When is there going to be a price drop?

When is there going to be a price drop?

If nintendo is serious about this blue ocean thing they need to realize that no one is going to buy there kids a $360.
Right now the switch is an enthusiasts platform. If they won't the general public there going to need a price drop down too $200.

get a fucking job

I literally just talked a co-worker into getting his kids a switch instead of the xbonks he was considering

I'd be happy with a console + game bundle for like $300

Enough Nintendicksuckers on this planet that would buy it even for $599
The 3DS was the biggest piece of shit with technology from 1859 and yet it sold like 70 million units because Nintendo dick suckers are mentally ill and there are lots and lots of them. Especially in Japan where radioactivity is high and people are born retarded.

>they need to realize that no one is going to buy there kids a $360.
What the fuck are you basing this on? You're a childless NEET.

>buy there kids a $360.
>If they won't the general public there going to need

Price drops only happen when people arent buying

I just bought one to avoid the inevitable hell that will be trying to find one in between Thanksgiving and Christmas

Bought my kids one just the other day because so many places are already running out of stock.

t. manchildren with no job and thus no parents willing to buy him a console

Dear faggot, parents have enough money to get their children a 300$ console. And normale people have a job so they can afford it.
Move your flaccid ass, faggot.

switch is a handheld
at the price it's at they may buy one for the family, but not one for each kid.

Wrong on the first point, right on the second

being Canadian is suffering

what third world country are you from, friend?

Again, what the fuck are you basing this on?

There are plenty of households out there where every kid has an ipad, and those are a hell of a lot mopre expensive than a Switch.

At least you are not russian.

As someone who works in retail there are a lot of normies buying Switches for themselves and/or their kids, especially with Odyssey's marketing push.

Who are "normies"?
I missed some new meme.

>people aren't going to buy a $360 system
>in the same era when parents were paying $600 for an overpriced blu-ray player

Kids will just scratch the screen putting in the dock too hard anyway, not an ideal system for kids.

people who aren't on the autism spectrum

That is why you buy a screen protector.

>kids will just scratch the screen doing something that was proven to be a hoax

it literally happened to me

Why would I lie about this?

Marginal cost of gaming consoles is not an issue in middle class families.

I imagine, "Timmy, no. You just got an Xbox last year." to be a bigger obstacle than money.

Even that won't be so bad though since Americans build out their calendar around consumerism and excuses to spend money.

Genuinely more likely that you fucked it up some other way, and didn't notice. Like those people who thought the switch could get hot enough to bend

you mean like an 8 year old meme

Maybe you are a lawyer and must practise some.

Spotted the underage.

Proven by whom? One person with one system? Versus a myriad of scratched switches.



It'll go down eventually.

>tfw only retailer in your town doesn't carry the Switch alone so you had to buy the Odyssey bundle that costs more than buying the Switch and Odyssey separately

as soon as the sales drop by a decent amount, why would they ever do a pricedrop when the console is selling like hotcakes

fucking seriously

>Switch is $400
>Mario is $80
>or get them together for the low, low price of $500!


The $20 carrying case

The carrying case you get with it

How much do you have to pay in tax when you buy this?

Switch is selling like fried tits, so I guess your armchair economics don’t mean much, eh dipshit?

Just wait for the revision


Not happening.

>majority of switch's size is battery
>somehow a smaller version would have a longer battery life

7nm tech

Carrying case included, idiot. Jesus.

not happening
>3ds xl
not happpening
>wii mini
not happening
>gba sp
not happening
not happening
>ds lite
not happening
>new 2ds
not happening

>a bunch of handhelds and one revision long after the console was relevant

>decrease screen resolution

how many of those happened in the first fucking year?

>lists Nintendo handhelds
>switch is a home console

But it is a handheld!

Depends on the province. In Ontario, 13%.

B-but there was a Wii Mini! It counts even though it got rid of GCN functionality and nobody bought it!


I just bit the bullet. Bough a refurbished one with Odyssey for $520 with tax. It's fucking rough man, wouldn't have done it without a little recent cash influx. Every game is like $80 too, it's ridiculous.

Honestly, price isn't that bad.
Should have a pack-in game, tho.

Why is it that every time I see this same ridiculous mockup it has a different name? Switch Lite, Switch Go, Switch Mini, not a single one makes sense design wise or for Nintendo to release

None of the consoles this gen are worth buying. Xbox has no games, PS4 has like 1 or 2 games, Switch has Zelda. That's it. This gen sucks.

Maybe you need a new hobby, dipshit

Think you need a new hobby

You should probably diversify your tastes a bit user, if you can't find any games.

I could see them releasing a SKU that doesn't included the dock or grip for $200 at a push but 'Switch mini' just isn't happening

Nobody bought it because it came out in 2013, a time when you could buy a used original Wii for a fraction of the price.
And the fact that the Wii fad was already long dead.

I played over 300 games last gen. I like games. I just don't like any of this gens games.

so a single person can simultaneously shitpost various threads.

Get a fucking job you bum.

Switch is cheap as fuck

I'd be willing to pay the $300 asking price for a bundle with the Pro Controller and a bigger memory card but (when compared to the competition) the Switch is currently a total rip-off.

I'd also be willing to pay $400 for an iPhone 8 with a terrabyte memory and a handjob

>that screen resolution

Got a Switch with SMO for €333 a couple of weeks ago. Best deal I've seen so far and I hope for my sake it won't drop lower anytime soon.
Or else hello buyer's remorse.

>No one's going to buy their kid's a 360$
My parent's got my sister one. Just admit you're a poorfag.

Nintendo's selling the Switch at just enough to avoid selling at a loss. I wouldn't expect any big price drops any time soon.

>MFW These fucking Switch bundles are fucking retarded
>"Yeah here's the console, a digital copy of the game and a cheap fucking carrying case, that will be the price of all three items separately with no fucking bundle discount thank you"

What's the point of dropping the price when you are just starting to be able to get your system stocked on shelves regularly? It's technically OOS on Amazon right now.

I'd be surprised if the switch isn't sold out throughout the holidays and shortly after due to kids getting gift cards as gifts.

The "cheaper" Switch would be a console only version, not a portable only version you dumb fuck

That also defeats the purpose of the name

I have no intentions of purchasing a Switch until it drops to $200 in some sale. It simply isn't worth it otherwise.

Where you get this deal? I'm in Ireland and the Switch is 330 euro by itself.

>it isn't worth it unless they sell it at a 20% loss
I guess we all have our own personal evaluations

media markt in the netherlands, regular switch price is 330 here as well

>switch revision
>no joy-cons
what's wrong with people?

Once Nintendo makes even more units, because that’s how supply and demand works.

Too bad Mario Odyssey bundle doesn't include physical copy of the game.

This. It's just not worth it for only a couple of games

They don't own a Switch and don't understand what makes it good. It's literally that simple

It makes no sense to me as a consumer why a Switch is more expensive than a regular PS4 when PS4 has better graphics.

The controller could probably still switch if they use joycons, I guess.

While true, it would allow you to play Switch games on a console that costs far less

To be fair the further you get away from launch the cheaper manufacturing gets. You are buying a switch at launch MSRP because you want to play it now. Others are willing to trade time with the console for a discount. That's how the market works. Customer A paid $300, but got to use the item 15 months longer than Customer B who paid $200.

Why not? A lot of customers wanted a 3DS without 3D. A lot of customers probably think the joycons are stupid and just want to play nintendo games by themselves with a pro controller. I could see a VitaTV-like variant or a portable only model. I doubt they'd be that much cheaper than the normal model though given it's Nintendo.

Dark red exclusive joycons

Because the Switch is a tenth of the size, has a battery, and screen?

The genuinely true answer is threefold:
Sony sells its consoles at a loss
Portable technology is expensive
Joy-cons have a lot of unique tech in them

>implying wii mini is a good revision and not a gimped wii
>same goes for 2ds

The only real improvements there are the gba sp and the ds lite, the dsi was unnecessary.

Parents buy their kids expensive shit like phones and tablets all the time. Don't expect a price drop until 2019.

Why the fuck would I want the waggle shit? Let's be seirous here, I never once used that shit while playing odyssey.

>decrease resolution
>smaller battery
>somehow has nearly double the battery life
Wow you must be good at electronics

Same reason why people pay $1000 for a phone when a laptop half the price stomps it.

original 2ds was probably pretty good for kids.

As a consumer all I see is Nintendo machine has PS3/Xbox 360 level capabilities for more expensive price than PS4 and Xbox One. I don't care about portability or gimmick in the joy cons. I'd rather have had Nintendo machine with PS4 level graphics for same or less price than PS4 (considering it came out a few years after PS4).

If you don't use gyro while playing Splatoon or BotW you're doing it wrong.