4k 60FPS
4k 60FPS
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And no one's buying it.
It's at 13 now. Switch is at 8 now.
Is this a bigger leap in power than the Xbox and PS2?
only reason why these ps cards are selling so much is because no one is going to use their card info after psn got hacked
It was number 2 when it launched. It's already at 13.
I have seen more hype for Bubsy than the XboneX
>60 FPS
Xbox One X was fucking dead on arrival. No one is buying it. It lost steam literally two days after launch.
This isn't about hardware. Or FPS. Or 4k. It's never been about hardware.
This is about software. Make no fucking mistake.
If you do not have the software, the hardware will fail. It does not matter if you make old software look better. The hardware will still fail.
And now there's this
"Even if we compare the lowest point of the resolution, the PS4 Pro version can hit 960×2160 on the low end and 2640×2160 on the high-end of the resolution, compared to the Xbox One X, which has a resolution ranging from 1920×2160 to 3840×2160, and it is already a massive leap while maintaining a steady frame rate."
are people actually expecting it to outsell the switch when it's a niche console at a very high price tag. That's crazy
xbox won
Another game. This time its Destiny. I guess the marketing deals Sony had with these companies is over
"The more interesting part of the update is that it confirms the game will run at native 4K on the Xbox One X compared to the dynamic 4K resolution on the PS4 Pro."
It's over, PS4 and Switch are gone.
I genuinely wish I was shitposting, because I love Xbox. I have the original, 360 above it, and xbox one next to the original on my shelf right now.
But it's over. Microsoft fucked up. This thing is not selling and it's going to flounder over the holidays.
Checkerboarded 19fps
The features keep coming
Notice how this thread is barely getting any hate. Or shitposting. Or arguing?
That's really unusual for Sup Forums. It's a bad sign.
Probably for PUBG
Haha it took 4 years for the ps4 to let you quit party chat in the quick menu holy shit how can you support these guys
destiny 2 is not dynamic 4K on the pro, it's adaptive 4K
Because Xbros are comfy af
Only Sonydabbers and Nintendoodoos are buttmad all the time
this! we xbros actually play games
I love how you're covering up the $683.00 price tag that Amazon put on the box.
Nintenbros play games too though
canadian detected. kys
I bought an X last night. I don't even have a 4K TV, but I got really drunk and saw that Best Buy had some left and thought "fuck it."
It's actually really impressive. Again, I'm on a non-4k tv, but every game I've tried so far has had noticeable differences. Higher framerates, lower load times, etc. A handful of really poorly optimized games went from "almost unplayable" to "buttery smooth". It's kind of crazy.
Probably don't do what I did and buy one without a 4k/HDR TV, but, like, the hardware itself is pretty great. Not sure why all the hate for it.
Amazon charges $499.99, just like everyone else. You're either looking at a reseller through amazon or in canadabux or something.
post a timestamp with your console
>Only Sonydabbers and Nintendoodoos are buttmad all the time
At least they have consoles with games to play.
That's probably why the two fanbases get along so well.
>ANd shit game library
Uh, okay. If you insist.
>Xbox and Nintendo stuff
Sure buddy :3
this is true.
>xbros busy with enjoying life, staying in shape, making money and playing vidya
>occasional pop in on Sup Forums but are very silent and dont start trouble
>LITERALLY every single consolewar thread in this hell hole revolves around sony pc and nintendo idiots flinging shit
damn it feels good to be an xbro
Do the math
Still no games.
4k* 60fps**
>Xbros are comfy af, yo! Fuarken hell yaaaas desu!
>pc and sony people pride themselves on graphics
>new xbox comes along and blows the pro out of the water and is on par with a high end pc
This place can give you a right laugh at times
Hitting an arbitrary benchmark doesn't mean the games are good.
Love stayin classy
There's nothing to argue about with the xbox one. It's already so shit nobody has one. Meanwhile every other platform is worth having so poorfags who can't afford all of them argue over which one is the best.
I don't think you replied to the right post
>on par with a high end pc
>those mid-rate scores on CoD
>calling something cringe on a board where everyone is an overweight virgin
Console wars are truly all you fags have left.
>buying a new console for 100's of dollars to either play games in 4k or at 60fps, but not both at the same time
>could have just bought a high end gfx card instead
Does the price really justify the gain, I think not
>tfread is about xbox
>has to resort to talking about sony
opinion discarded
amerisharts everyone
>a high end pc
look at the person i replied to
The Xbox does have some of the best graphics in their games
Gears 4
Halo 5
I'm sure there will be some meme arrows under each game trying to refute this claim.
The other 2 platforms have to scream at everyone to get attention not so much with Xbox, people know it is and it sells
sony people dont pride themselves on graphics, its literally always been games and exclusives
nobody has ever stood up for the Ps4Pro
The power...
*Upscaled 4K
*30fps "cinematic experience"
>the largest online retailer in the world
yeah who cares
>sony people dont pride themselves on graphics
>Not understanding that what matters on consoles are exclusive games
Go suck Phil Spencer's dick faggot.
halo and madden machine lmao. Enjoy your no exclusives. Sorry, (((timed))) exclusives.
>tfw you didn't fall for the ps4meme
Feels good fellow xbros doesn't it?
There's a lot of detail in the 1X screen shot compared to the blur on the XB1.
>sony people dont pride themselves on graphics
This is moore's law in effect
Yikes. Something struck a nerve here.
>new xbox comes out
>people act like forza is a good game
like clockwork
>the forza horizon games arent the best games of this gen so far
get out of here pleb
>Xbot Ubishill
Gonna wait next year to pick one up, need a larger sku to store those games
>spend $1200+monitor on a pc
>$500 console runs games exactly the same
>Sees kanye west commercial
You are literally the ONLY one who bought that shit.
>making up shit just to diss the Xbox
>He actually bought xbox one x
>all these dormant xbros rising up and squishing sony roaches.
fucking beautiful
>100 bucks to get 3 fps more
truly a beast
>implying graphicsfags won't just go PC
but human eye can only see 24 frames per second?????
>i-i-i-its only 3fps EVERYTHING ELSE IS THE SAME
lmao look at this and weep, Sonyroach
Ill cop one after I buy a switch, just built my first rig last week
Halo sold me on it
who ccares xtard
jesus christ im glad i didnt fell for this shit, xbox is just pathetic at this point
who are you quoting?
It's fun watching them scramble for excuses for their Pro. Now they're saying they never cared about the Pro in the first place.
ahah diumb fucking fagot
>He actually gives a shit what other people do with their money!
That Xbox is doing better than my 390 @ 1440p.