>amazing story
>not the best Tales of gameplay but actually pretty good
>10/10 soundtrack
>10/10 DLC
>Sup Forums doesn't like because no fan service or edgy memes
You are the problem. You literally shit on everything that is pure and innocent
Amazing story
Other urls found in this thread:
please nobody take the bait
saging in case it isn't clear
>amazing story
I was completely baffled by the memers that called Zestiria bad, yet praised Berseria. The lore is the exact same.
>10/10 DLC
Let's not get out of hand here, Bandai is the Japanese EA. Those outfits should have been found in-game.
I'm talking about campaign Alisha DLC
>10/10 DLC
Yeah, Maury is a great show
It's because people are butthurt that the superior Rose took over the place of their shitty blonde waifu part way into the game.
>superior Rose
Alright! An Assassin's guild leader, I just know she will use stealth to one-shot enemies, sneak around enemies, and pull off endless chain combos. Wait a second, her damage is pathetic and she has no actual appeal. What a waste.
>muh Assassins Creed motif
it's a real shame we weren't allowed to have an all seraphim team.
I started Tales with Eternia (destiny 2)
I could not handle all this cute friendship bullcrap
too much
>Alisha is a confirmed dependent of Magilou this is why they have similar hair
>destiny 2
english patch when?
I've been waiting since 2009
>Eizen died for this
Magilou's descendant is Mayvin, Alisha is related to the blond incest siblings.
This is autism. It's been on psp for over a decade.
The Zestiria hate is a meme. It's the only modern Tales that makes meaningful progression and additions (seamless transitions, fully orchestrated and complex music, dynamic in game cutscenes, best character models in the series, the most unique lore and concepts, open world with exploration), that make it worthwhile to play. Xillias sucked and Berseria is just Xillia 3 electric boogaloo
Maybe I'll pick it up. Combat looks like the old .hack games so maybe I'll be able to handle it
I just want to fuck Alisha
They hate it because it was about pure love the way God intended, and not about some boring princess bitch.
Obviously he means the real Destiny 2 not Eternia
Awful taste roody poo
You forgot to mention that it has the best vidya couple by far.
I'm sorry you tasted roody poo but that has nothing to do with me
Wow you have awful taste.
Holy shit thanks for the warning.
Almost gave him a (You)
Why are those two so cute?
I kinda like it too but i cant handle the equipment upgrade autism. What were they thinking? Berseria kinda improve it but its still fucking bad.
Because their love is pure and wonderful.
>being this new
I don't know anything about Tales but I love Sorey/Mikleo, I'm sorry for being a disgusting secondary fudanshi.
Sorey and Mikleo have a large portion of Nip fans that aren't even fujos/fudanshi.
>amazing story
Amazing is too much of a strong word to be used here. It is a good story, but it isn't amazing because character development is bad.
>10/10 soundtrack
Literaly nothing special about any soundtrack of this game.
The biggest problem with this game. An JRPG whitout a normal romance is strange, but protagonists are a fucking gay couple!
I can't give a fuck about anything when I'm forced to play as a fucking faggot.
OP go suck a dick, you amazing faggot.
Every Tales Of comes across as mediocre games in the end, and this case is even worse because we don't have a normal romance.
Berseria ost fucking blows outside of velvet theme. Rip go shiina
That sounds like a personal problem.
>being old
Hey gramps did get your hip replaecment yet
Stop trying to taste me you faggot pervert
It's okay user. SoreyxMikleo is actually probably the best thing to ever come out of the Tales series anyway.
Sup Forums doesn't like it because of how hard they shafted Alicia, and they'd be right hating it for that reason
>there are people with taste this shitty and wrong
Getting to play as cute pure homos is what makes this game better than other mediocre Tales tripe desu.
i jack off to these guys because that mikleo guy looks like a woman enough to me
You don't have to be a faggot to know that your taste in women is awful, user.
Literally none of those things are true
I still don't know what Tales even is.
There's so much fucking weebshit that gets hailed as the best thing ever and it's always fucking trash.
She was a shitty irrelevant character anyway.
>tfw they literally gave her her own anime
>all it did was emphasize that she was boring and pointless.
>amazing story
And you wonder why no one takes you weaboo faggots seriously.
He looks nothing like a woman user. I have some news for you. You're gay.
Tales games have always been mediocre, but Talesfags are under the delusion that they're the best.
finished berseria a while ago and i wasn't sure whether to try this or not. i loved berseria btw.
especially the gameplay is apparently an issue. but how much? is it still enjoyable?
doesn't like because no fan service or edgy memes
Gameplay was lacking
mechanics sucked
technical issues were major issues man
>10/10 soundtrack
Only the Shiina tracks were any good and he only did a fraction of the OST
>10/10 DLC
Yeah because fucking the plot up so bad that they had to make additional story DLC is such a treasure, never mind the fucking MYSTIC ARTE DLC!!!
The lore was interesting but Zestiria's execution was wonky as fuck and it's overall production suffered from obvious issues and it showed.
Not that user, but he does, literally just add tits.
He doesn't. He looks like any twink you'd find in real life. Not that user either btw.
I'd advise you to play one of the other games instead.
Nah, he would pass for a tomboy
I liked it too, Mc was a really likable character and it was good to go back to a fantasy setting.
I fucking hated Xillia 1 though, this one was really bad.
>>amazing story
>>not the best Tales of gameplay but actually pretty good
Go fuck yourself, fucking lying retard.
Zestiria suffered because it's unfinished.
>They literally wrote entire character arcs for both the human and seraphim characters (except Alisha) that they never got to animate.
He doesn't. It's time to come out of the closet my man.
>The biggest problem with this game. An JRPG whitout a normal romance is strange, but protagonists are a fucking gay couple!
>I can't give a fuck about anything when I'm forced to play as a fucking faggot.
I don't like Zesty and still think you're a gigantic faggot
He really doesn't though, his character is commonly used for females.
He really wouldn't. His shoulders are too wide and his hips are too narrow. He looks like a twink, nothing like a woman at all.
>Implying romance isn't a standard requirement for JRPGs
>Implying players will tolerate faggotry
That doesn't even look like him. And no, he's not commonly used for r63. For every 1 trash image you have there's 1000 of him looking like he's supposed to. Sorry user, but you're wrong and your fetish is shit tier.
>Zestiria suffered because it's unfinished.
And it's incomplete because of all the crazy production issues. Baba fucked this game up.
>Implying romance isn't a standard requirement for JRPGs
it isn't you dumbass
>I'm able to like gay characters
I have bad news for you user
>Now he's trying to project his problems onto other people
Wow...just wow.
That looks like shit though. That doesn't even look like Mikleo. Just like some ugly moeblob cosplaying as Mikleo.
It's got nothing to do with homofaggotry and everything to do with you thinking romance should be a given in a JRPG.
>>Implying romance isn't a standard requirement for JRPGs
you're what's wrong with the JRPG audience
that's not even mikleo it's some dumb cunt dressed up as mikleo. your art is shit my dude.
>And it's incomplete because of all the crazy production issues. Baba fucked this game up.
Yeah he should have told the staff to STFU when they complained about wanting a waifu to wank off to, instead of humoring them and demanding that they add in a heroine. The end result was them wasting time trying and failing to implement Alisha into the main story (which as you can see from TOZX she just doesn't fit), and then pushing Rose, after that failure. Then stupidly not ensuring that the other teams were on the same page.
I have zesteria but never played more than an hour.
Maybe I should give it another chance.
Post more pure gay love.
It's from a Nip card game that is older than Zestiria. But you just proved my point.
>And no, he's not commonly used for r63
You haven't been on pixiv or twitter much have you?
Zestiria is kino, ignore the waifufags.
As soon as I read that they had to call the actors back to redo chunks of the game again, I knew that something had gone wrong.
not those anons but no, those cards looked nothing like mikleo. they share the same color scheme, that's all.
Not that user, but all that means is that other user is simply either just a fudanshi or you know isn't homophobic.
They're right though, he's not used for r63 any more than any other character. 99% of his art is gay smut with Sorey because Japan loves them as a gay couple and wants to keep them that way. In fact I'd wager he has far, far less r63 than Link who is also blatantly male.
They dont have anything to do with the stifling fusion system and fucked up battle camera.
They're canonically gay, user.
Tales of vesperia BC on Xbox one when?
So are you saying that players don't expect a romance in a JRPG?
Every expectation is a possible disappointment.
Having a romance is basicaly tradition in the JRPG genre, we all know that.
Best gaybois.
Actually no one knows if that's really true, it was literally just hearsay made up by an Alishafag.
All that was confirmed by the creators was that they were pressured into implementing a heroine, but they originally didn't want one, they triied to implement Alisha first but she didn't really work with the theme or the lore, so they used Rose instead.
No, they're wrong, he's used for R63 about the same as Yuri, you only see the gay smut because that's all that western fujos scan and repost.
Of course he has less than Link, Link is the main character of a main stream popular franchise that has been around since the 80's, and whose game sells into the millions.
They're not wrong at all. You don't go to pixiv or the source at all if you think there's some overwhelming amount of genderswap shit. There isn't. It's mostly yaoi, by a lot.
I seem to remember an interview with Sorey's Jap VA implying him and others having to go back to revoice stuff. Let me try and find it.
What Im saying is romance is not a requirement for a JRPG.
>he's used for R63 about the same as Yuri
which is also a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of stuff where he's a gay dude doing gay shit. actually go to pixiv instead of searching boorus, my dude
Reminder they wasted Go Shiina on this piece of dogshit.
Yuri isnt the best example since him and Flynn are gay as hell too
user, where the fuck I got my pictures from?
the trash, apparently.
Well yeah, he also looks like a feminine enough that Nips frequently r63 him. Him canonically wanting Flynn to be his husbando not withstanding.
They're not saying it doesn't exist, just that it isn't a thing the way you're pushing it to be. This thread looks pretty much the same way pixiv does. 20 people posting decent gay art and one mentally ill freak pushing their awful trash fetish on everyone else. Kindly fuck off and stop arguing over nothing.