Is she the best Tales protagonist?

Is she the best Tales protagonist?

Thats not an accomplishments though considering most of them are shit

No. Jude is superior.

She won't even be able to defeat a simple hunter.

his my favorite. seeing him grow from a spoiled shit to a decent human being was nice. and the fact he has problems killing people is refreshing. you see all these character killing humans like its no big deal but luke has trouble with it throught the entire game.

First post is best post. That's like picking a favorite Final Fantasy protagonist, all of them are simpletons.

Tales of the Abyss is a game about the importance of bullying for personal growth.

Of course.



Like best overall?
No. She isn't

But arturius is the hero


Something birds something.

still the king baby


yeah she's the best, but it's not hard to be best when your competition is a bunch of idiots.

I like Lloyd and Luke and Stahn as much as the rest, but they're all boneheads.

Ludger is the best because he's the juggle king

luke is seven user. if you call him a bonehead you didnt follow his story that well.

I don't know if she is, but she sure is my favourite. It was so refreshing playing a main character that doesn't fuck around and does anything to get to their objective. And she has her own flaws on top of that, instead of being just an edgy mary sue.
The scene where she kicks Oscar in the middle of his speech, for example, was so satisfying.

Impossible women can't be kings.

>Velvet is finally a character that would look appropriate in Yuri Lowell's costume (instead of characters like fucking Sorey)
>They don't give her the Yuri costume
come the FUCK ON

No. Sorey is the best, because his husband is the #1 Tales character.

Too lewd. But it would be nice.

Sorey looked good in Yuri's outfit though.

#1 after Yuri and Leon maybe

Less lewd than her regular outfit.

Reminder Zestiria woud have been instantly better if they made his waifu a girl and got rid of the useless Princess and made the assassin bitch a dude.

Good point.

those tits doe dayum

tits too large

muh revenge

Wrong. Zestiria is good because Mikelo and Sorey and perfect gay boys. Straight romance is inherently trash, and so is anyone who likes it desu.

dude birds lmao

Gonna post my black hand with Zestiria

Go back to the ToZ thread user

I should probably finish Vesparia and Abyss at some point.

Shit taste. Two cute gay dudes ending up together is infinitely better than another boring trashy straight romance.

Then Phi is the best heroine (male)


he is the only one i pass the whole moralfagness cuz i know its just a coping mechanism for his infinite guilt for destroying an entire city and a bunch of people out of ignorence, the worst part is i don't think it was entierly his fault.

Is this game on pc?

Yes, slowpoke.


>baby's first edgelord
>he even comes with a fedora

having taste this bad should unironically carry the death penalty

I just finished the area where you have to break into the fortress and burn the ship in the canal so that you can get past with the pirates. I LOVE the combat, I really like Velvet and her shota husband, and the crazy snarky witch girl. However, I have a few things about this game that REALLY fucking piss me off.

1. What the FUCK is up with the monster design and placement in this game? Bestiary makes ZERO sense, you have all kinds of monsters just roaming around in a circle in random places that don't even make sense. Do you even know the name of any of the monsters in Berseria? Is this a thing in all tales of games? I just don't feel like this is a world where things live in. The monsters as soo randomly placed you think they placed all the nodes with a random number generator. It almost feels like a shitty MMORPG. I do like how you can always avoid combat, but it almost feels too easy. Monsters just give up if you keep running and are slower than you. It's almost like they aren't even there to me sometimes. The maps are all full of monsters but it feels very empty, there is a little collection node in every corner, but there are soo many you might as well only pick up the ones that are in your path since it's almost always something useless. I've never seen a world soo full, yet soo empty and lifeless. Also why was the fortress teeming with monster? Shit wasn't explained at all, other than Eizen has bad luck.

2. Why does every objective make you move back and fourth between the same empty areas? The game is super linear so far but tries to give the impression it's not buy letting you move through the same area to get to x over and over again. Never mind that almost all the other exits tend to be blocked off so you have zero options, I wish there were more ways to get from X to Y.

I like the game and the story, but those two things really irritate me, they are related because if the game was full of life I would not mind revisiting areas.


It's true though, if he was a girl then we wouldn't have had to deal with the waifufag drama.

Yes, she is Number 1

The monsters are demons. They're all people and flora/fauna cursed with malevolence. They can afford to not make total sense and they do just wander around their rooms.

That said, yes the gameplay is not the best. The cast is the game's main selling point.

Luke goes through a lot of shit.
>mind controlled into destroying an entire town.
>finds out that he's just a replica and everyone prefers his cunt of an original over him
>gets told multiple times that the world needs to die.
>is actually dying
And he's only 7 years old.

>That said, yes the gameplay is not the best.

i like the gameplay. Even if they are demons, you would think that like deamons would hang out with each other and form communities and villages and not wander 10 feet from guarded castle games full of praetors. The monster placement is really bad from a design standpoint. Even shitty mmos know that monster congregate in groups and move in pack.

>Raised his entire "life" to be something he really isn't
>As a result he's woefully not ready for how the world really is and that everything he knew throughout his "life" is a total lie

It's not only the best Tales protagonist but also the best video game protagonist.
fight me, cunts

I wanna marry Velvet

Phi is a cute main heroine


Truly adorable, fucking criminal he never got the chance to make Velvet flustered at asking her to come with him to the hot spring.

2 Tales threads in one day, is this real life?.

Also, fuck you aceman.

Hello Velvet user. I love it when you bully me.

I enjoy bullying you

I'm flattered.

To me, yes.


That said yes Velvet is still number one

But we also wouldn't have a decent romance. Yaoi is the only form of love.

Considering that the head writer of Zestiria made Mikleo into a boy simply because he knew that if Mikleo were a girl he would be forced to write a "quintessential Tales of romance" which is both shit and wouldn't work for the characters, you have somewhat of a point.

I just fucking love Velvet and I feel like you guys should know about it.

I see.


The best and most tragic.

Waifu fags need to die.

doesn't she have a fixed outfit or something?

Velvet a good girl, she prefers living in FREEDOM over living in absolute slavery to some lunatic hyper-buddhists whose fee-fees got hurt because shit happens, and it would be best if we removed feelings and only lived as soulless robots that work work reproduce work commit seppuku because our working efficiency has begun dropping and become a net drain on the community.

I love Velvet!

That's good user

>Female protagoinst
>Ever good
maybe if you're a soy drinking kool-aid swimming numale.

>reminder that x game would've been better if they switched a few genders around

Kill yourself.


She and Yuri, yes.

>both have long black hair

Can we get another with that trait?

Reminder that Yurifags are all edgelord homosexuals.


velvet and her game and utter shit.

Post cute velvet

Makes sense to me.


I wanna date Velvet

Back off user, this video game character belongs to me.

This is my fave Tales protag. Say something nice about him.


He is great if you are into shota AND furry.

Reminder this edgelord was retroactively made into a protagonist

That word doesn't mean what you think it means, but, even in the context of what you actually meant and despite being an archcriminal murderess, Velvet is the hero of the story. Even Artorious acknowledges that she's the hero when she murders him

>didn't get the point
Your own point was valid, though, so it's okay.

She's brettygud, but I think my fav is Yuri.
Luke is also top tier.
