
No, the protagonists are very different. The protagonist of Eiyuu*Senki is a dull, lifeless harem protagonist with the personality of a brick. Rance is a million times more entertaining, even if he's a manchild.

All in all, yes, it's very similar to Sengoku Rance - but far more easy. It's basically Sengoku Rance for babys.

yeah it's a sengoku rance clone with a bunch of rule 63'd historical figures. it got a lot of attention here when it was first announced.
it was actually released in english on PS3 last year, but fruitbat factory doesn't know what marketing is so i bet it sold like 10 copies.

Well yeah, rance is also a lot more lewd probably too isn't it? I just saw it on the steam trending or whatever it is and it made me think.

Do you think with a censored version rance could sell on steam?

I don't even know what a censored version of Rance would look like, you'd have to cut out or simply redo so many scenes to make it work.
Maybe they could do it like Subahibi where you only get a super short portion of the start, and then have to download the uncensor patch to actually get the other 99% of the game.

Well I think you only need to censor it visually, I think plenty of the steam lewd games have the scenes, and the "encounter" is still fully described textually, but they have little white smudges over the nono bits

Her chin looks like a murder weapon

I think the combat is significantly worse than Rance. And while a lot of the girls are cute they don't have much personality.

I chucked.

Its Sengoku Rance but without all the rape and Rance.
I like both, but I have yet to finish Eiyuu Senki.

>Not Gold


Eiyuu Senki is kind of bland in comparison.
It has something like 80+ historical figure heroines, you collect them all and in the end depending on your taste 7 or so of them are actually interesting. Rance always has really fun characters, especially the MC and Sengoku is filled with them. Male and female, for some reason you're literally the only dude in the entire Eiyuu Senki world.

Gameplay there's no question, Eiyuu Senki is just watered down SR. It's ridiculously easy because enemy countries never do anything outside of war and you have an infinite time to prepare for wars, not that you'd even need it. It felt like a phone game.

I'm trying to find a reason to go back to Eiyuu Senki right now, I got through 80% or so of it, up to when the hidden continent appeared. The millions of side quests about finding treasure or visiting landmarks are just so boring.

There's a uncensor patch?

Just get the ghetto rigged version that has all the stuff from both the PC and PS/Vita releases, all of it translated.

Isn't there an improved version of this game? Why didn't they put that one on PC?

Maybe the pub/dev are different, I'm not sure

Oh man I'd be all over this but

>it's not the upgraded version

Fucking why? Why put out an inferior version of a product? Now I'm never going to buy it in case the better one comes along.

There was a Jast USA uncensored release like a few weeks ago before the Steam version

Wew I didn't know it was gonna get released on steam.

I feel bad that fruitbat factory botched the ps3 release and never went back to fix their mistakes. They put it on sale once and never touched it again. What a flop.

>expecting nu-Sup Forums to know anything that isn't on steam or popular
Lots of retards here thought that those shitty machine translated Jap rpg-maker hentai games were one of the first to be in English, same with Melty Quest.

>Now I'm never going to buy it in case the better one comes along.

Considering this is a cheap cashin on a translation that was already finished, I doubt they will release Gold.

Sucks to be them then

>it's not the upgraded version
If you mean Gold, then probably because the base version was already translated for the PS3 release. What, you expected them to do actual work?

I'm a sucker

Gold is a different game altogether. Most of the same characters but the scenes and story are different. More like a retelling?

Remember to attack Russia before EU.

Does steam version have everything and only h content is cut? Kenshin and other stuff is included?


While much harder, there was something you can get from it, if I remember correctly.

Yeah, an item that gives -100% cumulative hate.

No. It's not the updated version. There's literally no reason to get the Steam version even if you don't care about the H-stuff considering you can download the expanded version for free. If you buy the Steam version you're just wasting money.

It's like they actively don't want people to buy it.

steam version is easier to maintain, don't have to run jp software and shiz