Why is it so hard to find out what platforms this game will be released for? Kojima apparently said his next game would be on PC/PS4 but then he partnered up with sony. Nioh has shown us that even if sony will be the publisher it still might be on PC though. Why can't they just confirm what platforms it will be released for?
Why is it so hard to find out what platforms this game will be released for...
Any news on this or it was all just fake hype?
>Kojima apparently said
Why do so many people use the word "apparently" wrong?
Vague updates. No gameplay.
>Console Exclusive to PlayStation®4 System
You should know what this means by now.
We haven't even seen gameplay footage, everything is up in the air. I would just wait and see. Don't buy into the hype machine, ever.
straight from his twitter
it's coming to PC aswell
it will be cancelled, just like the majority of games Del Toro has worked on
>Almost immediately after Hideo Kojima's contract with Konami ended, Sony announced that it had brokered a partnership with the newly-separated Kojima Productions, and that it would be funding and publishing its next game exclusively for the PlayStation 4. It's not completely exclusive, though, as Kojima's next game will likely come to PC as well. This partnership just means that, unfortunately, Xbox One owners will be left in the lurch.
When will you fanboys understand ? Kojima is a talentless hack who'll fuck you in the ass once more. Betting 200$ the game will be an embarrassing mess of teenage 2deep4u ramblings and stupid gimmicks.
here is pretty much all you need to know about it
xbox btfo
>will likely come to PC as well
See? That's not confirmation. "Likely" means it's speculation. I hope it comes to PC aswell but I want confirmation.
Well it'll probably take like another 3-4 years for the game to even come out, so you might be waiting a while.
MGSV TPP was on PC
Death Stranding will be on PC, read the fucking article and use your little brain a bit
>Working on the new IP with long-time Metal Gear Collaborators
How much of confirmation do you need
Literally the only reason I'm going to get a PS4. Kojima almost never disappoints. MGS4 though, that was a turd, and MGSV's slight disappointment can be attributed to Konami's interference. Had Kojima made what he wanted to, it would've been an epic.
The RDR2 trailer left me a bit underwhelmed, and Naughty Dog is so cucked I won't even bother buying TLOU2 new now. I'll get it used from an Ebay seller so ND doesn't get any of my money.
>konamis game was on PC so a sony funded game will also be on PC
>How much of confirmation do you need
Actual confirmation. Facts. Not speculation and opinions.
The engine is owned by Sony, new KojiPro has a partnership with Sony, the game is in ridiculously early-development and unless you have contract Kojima signed with Sony we'll never know until the game comes out.
Because it's not a game, even if it is vaguely a game it will be shit covered in pretentious exposition explaining how "deep" it is, like every Kojima "game"
>Actual confirmation. Facts. Not speculation and opinions.
why don't you call up Kojima's assistant and make an appointment for this one you entitled fucking prick
Are Sonybros really this ass hurt that they get just another timed exclusive if even, really kind of pathetic.
This is the last (you) get from me.
>uses Decima, a Sony owned engine
>the title is trademarked by Sony
i-it will come to pc!!!
getting a bit antsy because there's no fuel for console war shitposting, are we?
Thanks for bumping my threads. You are obviously mentally retarded. I asked you 3 or 4 times for FACTS. You always answered with speculations. The fucking thread started with this sentence:
> Why can't they just confirm what platforms it will be released for?
That was still not enough for you to understand the actual subject. Not only that, apparently you absolutely need to bring up your sony boogeyman. I want the game on PC but I don't know if it will be on PC. Hence I asked. You can keep bumping the thread though, show me the power of mental retardation a bit more.
it was a interview with Kojima himself the facts are in the written article
ass hurt?
>console exclusive
Straight from Sony's mouth.
>Caring about anything by Kojima
Daily reminder Kojima is such a fragile little faggot he hired an army of lawyers to send out cease and desist letters when a translator of MGS2 called him a hack.
Sony beta test 2050, PC definitely edition 2051
Sony doesn't seem to care in general though if something is on the PC so long as it's console exclusive to them. Guess they figure (probably correctly) that the PC and console markets are fairly disjunct sets. Even though there is overlap, they serve fairly distinct applications for a lot of the general population. Hell, even amongst those with both there are times where the appliance-nature of a console is nice alongside times where the max power/flexibility of the PC is nice. Sony doesn't go out of its way to port to PC but they don't stand in the way if it's an easy gimme either, and with PS4 on x86 that's more and more true.
>the game is in ridiculously early-development
Yeah, worth remembering that Kojima only showed the thing off even remotely at E3 2016. MGS4 probably had at least a 3-4 year development cycle.
So actually I wonder if this will even be on the PS4 at all. OP asks: >Why is it so hard to find out what platforms this game will be released for?
If target release is 2019/2020, maybe they're actually thinking about running it on the PS5. That'd be a reason to be cagey. Part of the x86 switch was that revisions are a lot easier now. Bringing out the next gen after 6-7 years seems plenty reasonable given perfect BC, and having a Kojima title to launch it with would be nice for Sony. It'd give him more to work with as well.
kek what a cunt
I couldd post Kojima's visit at Valve from his twitter to confirm even more PC but I cba about some niggers wanting attention about a game that has no release date.
Retard, that's from before he chose to use the Decima Engine. DEATH STRANDING is owned by Sony.
For the same reason they use "could care less", and say "could of/should of".
>makes shit up to say something
kill yourself
>you will never be this ass blasted about DS coming to PC
holy fuck my sides
That's a fucking recap you absolute faggot.
what else do you have to say I'm really curious how wide I can stretch your gaping asshole about a PC release
have some fast facts
What is their actual source for it coming to PC though? I read the article twice now and there seems to be no source for that claim. I know kojima tweeted. The only articles I found that cite a source for that claim were written in 2015 and the sources for those article have been deleted since.
>it might be a launch title for the ps5
wasn't mgs3 supposed to be for the ps3 originally but then the ps3 took too long? kojima definitely doesn't mind aiming for the cutting edge so long as he has fallback plan. they can probably simulate what they'll use for the ps5 just by dev on a decent pc right now.
>getting excited for vaporware
Sony owns the IP, so ps4 only
sony doesn't own shit
they publish it - Kojima can release it on switch if he wants to
Look at the link the other guy posted
Switch Exclusive 2019
old news, read the article from 2017
>sony doesn't own shit
They're paying for it jackass. They own whatever is in their contract. Sony has proven they're not worried about PC/PS4, but it's console exclusive.
>they publish it - Kojima can release it on switch if he wants to
lol no.
The article somehow overwrites sonys copyright of the IP?
it does, Kojima has spoken
>lol no.
lol yes
She didn't call him a hack, she exposed him as an autistic manchild plagiarist
source with lawyers and name calling needed
This game is ultimate normie bait with that faggot from that faggot show as the main character
It's going to be on Playstation 5. That's why they aren't mentioning platforms. The game isn't coming out before 2020. They only just picked an engine to make the game out of. Everything we have seen so far has been CGI. No gameplay.
>sony babies shitting themselves already
>no gameplay, no release date
>Horizon Zero Dawn has three items with Stranded as part of it's name and if you collect them you get a pair of fucking warm socks
What did Guerrilla mean by this?
I have a feeling we'll see gameplay at the video game awards this year.
Kojima always brings something for Geoff.
Because there is still no gameplay.
I hope I'm wrong on this, but I am really put off by the usage of real actors, especially that lead one. Hopefully I can be sold on it, but I'm pretty sure it's a huge mistake. I don't think celebrity faces belong in video games, it's fine to use their voices (preferably not though) but putting their faces into them is always jarring.
It's like the games share an engine and Kojima Productions and Guerrilla are collaborating to improve the engine or something
Oh yes we all saw how well it went with Kiefer in TPP
It went pretty well.
Well... HZD looks good as fuck in a Pro, like holy shit seriously.
Exactly, it actually went well.
If shit is done properly then I don't really care if they use Hollywood-tier people or not.
this is a Hideo Ko. Game