Be honest Sup Forums how much have you spent on it so far? i'm close to $600 right now

be honest Sup Forums how much have you spent on it so far? i'm close to $600 right now

Nothing. When it's ever released, maybe I'll pick it up.

$0 because I'm not a retarded cocksucker.


Why would you spend money on a game that doesn't even have a confirmed release year

$0, because I don't pay for incomplete games.

$0 because I'm not an absolute faggot.

30 bucks for a starter pack around 3 years ago. I've already had a fair share of fun fucking around in the PTU's and oogling at the pretty graphics and effects. so if the game does crash and burn it isn't really a big deal

shelling out any more for this dumpster fire would be just foolish

I think I bought two ships long ago. One that seats four people or something, and a small fighter.
I've long forgotten about the money, so if (big if) the game ever comes out, I at least have something waiting for me.

Been thinking of buying more stuff

>lootboxes are bad but somehow spending $500 on a virtual ship is okay
jajaja NO

$0 because I only buy games and not bad tech demos

yearly cycle

>people get hyped
>they show some cool gameplay here and there in their promotional videos
>gamescom comes around
>they play a demo
>it fucking sucks and nothing works
>they have to restart the demo halfway through because for some fucking reason no one thought of a failsafe in case something fucks up
>"so what did you guys think?"
>forced cheers, muffled chuckles and laughter in the background
>Derek Smart goes apeshit on twitter gloating
>RSI defense force in full damage control on reddit
>Sup Forums makes fun of it and calls it a scam
>rinse and repeat
>game gets never released

This thing seems more like benchmark than a game with every update they release. Donated 0$ because I still have Freelancer.

AAA games are already funded LMAO

Why has nobody just made a damn Freelancer sequel/spiritual successor.

A lot of people in the video game industy are stupid and also, the suits that publish games only want to produce cookie-cutter crap.

$20 just bought aurora starter pack couple years ago. didn't touch anything else since. i keep forgetting about it until i see one of these threads.

Nothing, I didn't fall for the scam.

Freelancer would be cookie cutter though. If you think about it, it was an open world game with tons of randomly generated content and multiplayer.
It was just also a good game. You'd think they'd take advantage of the space craze and crank something like that out, it's not a hard game to emulate.

Sup Forums is also stupid enough to think games only take 2 years to make from the point they are announced.

$0, not interested in dropping 2k on a 3D model for a game that will never be released

0$, why would I ever spend money on the word of someone I don't even know?

hey man at least they are using live demo's, would they prefer they straight up lied with some cinematic pre canned garbage?

Be honest OP, you posted this thread earlier with "woah..." And nobody responded.

Considering I'm not poor and have inheritance money, I've purchased literally every ship they've put up for sale.

$0 I'm not paying money for a scam.

But I have spent over $200 in SecondLife over the years.

Is ok to the person spending the money, clearly

This is like complaining about other people buying sandwiches in restaurants because you think nobody should be able to do that and everyone should make their sandwiches from scratch on an even cutting board

yeah same here but i had a business in second life which i made money from it.

>2 years
The game started to being maked ever since 2011. They could give something good by 2015 but no, the graphics are now shit, the gameplay from the trailers are full of bugs and it has no appeal to modern PC gamers.

It's a not finished micro transaction call of duty in space game.

You mean a prototype was started in 2011. The kickstarter started in 2012 when the game was officially announced. You're using wikipedia to shitpost and you can't even get right information, you fucking shill.

>the graphics are now shit

I remember when they did a first reveal I thought the graphics were fucking amazing.

Now they are just super meh.

Nice, I'm trying to get better at blender and get into the market, its slow going, what a frustrating program. What did you make?


IIRC Microsoft was planning on making a sequel meant for X360.

around $1000

>game was supposed to come out in 2014
>3 years later and it still isn't out
>drones will defend this

I can explain to you what was supposed to come out vs what is being developed, but you'd just call me a drone because your personality is based on internet memes and being an autistic diaper baby.