Suspect is down, secured, and ready to evacuate!
Entry team to TOC!
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TOC, this is entry team. Weapo-- POLICE ON YOUR KNEES
you're in my way, sir.
>guy points a gun at you
>can't kill him unless he actually shoots
>by then he's probably already killed you
All criminal scum are KOS either way but what the fuck.
Get outta the way.
>pepper gun for the win
>tfw SWAT 5 never
feels bad
Ready or Not might be a decent substitute, but given the climate of team based shooters I'm scared that the operators will be jeans wearing, sneaker footed edgelords with green mohawks and one liners.
I mean, i'd still play it, but the dry, gritty tactical shit would be preferred
>its shit but i'd still buy it
Sup Forums is garbage but you still post here
some self awareness is important
False. You are authorized to shoot the moment a suspect points a gun at you, your teammates or a hostage.
Sup Forums is shit but its free and you dont enable a shitty trend for future imageboards and forums,
but if a game is shit and you buy it you are saying its okay to be shit and are degrading the overall quality of future games
Difference is that I don't give it any money
Sierra 1, entry team spotted.
Always liked the sniper's voice in that game
oh well. I'm a thirsty boi and I'll take anything that even vaguely resembles Swat4
You have to yell at them first.
TOC, this is entry team.
Civilian down - - but breathing. Ready to evac.
You don't if they are currently raising their arms to aim at you. You only have to yell if they have a gun and are unaware of you before you can fire, even then you also have to wait to see if they begin the surrender/fake surrender thing.
Though this is true, the system is very flawed since the criminals can show some buggy behaviour. They can do some kind of trickshots where they turn the gun 90° or 180° and shoot you while not looking at you, while you are just waiting in anticipation for them to turn around
It'll be shit. I dont mind jeans and sneakers for a swat team though. Standard fare over in Euroland.
>tfw swat 4 didnt implement the cool stealth dynamic in swat 3
>tfw cant move and lean
>tfw ai is dumber
Are you sure? I was certain I just couldn't react fast enough when that happened.
It's not very fun to go 100/100 though. I always prefer lethal weapons but still aiming to incapacitate and avoid unnecessary killing. Burst them in the leg if uncertain of what they will do and such.
TOC, we found a graveyard in the basement
I recognize this are true but still prefer SWAT 4, at least without mods.
I can't remember if the enemy ai had surrender type of behavior in 3 though?
Yes, positive, it made going for 100/100 a real chore.
Friendly reminder that only the early levels of SWAT 4 (or 3 for that matter) are fun. They become retarded when you start fighting terrorist armies with a 5 men squad.
>They become retarded when you start fighting terrorist armies with a 5 men squad.
dude no fucking joke. Imagine trying to play R6 Vegas but losing points for shooting terrorists who weren't actively trying to kill you. It's horse shit. It's practically war by this point.
TOC to Entry Team. The EMTs are standing byyyyy
>that mission where you arrest Sup Forums
With the amount of tools you have I don't see how it's exactly unfair. Going full non-lethal works best with beanbag since it stuns all enemies regardless of protection or where you hit, compared to pepper balls. Combine with a team using nothing but flash and rubber nades and you can bang up a lot of rooms without rushing into the lap of 5 armored terrorists blasting you. Assuming you use the wand.
It's not a walk in the park for sure but it is possible to mitigate a lot of risk.
>go nonlethal
>shoot everyone on sight
Wow this game sure is fun.
>unauthorized use of force -5
It's just dumb as it breaks style and turns into generic tactical shooter 561. I just want to bust grannies and methheads.
Pretty sure that doesn't apply to non-lethal weapons.
it doesn't, you can shoot a surrendering grandma in the mouth with beanbags and still get 100/100
I said play it, not buy it :^)
lawful good doesn't mean lawful nice
who /nonlethal/ here?
nah fuck that. they can low score me all they want, the first few perps I see are getting shot regardless, it sets the pace and establishes dominance right off the bat.
don't give criminals one inch.
>Easy mode
They did surrender, but the AI breaks really hard. They stop shooting, stare at you and run into doors because they can't open them. They also try to flank you and kill you which is awesome. Also, takes a bunch of beanbag shots with less-than-lethal M4 and flash/gas to make 'em surrender. Hard to do on maps that aren't small or have low amount of suspects. Managed to do it in the map with the kid hostages.
Try out the SWAT Elite force mod, enchances ai and makes non-lethal less op and nerfed hard in feature updates so you can't rush in and clear a room by spamming pepper and non-lethal shotguns.
And will be nerfed hard in future updates* Bit tipsy tonight.
So why isnt anyone mentioning the taser
>roleplaying american cops
>1 shot only
>slow reload
If were talking about PvP, it's viable in VIP Escort and in general since the stun is like 10 seconds long