FUCK that lightening dog. Fucking uninstalled. You're a self hating retard if you like this game

FUCK that lightening dog. Fucking uninstalled. You're a self hating retard if you like this game.
High difficulty works in souls because the game gives you tools to beat it. You can dodge any attack if you're skilled enough. This piece of shit bootleg souls copycat is hard just to be hard. Fucking bosses have 10 million hp and some attacks can't even be dodged.

Stand under the door. throw rocks or ninja items at the giant fuck huge glowing weak spot. Fuck his day up. Dodge before he get's his Ki back.
Repeat steps 1 through git gud.

Fucking souls babbies. If Nioh didn't give you the tools to beat it, no one would have beat it. Just git gud. The notion that there are attacks you can't avoid is retarded. You guys would shit your pants if you had to play something like NGB.

Consider using the tools given, like dashing instead of dodging since Nue attacks areas too wide to dodge. Back to the tutorial with you.

Easiest boss ever I beat him on my second try.

What's hard about the lightning dog? I just ran around him and slashed at him whenever possible.

Are Soulsfags the most pathetic people?

Proof that souls babies cant play a game without their crutch tactics and ironically they say people to get good when they are the ones who are shit

You must be really really bad.

It's probably better pc fats never got that game they are too accustomed to spamming 1-4 and waiting on cool downs.

its a dog? wtf

>Stand under the door
Damn, never knew you could do that

I couldn't beat Dark Souls but I had a pretty easy time with Nioh. Must be down to your play style or something.

Solid bait, had to stop and ponder a moment.

>Having difficulty with fucking Nue
Lmaoing at ur life

It's a tiger monkey raccoon snake chimera.

the lightning dog literally has parts of his yard he can't hit you in. there are those little posts he has to walk around, just bait him to attack whilst he can't get you.

PC owners I swear.

When can I get a good Axe Set? I'm on my first playthrough at Edo Sewers now and so far the closest thing I could find is Genius Strategist but that asshole won't ever drop the Gauntlets and Head so I farmed Demon Tongues but the drop rate is insanely low even with 25% Kodama Blessing.
The Clan that rewards it wants armor from Sekigahara too so I geuss it's not happening.

I'm starting the game over because I cheated to finish the whole game and unlock all the skins, and now i have massive inventory bloat.

What do?


You are wasting time if you are farming before NG+

The only thing I wiki'd was Armor of the Exceptional, I wouldn't be asking for a suggestion if I read through all of the armor.

The only problem I have with that boss is that he can use this attack while stunned that comes out instantly, stunlocks you (because you can't block the lightning) and ultimately kills you. It's near unreactable too because it can come out as soon as you start an attack. You're almost incentivised to not attack the boss while he's stunned which seems contradictory. Maybe there's a trick to it but I haven't found it.

>When can I get a good Axe Set?
You won't.


>is hard just to be hard

thats literally what every souls games is though
this one i only like because of the atmosphere and looks good on me pc

How long until I unlock skins? I'm bored of old Willy.

Your bait could of been better op

Well, bait OPs are honestly the only way to get a thread going these days, because otherwise people wont respond

Why are secondaries always more pathetic?

I don't know, the beginning didn't seem terrible difficult and is mostly just nicely challening, like Souls games are too for the most part.

Bat lady (second boss) is the first real difficulty spike and even she can be easily killed if you have the pattern down and are in the right mindset.

>could of
Crawl back int your cave, you uneducated piece of shit.

>spams a fuckton of undodgeable lightning beams from his mouth
>game has fuck terrible iframes you cant phase through them
>guaranteed to be hit, unblockable
>summons a shitton of lightning that ALSO create zones that stop your stamina from regenerating
>oh also spills poison because why not
>cant block his shit, cant dodge his shit, can only run around like a retard and pray he doesnt decide to spam his beam shit

fromsoft should sue the fuck out of the developers of this abhorrent `game`

I agree, iframes ARE terrible and promote sloppy play

it's not hard, you just don't understand how to play it and think everything will be fine if you play it like souls

>move back
>dont get hit
>use ki pulse to remove youki from the ground

Im OP and I approve this message

>>spams a fuckton of undodgeable lightning beams from his mouth

What are you talking about? That's super easy to dodge through.

kaido maru but it sucks

best axe set in the game is towards the end, it's called obsidian

wait until you can get it as divine gear before you even bother with it though

when you can, stack 99 stamina and get some equipment weight down rolls on the armor to reach B agility

join todo clan for free health and damage too

his chest is exposed when he does the four lightning strikes in a row. run up, hit him in the chest, his ki goes away, wail on him till you run out of ki, pop living weapon, literally just hit him in the face until he dies. so fucking easy these pc fags just have to find reasons to complain

That's weird, I had a freaking hard time with Onryoki and Noc on my first playthrough, but I beat the bat lady 3rd try and Ieyasu first try.

>play game like souls
>all of the spouting of git gud over the years and soulshitters cry about being unable to kill one of the easiest bosses in the game

*breaths in*

>his ki goes away, wail on him till you run out of ki, pop living weapon
And then you get instagibbed by the lightning he does when getting back his ki. Your advice is retarded.

Or stand under the tent thing, his attacks knock the walls out for you.

so move out of the way, dumb fuck

your problem is you're sitting in front of him when he's out of ki, instead of staying to his back or side

you know it's going to come out, you just either have to be preemptive about it or stay away from his front

How could someone take more than 3 tries to beat him? Seriously. Hino enma was more of a challenge than he was.

Nioh is easier than souls, it only gets hard once you beat the game once and you start on the bullshit optional missions on higher difficulties.

>undodgeable lightning from it's mouth.
Contrary to the soulstards popular belief. You do have I-frames on rolls.
>game has fuck terrible iframes you cant phase through them
Sound like you are just "fuck terrible" at the game.
>guaranteed to be hit, unblockable
Only thing in the game is unblockable is drop attacks and boulders.
>summons a shitton of lightning that ALSO create zones that stop your stamina from regenerating
You were both taught how to get rid of them in the first damn mission and the dojo.
>oh also spills poison because why not
You actually got hit by that? Shit man are you even trying?
>Can't Can't Can only
Can can and can do other shit.
Seriously how fucking bad at video games are you that you can't use basic pattern recognition and learn the fucking mechanics.

I honestly died more to falling in the water in the umibozu level. Fuck that level. Good thing it's so short.

The bosses here are easy once you learn that William is much more responsive and quicker.

No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.

Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.

Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquerors beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.

How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.

Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.

And then here comes f***ing Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind s***posts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.

And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it still says I'm not this guy . No, I'm a Conqueror.

>You can dodge any attack if you're skilled enough

Cant you just admit youre trash?

but then you can just cheese those with a storm kunai damage from behind build, or a critical lw build, or a any of the one-shot builds, or a full tatenashi tank with wind/devigorate/weaken melee weapons

Fucking casual pc mustard race.

Yeah this. Dark Souls has that retarded qeue'd action shit where if you press too many buttons your character would be doing wrong shit. But here in Nioh, if you want William to dodge or lunge forward, he responds quickly as long as you have stamina.

the queue system in dark souls is its biggest flaw

DaS1 still has a bug that will randomly put a roll into the queue when you deplete your stamina with a sprint

That's basically where they fucked up his design to try to fix a minor flaw from the Alpha in the worst/laziest way possible when he was originally built around it anyway. You just have to watch out for it, remember when it usually comes since it's only after a few attacks and remember the first bolt drops very close to him.

Imagine being this autistic

lol literally just downed Nue. dont get greedy with your attacks this game wont let you just mash attack until your done

I died more to water pits than I did Umi-Bozu, the spider lady, the Yuki-Onna and the Giant Toad combined. I think I'm retarded.


>he had trouble with the lightning lion
>he hasn't even fought the samurai yet

Just got to the toad, and first tried it, i'm begining to think that people were right when they said "later on you gonna get so op a lot of bosses are going to be easier"

Humanoid bosses are a joke in Nioh.

Toad is the same easy strategy as asylum demon. Should've been a mid-game boss.

They're more fun though.


Does the game get easier after this lion asshole? I might reinstall if thats the case. Are future bosses also tanks?

the toad is just one of the easiest bosses


Wait, how the fuck does anyone struggle with nue? I only started playing and so far i am complete garbage at this game, i died to the first two bosses a ton of times and only really got passed them thanks to living weapon giving me a free kill basically. Nue i beat on my second try though with no trouble at all, i literally just sprinted around the map when he summoned lightning strikes and then slashed him a few times in the back after he was done, rinse repeat a couple of times and he was dead. If a shitter like me can do it with ease how do other people struggle?

Hino was way worse, that bitch is extremely unfair where if you get hit by a single attack you're paralyzed and she'll almost guarantee kill you with a follow up attack.

That guy was easy. Beat him on my first try.
His optional fight was harder though.

Bosses can't do shit to players who just sprint in circles around them.

Yet another game's community ruined by a pc port. Thanks koei. You're great.

Sony babbies whined just as hard when the game first released. Don't project.

Wait till he fights the "normal mob" nue on the mount hiei stage

Because if you're playing it like Souls the only two skills you have is dodging and spamming the attack button both of which are bad moves against Nue.

Muneshige is literally a glorified PVP battle though.

Practice enough times with revenants and you'll know what to do. His running iai-jutsu slash can literally be out run without needing to dodge at all. The best window for attack will always be when he tries that retarded slash combo because it always drains his stamina which opens him up for guard breaks.

No they fucking didn't. I was here when the game came out as a sonyfag and there was not a lot of complaining. Even on the general.

There was. Have you forgotten how people bitched and moaned about Hino Enma. During the first week most threads were just bitching about how unfair she was. That said, bitching died down quickly after the couple of weeks but so did dicussion because Horizon also came out that month and that caught most peoples attention.

The only bitching about hino enma was her paralysis which I believe they nerfed anyways, they nerfed her somehow. This is just constant complaining/comparisons to souls by pc babies. It was predicted and it always happens.





I started stacking the ninja thing because I liked the kusarigama, and now I have so much shit I haven't had a tough fight since.

Literally all I do is sit back, throw bombs, and then kunai until everything boss is dead. I might have to jump in occasionally to get a free downed hit with my sickle, but everything is a joke when it's this easy to cheese.

It always happens because people false flag it, retard.

t. started two nioh threads that hit bump limit by whining about difficulty

>which I believe they nerfed anyways
It's still an instant death if you get caught by it, how the fuck did they nerf it?


As someone who plays the game on both platforms, I have definitely seen more complaining this release. Most of the complaining when it originally released was about hino and umibozu.

On PC, there is more of it, and it's more varied. Like nue and moonshiggy

>use pill
>use needle
>no longer stuck

Hey, at least they got further before bitching.

umibozu is further than nue and hino

most new players just fucking hate ocean roars again, I think it's the best level in the game

Maybe because PC players didn't get three betas to practice on.

I'd call it the best level in the game if the bottomless pits just threw status effects on you, because I have zero spacial awareness. Outside of that, I love it .

the average person didn't play the beta or the alpha

Oh shut the fuck up, plenty of playstation players didn't even play till the beta. And it's only the first level and the duel.

>complain because game is hard and unenjoyable
>'le ur a idiot xd'
fuck off

is this game like souls ? should I get it if I liked bb ?

maybe it's less about being bad and more about bad PC players being more apt to complaining than bad PS4 players

I think you misses the point of my post. The guy said he false flags, so that picture shows what happens when everyone acts like a retard. And the game isn't unenjoyable

Plenty of people on Sup Forums sure did and the two fights mentioned were available in the beta. Stop desperately grasping after something to make you feel special because you're insecure about owning a PS4.

>hard just to be hard.
Pretty sure it was made by the maniacs that did Razor's Edge so I was kinda expecting this. Team Ninja has a strange philosophy when it comes to difficulty.

I wonder why no one was complaining this hard during the beta.. huh.. and the beta and alpha were harder than the actual game..

The people that complained during those did not learn a thing and continued complaining regardless of how much blatantly easier (and ironically cheaper feeling in the release) the full game became. You also have all you need at the very beginning of the game to "practice" if you actually wanted to get good at the game.

I got the game on both releases too and the amount of complaining seems about the same to me.