Lootboxes are ruining this industry, and there's nothing we can do about it

Lootboxes are ruining this industry, and there's nothing we can do about it.

>He isn't diversifying his hobbies
>He didn't see the writing on the wall with this shit years ago

Dumb animefaggot.

Vote with your wallet

there's literally nothing wrong with elves

Prove it with more Viper RSR gifs.

you deserve it, every game is now moba, fps garbage or some story shit about saving your gay adopted daughter

Who is this semen demon? I've seen her before.


Literally this.

Voting with your wallet will always, ALWAYS be true no matter what retards on Sup Forums say. Just because >70% of the world population is composed of brainlets who can't see beyond their nose does not change this statement.

If you want to have an impact on the industry, you need to take care of those idiots first.

Sorry, majority says lootboxes and other shit are okay so your vote means nothing.

I love how Sup Forums unironically believes that pirates are more important for the industry than paying customers.

I can just not buy loot boxes.
Ironically, i just did a few minutes ago for an MMO. But other kinds of games? Nah.

Lootboxes only ruin AAA games, and they're shitty nowadays anyway. Also, just don't buy them and more importantly is to inform whales how bad their behavior will influence future games

People buying lootboxes are the same who pay to win on smartphone games: a customer base different from the traditional videogame's one.
That's why, as said, only AAAAAAAAAAAAA titles and popular multiplayer games (the ones Sup Forums dislikes so much) will adopt it.
Now, if something like, I don't know, Persona 6 decides to adopt lootboxes and you buy either the game or lootboxes, then the only one to blame is yourself.

What anime is this? I like the the artstyle and it doesn't seem to be a NU-anime so not garbage.


It's an old h-game.
One of the Viper games if I recall.

I just play older games. Works pretty well for me.

so are titty streamers
>still can't do anything about it

Thinking not buying them solves the problem is a fucking meme because whales exist to make up for what you didnt buy 15x over. Im not saying to go and buy them because your "vote" doesnt matter but im saying that quit thinking you are making an impact by not buying them and you are taking down the system. Just ignore them and dont give a fuck, dont make it seem like some kind of activism shit.

she fucks a dog, i saw this when I was 13

>implying anime isn't the best medium now, mostly untainted by the casual plebeian masses such as yourself
Dumb redditposter.

>implying it is
Normalfags are flooding anime like crazy now more than ever before. Ive heard random people in public talk about fucking kill la kill which as you know is just a blatant fap bait show. Anime is dead just like video games.

Titty streamers don't affect game development in any way. Games are now balanced around the fact you can just buy your way out of the grind. Make the game pleasant enough to play but just enough boring to incentivize people to pay.

I haven't played any games where lootboxes have detracted from my enjoyment. What are some games where it's a serious issue?

>more peoples like it
>This means it's dead!


Need For Speed Payback right now. I literally can't advance in the game without either grinding for hours or paying.

Those peoples, or even anyone in the west, are not the target audience, and never will be. If they can't affect the industry at all, they are not a problem.
Which is why anime is so based. We can all enjoy it and it will never be cancerous for the medium's health.

"Vote with your wallet" won't work well at all in this scenario
>Vote only once against or as many number of times as you wish for.
>This is a fair system.

We could, as a whole, not play the games that have lootboxes. It could make whales less inclined to drop absurd amounts of money if theres no one to show off to. Though we'd have to make a huge spectacle of the "strike" to get the more casual players in on it and I doubt many people would follow through with it in the end.

>Best medium
At first I thought you were talking about Tezuka or old mecha anime but then I realize you meant modern shit.

>are not the target audience, and never will be
Yes, otakus are the target audience. The ones that spent hundreds of dollars converted to yen on mobile garbage to get their waifus and continue to spend hundreds of dollars on overpriced blurays with 2 episodes per disk. Otakus are the target audience and they have been killing anime industry for more than a decade and you know this perfectly well. Anime has always been much more of a business than writing or comics/mangas due to a simple fact of production costs, but current anime diversity is in the fucking shitter. At least there's hope in the manga industry that someone with talent and dedication can produce a decent thing. There's no such hope in anime industry. There's a limit to how much original ideas can monetarily fail and we are getting closer to that limit with each year. I'd rather read a fucking manga or LN than watch bad animation of something I've read in 5 minutes, except this time it lasts for 23.

anime is lit af rn