matter of convenience and I constantly pick up health packs when flanking as there's no healer nearby anyways.

>thinking Symmetra is a bad guy
someone didn't read her comic
She's conflicted.

Moira is fun as fuck to play. She is my new main.

Why is that battleborn character in there?

>playing sexist games where female=healer most of the time

What, just because Lucio and Symmetra are brown?

3 of them are female
1 is male and another is a male voiced robot

Symmetra isn't a healer.

they both cover their eyes with shades because they have something to hide. if that doesn't scream badguy then I don't know what does

conflicted, autistic, same thing really. I bet she’ll realize how crooked her people are and somehow justify it all to herself and stick with em.

Blanka pls get off of this site I don't think your mom would like you on here.

Ironically they both use technology that originated from the same source:

>Symmetra: You should return what you stole from Vishkar.
>Lúcio: Stole? Psh. You need to go ask your bosses where it all came from; then we can talk.


What Symmetra doesn't know is that Vishkar, or at least her boss Sanjay, is in cahoots with Talon. Sanjay is part of Talon's inner council alongside Doomfist, Reaper, Moira, and Maximilien.

I don't even consider the autistic thing to be canon. Yeah, the writer may have said that's what they meant by her "where I fit on the spectrum" line...but it's obvious it was just a figure of speech. In fact it likely references light (the visual SPECTRUM of electromagnetic waves). Light is important with Symmetra because she uses "hard light" technology to create shit and laser people to death.

She doesn't understand emotions and wants to impose her idea of order and harmony on the world everyone else's thoughts be damned. Those are symptoms of autism.

But Talon are obviously the good guys who know a secret so terrible they have to deal with it themselves.

"The Iris" is another god program working on a secret plot to overthrow humanity. It's biding it's time and putting all the pieces in place first though.

Either that or Sombra is about to discover that shit about The Iris. I mean the big baddie she's after is always represented by a giant EYE symbol.

Doomfist wants to start another war to mess up its plans and make humanity stronger for the inevitable confrontation.

I like this idea.

Oh god I hope Moira becomes super viable

I am sick to fucking death of Mercy having to be on every single team in comp, there's no variation

Do your job like everyone else and fuck up while you do it. Self centered fag

I thought Reaper was just a mercenary that usually works for Talon but is otherwise not part of them?

Na reaper and Widow are Talon. Sombra is the Freelance Merc

>do your job
>fuck up

It's overwatch alright

>I did what I was surposed to do, praise me as gods gift to the game!

Welcome to overwatch, all the teams are 90% the same because guess why? the balance is shit and only a faction of the cast is 'win' viable.

Reaper is a big boss. Widowmaker and Sombra are mooks.

Mercy will always be the most-picked healer because of Resurrect and simple mechanics.

>people getting super invested in lore that is made up on the fly
This isn't a case of sequels coming out and expanding shit, the writers literally are making it up as the go along. Guess it compliments the balancing.

>being nice
>to anyone that plays symmetra
if there is a symmetra main on your team do the right thing for humanity and call them an autistic fuck scumlord
lucio is the only good support because he is secretly a dps, same with zen, mercy is for braiindead women and ana is middle of the road

The Iris is definitely something important to the plot. Take a look at one of the maps that didn't make it into the game. This is from footage shown at Blizzcon of early game development.

Fun to play, rock solid all-around and pretty much devoid of weakness now that she's getting her damage back because lolMercy.
Giving a character an AoE speedboost in a game where the maps are by design a series of chokepoints was a massively fucking stupid idea that should have been realized and fixed six plus months ago. He desperately needs to have speedboost yanked off or made self-affecting only for the health of the game so that more than one other support can be played at a given time.
No one who plays this character is actually good at it or the game. Her revamp was beyond fucking retarded and the latest coming nerfs (casting time for res) won't be so much a nerf as forcing Mercy players to stop being as retarded as their hero and suicide diving into the enemy team for a pointless res.
Not actually a support. Underrated at higher tiers, but only playable on defense unless you have the game-sense and positioning knowledge of about the top 1% of players in order to play her on KOTH in certain situations. Shield Gen is also pretty much useless unless you're the outright better team and not dying ever.
Fun as all hell, well balanced, competes pretty well with Moira for the off-support role. Discord is amazingly useful and he's much better against tanks/armor/mccree. Occasionally a dead weight against highly aggressive teams/comps.
Also fun and well balanced, much better than Zen at dealing with flankers who aren't Reaper. Pretty hugely disruptive and survivable so long as McCree isn't bumbling around. Pairs really well with Ana and is about the only hero who can keep Tracer and Genji from raping their team on a consistent basis.
Secretly a Support, requires a mobile team comp, has a massive skill floor that prohibits her use below GM, hugely dependent on the map/point, is either going to be game-winningly disruptive or game-losingly useless depending on a lot of factors. Not all of which are in her control.

Go back and re read your post then realise I was making a joke from your typo

>Shield Gen is also pretty much useless unless you're the outright better team and not dying ever.
>75 extra health that auto-regens is bad

Characters with Armor greatly appreciate Shield since the Shield takes damage before the Armor and the Armor still reduces damage. Shit if Orisa could have 100 more health as Shield she'd finally be a viable tank.

no, it will either be 100% like she is right now (because she is broken af) or 0% (because nobody actually likes the boring piece of shit that is mercy so if they aren't forced to play her why the fuck would they?) The only exception to this are those GM mercy mains who need to rely on their crutch as hard as possible.

It's like all you sacks of shit forgot that Mercy has a 30% damage boost beam and a res too (double res with Ult). Fucking hell she's more than just a heal beam.

I’m almost worried to asked but

What happens if you nano boost a Moira with Ult up? Is it a deathray?

The problem that makes shield gen bad in almost every situation is that teleport is pretty much just a 6 person res and being able to res your team is just better than 75 health unless no one's actually dying. The only hero really hurt by shield gen in a major way is Pharah who has to mobility to just hunt it down almost every time it shows up.

Or we just realized shooting stuff is both easy and boring. Tanks and pure healers are the things to play. You're a faggot if you care about dps, or even worse if you try to pick a healer to dps with.

It's OK.
It looked like it was doing around the same damage as Sym does with her fully charged left click. I only saw it on a PoTG though.

He meant Zenyatta

I'm the one making sure I'm alive by not playing like an idiot. Healers can get some ult off me as I run to the healthpack though

>Or we just realized shooting stuff is both easy and boring.
>coming from a mercy main, the very definition of both easy and boring
>not being a zen/lucio main
>not deleting dps characters off the earth for poking their head out of shield
>not dancing around a zarya spamming voice lines before booping her and a reaper off of a cliff
top kek
let me guess is your main tank to

I really want to fuck that call center girl.

Not really. Her ult isn't crazy damage (on a single hero) even with nano. It just lasts forever and tends to win fights even without Ana's aid. It's honestly better to just give the nano to your DPS heroes. When she starts melting teams is on certain maps when she can catch an entire team in a narrow corridor and even then it still won't be enough damage to win her many potgs. Also, any form of stun takes Moira out of her ult immediately. Hook, Flashbang, Emp, even Sombra's basic hack will cancel Moira's ult immediately.

What makes Moira really good with - and really bad against - Ana is her grenade. The extra healing on people is amazing for her, laying into anti'd people is outstanding, and getting anti'd or slept is pretty much a death sentence for her.

I can already image people panic as they see that ball thing bounce around a room.

Shit man, maybe Blizzard isn’t beyond hope.

She really should be reclassed into a Defense hero.

>Zenyatta is a bad guy

Guess I'm fapping to Mercy tonight.

Sorry but I'm not fucking shit at videogames.

>enchantress, necrolyte, pugna on that list
Did you just throw in anyone with a heal skill? Why isn't lc there too in that case

D. Va eats the orbs for breakfast. Genji can also deflect them and turn them to his side. Those two will become 100% picks if Moira turns out to be good.

cutest healer coming through