So... this..... is..... the..... power...... of.... the.... Nintendo..... Shitch.......

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Nice cherrypicking blurred image. Switch version looks and runs great and you can take it anywhere on the go.

Definitely the definitive version of the game imo

>Original thread got pruned
Yeah, no. Enjoy your ban.



IGN confirms

>makes obvious falseflag and then mass replies to it
add me to the screencap reddit

>4 posts

4 posts is mass when its one person

Only 1 (You) tho

Well, that confirms it.

would be a good port if they had an n64 mode but bethesda is lazy

>shit graphics
>sub-30 FPS
>downgraded textures
>requires separate download to device storage for MP even if you buy physical
>2 hours battery life
and yet
>definitive version
what the fuck have we become

see you on leddit, my dude. i can't wait until my best friends give me upvotes

the 7.1 review is more fitting to doom 2016

Read your image. When Dom first released multiplayer was fucking horrible, it's literally the only negatives they had listed. The switch version has the improved multiplayer so they can't dock it points for it.

looks and runs great

Two different reviewers. Switch still doesnt deserve that score though.

on PC yes, on Switch hahaha no

Switch version is the e3 build.

Suck each other's dicks already christ

>let's play graphics autism
I with this meme would die already

he isnt playing the Graphics
He is trying to play the Frame Rate Game

Fuck no it isn't. Doom was easily the best game of last year and the best single player shooter since FEAR. Multiplayer was drastically improved with updates as well. Snapmap was the only major flaw.

>shitesda nuDoom is now A great game according to 2017 nu/v/
The absolute fucking state of this """""gaming""""" board.


>game is made for casuals
>releases it on the most casual device
>now with uber low settings

L-looks fine to me, right my fellow Nintenbros?

Jokes on you. I already did.