This fucking guide keeps telling me to go to my "Appdata" folder so I can back up my save file. I can't fucking find it? Is it fucking hiding?
This fucking guide keeps telling me to go to my "Appdata" folder so I can back up my save file. I can't fucking find it...
Its in your documents folder and it is a hidden folder so you will have to change the configuration setting to display hidden files and folders
It's not working. Is there another way to do this?
>open explorer
>type %appdata% into adress bar
>Start menu
>Type "run"
>Menu comes up
>Type "Appdata"
If you're using a version of Windows without Start menu, please shove both of your own legs up your ass to the knee.
Does this work for windows xp?
Am I being trolled?
I enabled the options like said. Still not there.
Weird, I guess your computer is cursed
OP better be using windows
sent ;^)
>windows 10
lol that explains it. Win 10 is the brainlet OS that doesn't let its users alter anything
I was hoping this would work.
lol can't post two pictures at one time. whups
%appdata% , bra(inlet)c.
Click on your address bar (the one with This PC > Local Disk etc) and type %appdata%
I can play the game just fine. I'm able to load a save with no problem.
Is anyone here good at computers?
Control Panel.
Folder options
General Tab > Click on the Restore Defaults > then Click Apply >
View Tab > enable - Show hidden files
works on my machine
Unfortunately, I have no dice with this solution.
yeah what do you need senpai
I want to reinstall my computer but I don't want to lose my farm. a guide says check my appdata but like above I don't have one
I could help you, but I don't have a time to turn on my computer, cya gl.
How are you posting on Sup Forums?
press windows button then type in the search field cmd
run the programm and type in %appdata%
press "windows button" and "R" at the same time and then type in %appdata% your welcome famalam
thanks for trying, user :(
this is correct op try it please i am just trying to help
I've tried like 4 different things and this computer is insistent I don't have an appdata folder
either youre trolling or just should use google u lazy piece of shit
I'm sorry I'm not that great at computers, user. It's no reason to be hostile, though.
then call microsoft support?
Buy a console
Even I know enough to know they're not actually helpful.
I have a switch and PS4. Both recommended, desu
Guys, there's this weird folder called system32 and I never installed it. What do I do with it?
dude i am working for apple support and know microsoft support they can help you, so that means youre just trolling and using us good fellas to have your fun
great job
You can't just paste C:\Users\branc\AppData in your explorer address bar and have it take you to it?
It's where bill gates keeps his loli collection
It's a virus, delete it!
>Console gaming
>Pop in game have fun
>PC gaming
>Have to reinstall the whole OS just to get one game working
Thank you everyone. I'm going to give up for now. I'll try again later. That or I'll buy a new computer. Black friday is coming up.
open citra, on the "file" menu go to "select game directory", choose whatever folder the game is in. Once the game appears in the list on citra's starting menu, right-click it's name and select "go to save file location".
literal retard
Holy shit Sup Forums is so collectively stupid. 40 posts and you guys can't help him out? I didn't read the thread but hey, OP, here's all you have to do:
Press Start, then %appdata% . Thank me later.
This is why windows is so shit.
Why couldn't Unix be the gaming OS?
user, most of your system won't work without an AppData folder. Is there anything else that's not working? Chrome? Firefox? Other games?
Maybe he deleted the appdata folder