Get told by Sup Forums it's shit

>Get told by Sup Forums it's shit
>Play it years later
>It's actually really good
Every time. Pillars of Eternity thread, anyone?

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You really shouldn't form opinions based entirely off of Sup Forums shitposts.

The gameplay is too shitty for me to make it past 15 minutes.

who cipher here

But half of Sup Forums always says it's great

>It's actually really good
Yeah, because they patched it multiple times.

Yeah, first act is shit, had to force myself to play through it, but late game is pretty good. I just hope they will make Pillars 2 more enjoyable

I want to get it. its really cheap on g2a but the definitive edition comes out soon and i dont want to miss the last dlc

Great game. Few games let me fuck as much shit up unarmed as this one does. Monks are amazing.

>special snowflakes
Ranger here. Stormcaller is the king of the game.

why be a ranger when you can be a /rangedrogue/? cc is godly

Played 30h of this shit game as a cipher, nothing ever hits, it's fucking useless. Turned me off from the genre until I picked up shadowrun last month.

Bruh, it's done. It's been done since February with White March Pt 2, you can buy "definite edition" right now.

Literally so bad that the devs themselves tell you not to pick it

Because I can do godly cc with auto attacks thanks to Driving Flight, Stunning Shots, Twinned Arrows and the 10% stormcaller stun proc.

While I cannot be around to discuss the game (on my way out the door) I will give this thread a bump and congratulate OP on his great taste in video games.

>tfw pillars 2 isn't out

Never Ever.

>tfw played through the entire game twice including DLC
>never bothered to figure out how ciphers work

They said the new update is coming very soon. Beta will be out within a month or two. Hold on, bros.

It was really fucking terrible at release. PoE is serviceable now, but the DLC is still better than the base campaign.

Probably just playing vanilla Cypher again tee bee haitch. Ghost Heart Ranger multiclass sounds cool, but probably not worth missing out on max level Cypher spells and lagging one or two levels behind on my spells list.

Dealing damage, ranged or melee, procs Soul Whip, dealing more damage and building whatever the Cypher mana is called.

>Corpse Eater
I can't wait to be a massive edgy faggot

Helwalker Monk

>never bothered to figure out how chanters work
>never bothered to figure out how ciphers work
>didn't bother with grieving mother and just gave kana an arquebus for some ranged support

>It was really fucking terrible at release
How so? The balancing was worse (but on the other hand, there were a lot of cheese strats and broken tactics)

I got rid of Kana Rua as soon as I could. His voice lines were way too precious for me. Goofy ass looking motherfucker wasn't worth sticking with even with his skeletons.

What's the best/most fitting class for a protagonist and what's the best party composition?

About to do my first playthrough.

I actually just got it and am starting it soon for the first time.
Any tips for some fun class/race to play and why?

unless you are talking about the console release

There were some nasty bugs as well. My save was ruined because several characters had their stats and bonuses from passives/talents permanently erased. I think Eder had some bug that gave him infinitely scaling deflection so he was a walking God. Put it down for a good year after that.

Just don't play Fighter, I normally play as a Fighter or in every RPG, but they're super boring in PoE and your obligatory human tank companion is great in this game. IMO Cypher makes the most sense from a lore perspective to synergize with your Watcher powers, and just cycle your party.

Monk and Druid are the funnest classes to play, Paladins and Cyphers are cool too.

>not rogue
>not barbarian

Cipher makes more sense but Monk is the best choice. Barbarian is cool too and very underrated.

Better than the main game.

White March was real comfy, although I still think they had a few too many trash mobs (especially in the Durgan Battery)

something that can go into perception and int for dialog is good for the MC.
Priest is absolutly broken for any comp, earlygame they have decent damage spells and mid-lategame they buff the shit out of your party. Also they can remove/prevent any kind of debuff.
You can go with something like 2 frontline 2 "2nd line" dds and 2 "supports".
Just a heads up:
Barbs cant tank and are actually int based classes due to int affecting selfbuff duration and cleave aoe
wizards are excelling in close combat and crowd controll, not so much in spell damage
druids excell in spellcasting but suck in close combat
moon godlike monks make superb tanks (played through the game with this as MC)

Anyone here play pillars. Love it and bought Tyranny and was massively disappointed?

That's exactly my story. Bought Pillars of Eternity, loved it. Thought Tyranny was gonna be inferior but still a good time, pre-ordered it, it's awful, regretted it and haven't bought any of the DLC they have for it.

Such a shame, I haven’t played Tyranny but the whole setting seems much more interesting than Pillars in theory

I'm gonna buy the $100 poe2 backer tier

I bought the 80 bucks version. Hope Sawyer doesn't make me regret it.

The story ends up being nothing great but overall its alot of fun
what class are you running?

I'm gonna start it soon, what's a fun class?

cipher or monk

No fun class, just balance !

>get told by Sup Forums it's boring
>play it anyway
>it's boring

I hope the second one actually has an intneresting story. The first game is the biggest example of "interesting setting, worthless plot" I have ever seen in my life.
Also Woedica did nothing wrong.

How extensively did they patch this game anyway? I played this right when it came out and my monk was still getting his shit pushed in midgame. Retried as a Wizard back this September and it was EZ mode.

I felt it was trying way too hard to be different, while still trying to appeal to the same old RPG crowd.

My 2 cents.

A lot.

How can you consider this game "really good"?

I mean, it's not bad, but it's not great either.

neo Sup Forums has awful taste in games, why does this surprise you? PoE is great, can't wait for sequel.

Installing it now. Is the Paladin class fun?

Pretty accurate, actually
>We're totally not your average fantasy CRPG setting guise! Wizards need Strength to cast damaging spells and are at their best when you turn them into melee powerhouses, Monks wear plate armor, Rangers wear Plate Armor, DRUIDS wear plate armor, Priests wear plate armor and fire muskets, and did we mention that the stronger you are the harder your gun fires?

>Leading an army of souls to assault Thaos at the heart of the world
Shit was phenomenal . Also Chanter master race

Monks are pretty damn fun throughout. Wizards can be spell knights, summoning weapons that blow everything else out of the water.

Should I play druid? They look the most fun and I always pick druids when they can transform into cool beasts and stuff.
Can you be both a spellcaster and a rip and tear animal, or du have to focus on one of the things?

Forgot to mention, for dialogue builds (focus basically all your stats on the Perception/Resolve/Int) Chanter and Paladin are both pretty good, since they can actually make use of all three stats without feeling weak.

does that make a difference in dialogue?

I'm playing as a fire godlike druid because druids have like 300 spells, with my party consisting of Eder (tank), Aloth (mage), Durance (healer), Pallegina (buffs and melee), and the other I usually get Grieving Mother, but I'll probably get the monk or barbarian when I can

You can be both. You can cast in either form, but shapeshifting only lasts ~30-60 seconds or something (which is more than enough for most battles and you can use it every battle). If you want a build for that kind of druid then:

It had some real top tier party members, pic related

Everyone will get the dlc pack for free, user. Are you a baka?

"Pillars of Eternity: Definitive Edition is coming out on November 15, developer Obsidian Entertainment has announced, and it looks to be a decent deal. For $39.99 you'll get the excellent isometric RPG plus both parts of its beefy expansion, The White March. At the moment, you can buy them combined for slightly cheaper, but that's a time limited deal on Fanatical (the renamed Bundle Stars) that runs out tomorrow.

Also, the Definitive Edition gets you all the extra goodies that were included in the Royal Edition of the game, which includes the original soundtrack, a digital collector's book and a novella set in the Pillars universe.

The edition will also feature some new DLC, called the Deadfire Pack, which is a reference to the upcoming Pillars sequel. It includes a few in-game items and portraits. All existing owners of Pillars will get this DLC pack free.!

Heavily. Dialogue is either a stat check (primarily) or a skill check (usually lore). All three mental stats, perception/resolve/int, are used frequently and only the main character's -stats are taken into consideration. High stat checks (17+) come up often and surprisingly early. While these aren't at all necessary to always hit, if you want to always hit them you have to exclusively put points into them, preferably even dropping another stat to put more points into them. It becomes less of a big deal at the end of the game, where there are a ton of stat boosts.

I personally enjoyed Chanter as my dialogue build. I dropped dex to the minimum and maxed Perception/Resolve/Intelligence. Dex basically doesn't matter at all for a chanter (though there are some checks that you won't be able to hit, but most of those are in the action sections you can use party members for) since his chants are unaffected.

That's not what you do though, otherwise the finale would probably have been goat

Its exactly what happened for me


You do have a clear save with the baby for Deadfire, right?

Replaying Tyranny now, it isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

I like PoE better, but Tyranny has slightly better combat, and a decent story and setting. It's short, yeah, but it's clearly meant to be played multiple times since you can't even access all the areas in one playthrough.

It's also probably one of the most innovative RPGs in the last decade in terms of how the MC starts out/the plot.

Not in potd.

Oh shit, the druids has lightning powers? Druid it is for sure then

>but Tyranny has slightly better combat
Tyranny's combat is much inferior to Eternity, in my opinion. Less party members so it's much simpler, far less enemy variety (and Pillars of Eternity wasn't particularly shining in this department either) and combat that is way too streamlined to the point that it just feels like a ability spam-fest while you wait for cooldowns to go off. The spell system breaks everything, too.

kind of thinking about doing another playthrough, just so i can have all the companion quests done on the save i import over to deadfire. my last run was a solo run.

Never beat it, for some reason the moment I hit act 3 I immediately lost all interest and never touched it again

My PC is fried, is it worth getting the PS4 version? It’s on sale

It's a really good port, but playing a RTwP game with a controller is sub-optimal at best.

sell your ps4, fix your pc

When should you jump into White March to not make it either too easy or too hard?

>durance gets knocked out
>”we lost the angry one!”

I believe level 7 for your 6 man party is the sweet spot.

The thing is that the game isn't really balanced around doing all content. You're either gonna be over-leveled for the expansion or for the main content. You can scale up if you want a challenge, though.

>[Lie] Yes

Excuse me


Literally what does that mean? My head hurts thinking about it

how do you know you're real user?

smart money right now is on our reality being a simulation rather than a base reality.

That assumes such technology is possible

But how can I lie about it if I don’t know the truth?

that's one of the easiest assumptions to make, of course its possible in a long enough timeline to simulate our reality

its not like every part of the galaxy, solar system, or even the planet needs to be simulated, just the parts of reality currently being interacted with/perceived by the actor/s

just like in vidya

>>It's actually really good
Some of us were just old enough to play better games.

That isn't an easy assumption at all. There will be upper limits of what is accomplishable with technology. The amount of computational power necessary to achieve that is magnitudes more than we've ever had, or would be possible using a planet's resources.

But what if magic is real?


No clue why anyone would take Sup Forums seriously? Way too many retards post here to trust anything.

You guys are reading way too much into it

You're answering as your playable character. You aren't real and you know it because you're in a videogame.

Are these White March expansions worth getting?

Yes, much better than the base game and I enjoyed the base game


They are the only good thing about this shit game.
Feels more like IWD.

>there is an upper limit to what is accomplishable with technology

i'm sure thats been said for as long as people have been talking about technology, the truth is neither of us have any real idea of what is and isn't going to be possible 50 years from now, nevermind 1000

especially in computing

ps. of all the actual scientists and philosophers who have considered the simulation hypothesis, the idea that its possible to simulate human existence is basically never argued against

whether or not basically all civilizations self-destruct before they get to that point is another matter

Been thinking about getting it since I tried out divinity 2 how does it compare? Does it have teleportion and summoning magic?