Are they finished in the console business?
Are they finished in the console business?
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They said they wanted to sell xbox department few years back. They're just milking whatever they can until someone comes in.
From the look of W10, they're also finished with operating systems. Now they just use their massive amounts of money to rape your ass.
they never said that cuck
So this is how it is to be delusional...whoa...
Must be nice for you.. the reality will hit even harder when you will realise the truth...
Remember when Sonyfriends use to post game comparisons to shit on others? I guess they're back to doom and gloom threads now.
Excuse me?
Nope. Internally they are already working on the new Xbox.
what are you talking about drama faggot
This. I never met a single person sing praises about 10. It's always a complaint.
The luck of Microsoft is that Apple is Macs are expensive and average people don't even know Linux exists or associate it with some hollywood hackskills.
doubt it. people will say that they have lost billions on their consoles but the thing is that microsoft doesnt give a fuck about that. they just want their consoles in the living room and thats all that matters. literally the reason why they entered this industry in the first place is because sony was dominating the living room and refused to work with them to.
How do you get like this?
No. The one X is an amazing piece of kit and for the price you will not be able to build a pc that runs the games it can at similar levels.
Stop replying to me faggot. I don't want to be associated with any echo chamber you came from.
Linux is fucking ugly and nerd tier
The consoles aren't the issue.
It's the NO GAMES
>people literally said the same thing about Windows 7 when it came out after XP
Whoa... Literally reliving the history in live....
Even if a PC could emulate all the old Xbox games, would they even look as good as they do running off of the new Xbox? These old ass games look incredible. I almost took a screen shot of the game Black to share because it looks like an newer 360 game. Same with NGB and PoP.
It's got all the major releases and has/is getting games that Sony doesn't.
Xbox is not designed to compete with windows gaming it's designed to compete with PlayStation
This pretty much. I don't even mind that they are on Win10 as well, it's just that their lineup this year hasn't been great. At least next year looks better with State of Decay 2, Ori and Sea of Theieves. I have no idea if Halo 6 is gonna show up since MS appear to actually be giving 343i more dev time.
are you actually high?
Xbox has more games than any consoles. You can get 3 generations of games on Xbox one.
He is right.
you know a game looks good when you almost take a screenshot of it
Actually, they said that about vista.
Everyone loved 7 after the horrible vista OS
If anything they're doubling down(from the last few years) and changing tactics. What they really want is to generate the biggest eco system regardless of the platform you might be playing on. They also mentioned this week that they want to make more 1st party games, because that segment of their business has faltered over the last 3 years. I don't think you're going to get any "xbone exclusives" but you will get more "Windows 10 and Xbone" games coming out,because again ,they're no super concerned about hardware sales, which don't generate much revenue anyway.
I like what they're doing, putting all three generations on one piece of hardware though smart software based emulation. Ninja Gaiden Black 4K 60 FPS is a good example, and you can use your original disc too.
If you're a "console war" warrior it doesn't look good for you, you can't bring up an console specific exclusives to "win an internet argument" but all things considered Microsoft has been doing well(30 million xbones and 10-15 million monthly xbone live subscribers is pretty good) and looks to be improving over the next few years.
Nice samefagging
This. Backwards compatibility is one of the best things to happen for the Xbox especially since those games are in the digital library.
Give it another generation and Xbox will become a windows store steam machine, which is a very good thing
Everyone loved 7 you revisionist fuck. The whole point of 7 was pleasing people that disliked Vista for deviating from XP. It was essentially XP 2.0
>FIFA and FEAR for PS3
Nice credibility.
shovelware definitely decreased when the ps3 came out
Yeah except Windows 10 is expected to overtake your hipster OS (Windows 7)
Sea of thieves looks fucking great but its gameplay right now is digshit.
There is nothing to do and no incentive to do it
No they didn't faggot. 6% are still on XP even now
>Linux is fucking ugly and nerd tier
You just prove what i said, people have the completely wrong idea about what Linux is.
>6% are still on XP even now
So? 40% are on 7.
When he said "ugly" he was talking about the way to install, about the drivers, about the mediocre hardware and peripherals support, , the fact it sucks for gaming and some others stuff outside programming and about the garbage community
I dunno. How many threads do you see about ouya reaching bump limit?
It will only go down over the years:
Like it did for XP
>Windows 10 can't get people to switch even when offered for free.
>Windows 10 can't get people to switch even when forcibly thrust onto PCs without their user's permission.
That is not the proper use of the word "ugly".
I understand the complain about gaming. But that is really the only thing going against Linux. If you can dualboot or using your pc for more serious stuff. Zero reasons to not use it. It's just too good in comparison.
That looks like it belongs on something you give an 8 year old from Toys r Rus
That's just because new hardware is sold with 10.
You won't find a pc or laptop in a store selling you with 7. It can only go down obviously. But it will stop somewhere since there's always a portion that keeps the same OS for some legacy purposes.
You can change it. Point is, it's just like your OS, you don't need to be some hacker to use it.
>That's just because new hardware is sold with 10.
Just like every latest Windows OS. It also get the news features etc
I'm out of this garbage tthread