Pick torbjorn

>pick torbjorn
>get banned
nice game

Other urls found in this thread:


>we saw that Riot was successful by shitting on their playerbase by building the system around whiny, spoiled brats who think that they deserve to have their boots licked by their whole team when 90% of the time they're the anchor, so we've decided to build our rule system the same way

Ironically the HotS team doesn't pull this shit despite that game being a literal moba instead of a hybrid one.

HOTS revels in its unpopularity, since it doesn't matter it can be fun.

>game lets you turn off all chat options
>get banned for not having them on

And thank fuck for that. I don't know what I'd do if Alarak was in a shitty game.

>pick torb
>pick only torb
>refuse to switch even when it's not working
>go afk when someone else picks torb
>get banned
>cry on reddit and play the victim

Honest question, i never played competitive in ow but thinking about it just to troll people with my bad fps skills
how easy is it to make people mad in ow and do i risk getting banned for that?

you're a shitter and should get gassed
if i'm trying stuff with a character i won't change and i shouldn't be forced to

fake news

>intentionally throw games
>get banned
nice autism


i thought afking gets you kicked from game

How many times are you going to make this thread dude?

>if i'm trying stuff with a character i won't change and i shouldn't be forced to
Play QP or arcade then. Comp is for tryharding, not experimenting. It's that fucking simple.

>ignore/mute chat
>pick non-meta
>use voice line
>get banned

So, this is the power of Blizzard... not bad...

>how easy is it to make people mad in ow
Literally THE easiest thing to do in any video game.
Overwatch (Blizzard) babies are the most delicate of snowflakes in the entire world. They also all seem to think very highly of their own intelligence and skill, so poking those areas should be a good place to start.

>crying over nothing

torb is genuinely one of the worst character designs ive ever seen, even out of the whole overwatch cast
i always forget he's even in the game

>forcing people to be competitive in the competitive game mode
why are you even upset

your post made me mad just reading it and i haven't played in like a year.
so pretty easy

>I get my jollies from ruining games for people on my team
I'm not even a tryhard in any multiplayer game, but you deserve to have your hands chopped off.



>buy lootboxes to unlock voice lines

>game has a cooldown so that you can't spam voice lines

>can still get banned for using them in a "disruptive way"


You're referring to the reddit thread about xul

I'm not sure why that got posted, because it has nothing to do with the case that people are *actually* upset about, and which OP is referring to. That was involving a player called 'Fuey'.

You're both retarded. OP and everyone else is talking about what happened to a player called Fuey. You're talking about Xul, who is just an asshole that nobody is defending.