Why does Japan love using Nobunaga in so many video games?

Why does Japan love using Nobunaga in so many video games?

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mediocre warlord who only got so far because he was using matchlock guns while everyone else was still in shitty wood and leather. His defeat is embarrassing enough for me to believe this

Because they have a pretty boring history due to their extreme isolationism up until the mid-1800's. It's mostly internal conflicts and political power struggles, Nobunaga being one of the most notable.

It wasn't until after Russo-Japanese's visit that they started doing things on the international stage, like the Russo-Japanese and Sino-Japanese war. Frankly, I'd love to see a Russo-Japanese war RTS, but the genre is dead.

In case you're not an active consumer of all-things-Japanese, he's put into practically everything.

He's one of the biggest key figures in their nation's history, one with very juicy life and great accomplishments at that. Combined with various myths that have been tacked on the tales of true events later on, he's a great character to use when you need to have that "Nippon banzai!" tone.

I know many nips would roll in their graves and basements, but I guess the closest thing the burgers have to a character like him would be the G. Washington and A. Lincoln.

Gotta find something to be proud of.

>His defeat is embarrassing enough for me to believe this.


They think he's Japanese CaoCao

He's the biggest Japachad to ever exist, was even good friends with Tyrone

He's the only notable person in Japan's history.

>when you're so influenced by chinese culture that you even reproduce their history with a ~1000 years delay

he fucked ranmaru in the ass, burned temples, had a fascination with western stuff and trampled all over the nihon honorauble code, literally /ourguy/

Basically just their version of Rasputin in that they put him in a bunch of shit because they think he's cool, but without actually being cool or interesting like Rasputin. Instead he's just a massive failure.

Except for shit like the invasion of Korea in late 1500s.

What's striking to me is how no other country would remember someone who would be considered ruthless at best and a war criminal at worst. Calling Rommel a capable general would raise eyebrows and even in the US they're taking down statues of certain people. Not in Japan, though.

cool guy using guns to shoot meele fags

What the fuck Rasputin has to do with this?
He's not a thing in Russia outside middle school history classes.

>Calling Rommel a capable general would raise eyebrows
nope, or maybe in Germany but they're brainwashed
>What's striking to me is how no other country would remember someone who would be considered ruthless at best and a war criminal at worst[...] even in the US they're taking down statues of certain people. Not in Japan, though.
that's because Japan is a homogeneous country and people respect the history of their country good or bad, in both Europe and the U.S. it's outside elements, blacks, arabs, jews, etc..., that make a fuss about 300 years old national heroes because they owned slaves or capped a nigga's bitch in the congo.

>Calling Rommel a capable general would raise eyebrows
But that's because Rommel wasn't capable at all.

>this will be your nobunaga for tonight

Because he's basically a person ascended to mythical status due to being at the confluence of a fuckton of historical events. Unlike Nobunaga though he's actually interesting and had a sense of mystery about him.

>1mil point grind

desu, I find the Heian and Tokugawa periods to be quite interesting


Why don't the British make games about Cromwell?

he basically kicked off the struggle for Japanese unification that Tokugawa Ieyasu would eventually realize

>There are no actual Chinese left
>Only Mongol rape halfbreeds
Guess Nips won the long battle over gooks

he killed annoying terrorist monks so they made him a demon king

wew NATO/pol/ is here

I want a game about Richard Neville or Arthur Wellesley honestly

Because he was incredibly ambitious, an excellent military general, great at recognizing talent, and started the most iconic warring era of the whole country, and most likely would have unified Japan if not for his early demise. He's the most interesting historical figure they have.

Watched this still don't understand what going on

>great at recognizing talent
>general famously betrayed him and led to his death
I guess there are always exceptions to the rule.


How did Raz survive all the shit they did to him?

Most of the stuff about his death was just made up to make him seem more inhuman.
He was dead after they shot him.

So they didn't poison drown and hang him and all that shit? Boring

There's not many actual japanese left either, unfortunately

he committed sudoku

it's only 100,000 for her

but it's a free servant so if you don't get maxed out np you might as well kys

>this will be your nobunaga for tonight

The fact he could pull that off and almost came to seize all of Nobunaga's power is a sign of ambition, talent and strong character. Just not loyalty, unfortunately for the Oda.

>Calling Rommel a capable general
Actual capability aside, this de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalfeldmarschall-Rommel-Kaserne_(Augustdorf) exists

This is the best vidya Nobunaga

>no other country would remember someone who would be considered ruthless at best and a war criminal at worst
>who's General Sherman

Really wish Nobunaga had won instead of Tokugawa. Japan would have been a much better place

but he did nothing except beat rance's ass in a cutscene

There will probably never be an accurate explanation for Honnoji. Some say Akechi Mitsuhide was fed up with Nobunaga humiliating him for the lulz, or that Akechi got fed up with how ruthless Oda was getting, or that maybe he was even set up by Hashiba Hideyoshi so the latter can swoop in and claim it all (which he did in record time).

It's fascinating how Nobunaga was able to crush everything in his parh, but was laid low by somebody on his own inner circle.. only for the betrayer himself to get killed days later by a man who started as a peasant sandal bearer and ended as unifier of Japan (and was also the man that forever made Korea hate Japan).

You mean the entirety of Yankee fucks

but if he is so great why he is always a bad guy

>Best bro
>Makes Rance leader of Japan because he realizes his potential
>Fights back successfully against Xavier when it matters
>Helps Rance develop as a character and sets his growth throughout the subsequent games
I dunno man, he's probably the most impactfull male character in the story after Patton.

Yes, while sitting in a burning temple surrounded by traitors and with no troops of his own..
What a fucking coward, he should've honorably burned to death.

A recurrent theme during the sengoku era after all was that the high will be brought down by the low. You'll notice that the three unifiers all had very humble beginnings. Especially Nobunaga, who was called the idiot of Owari in his youth.

Because he burned a mountain filled with buddhists. That said, Nobunaga didnt actually hate religion. He just hated pesky priests who wanted to meddle with political affairs.

Imagine US games having Washington in them all the time.

Seems like spectacularly failing and then offing yourself is a pattern with influential gooks.

He also murdered everyone who managed to flee, including women and children.
He did the same to Iga province and the Ikko Ikki while being the first to embrace the western style of combat and breaking multiple agreements for his benefit.

>committing suicide after you've been betrayed/ the tables turned against you is an asian thing
What the fuck am I reading?

Have another.

No, just trying something massively delusional to the point where the people you were trying to persuade literally laugh at your coup attempt.

>couldn't join her instead of the main girl
made me quit after the forced hscene

World would probably be a much different place today if Akechi never made that fateful decision. Nobunaga was fascinated with foreign culture while Tokugawa's shogunate forced Japan into isolationism that lasted for hundreds of years.
There may have not been a Japan-Korea war under Nobunaga's reign, and who knows how that area of the world would have developed with more open borders.

Then again, Oda could have just been ambitious enough to not be satisfied with just Japan and might have invaded Korea anyway, and without the Tokugawa policy of "fuck off and leave us alone" who knows what other wars and alliances would have erupted in the following centuries.

>mfw reading about that time Japan sent a diplomat in the early 1600s to the Vatican via Mexica.
Imagine being a Japanese diplomat in the early 1600s so far from home and standing in front of the St Peter's basilica.

Why do you guys say Nobunaga is a failure? Didn't he unite everybody or something?

If Nobunaga survived Honnoji, I'm sure Japan would be even more warmongering than it was under Hideyoshi. His creed after all was Tenka Fubu aka rule the land through military might.

The overwhelming bulk of the points and drops are in the late stages of the event. This is basically to give people some time to get the team setup and event items ready for the later stages.

Real best and most handsome Nobu coming through.

>those fucked up 5 meters apart down syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome eyes

you HAVE to be kidding with liking this, weebs.

best one coming through

a tree

They poisoned his wine with Cyanide, but the thing about Cyanide's high reactivity is that while it makes it super poisonous, it also reacts readily with the air and other substances, so it's likely the Cyanide used in the wine was degraded. See also gavrilo princip's suicide attempt after offing franz ferdinand

Rasputin thread?

He only failed due to a man's betrayal. Oda pretty much had an overwhelming momentum by the time of his death and since he didn't give a fuck about such meaningless things (to him) of 'honor', 'tradition', or 'mercy' he probably would have finished things up much faster that his successor Hideyoshi did.

You could call him a poor judge of character for not realizing there was a betrayal brewing immediately under his nose , but he was by no means a "failure".


so he's worshipped as a hero because he was able to let go of the things holding Japan back, to try and get over petty in-fighting at any cost and unite as a powerful harmonious Japan ready to face the impending outside world, even though he was stopped just short of accomplishing his goal? That's why there's like 500 games about his "Amibition" or whatever?

Nobunaga is omnipresent in Japan's culture because he was a revolutionary figure who tried to bring down all sorts of barriers, coupled with a lot of myths and legend fabricated by those who opposed him he became a romanticized figure.
Long story short anyway:

>Underdog in his own family
>Know as the Fool because of his complete lack of manners and inhibition
>Ended up the most feared warlord in his nation anyway
>Notorious westaboo
>Pushed development of firearms in order to steamroll all the opposition
>very possibly a minmaxer piece of shit too
>Fucked cute boys IN THE BUTT
>Believed in social mobility and meritocracy
>Interested and fairly well versed in most forms of art
>Ruled over Japan with an iron, but fair fist
>All the firearms factory in japan belonged to Nobunaga
>Other daimyo of the time probably had little Nobunagas inside them
>Ruthlessly crushed rebellions and opposition to the point that he was called a demon
>Fuck you and fuck those monks
>His wife was rumoured to be an assassin sent to kill him but he got so much swag she actually fell for him
>Probably packed a massive dong as well
>Classy stache
>Gave everyone nicknames

most lords realized that the loyalty of their vassals was incredibly flexible in any case but no doubt Oda assumed few would risk assassinating him and then get ostracised and executed like Akechi was. It's probably an overestimation on his part of Akechi's intelligence or possibly idealism.

why the fuck did it turn into quick rundown copypasta halfway in

can you recommend any good Dorama chronicling this life? Would love to watch one even if its sort of fantasized.

If you like Sakamoto Ryoma, watch JIN and JIN 2 RIGHT NOW!!

>Sakamoto Ryoma
Is that someone from the shinsengumi era

No, not really. Ironically, it's often Akechi Mitsuhide being praised as the unsung hero of the Sengoku era for bringing down a tyrant. Nobunaga, despite his popularity was never really portrayed a hero. Just a very 'interesting' individual with a lot of ambition and wasnt afraid to get his hands dirty.

Basically he tricked his opponent into giving him more time to strategize right before their fight

>can you recommend any good Dorama chronicling this life?
I don't really watch dorama so I can't say.
But if you like Nobu and can get a hand on some raws, you should definitely read Deadman by Tatsuya Egawa, it has my favorite portrayal of Nobu, even though the basic premise is total fantasy I think it really condenses and expresses all the key points of Nobunaga's character, history and influence on japanese culture, it is also a fairly interesting manga with some great social commentary and some pretty astounding foresight in terms of how society would have evolved.
Keep in mind that is not exactly a historical manga and except Nobu no other major Sengoku Jidai figure appears.

>rothchilds bow down to him

Yes, he was hunted by them, and kept a pistol on him at all times for self defence, except he got assassinated anyways in the end but

all he wanted was Japans prosperity, negotiated peace between the provinces so they could take out those faggy shogunate.

>implying yamato people arent japanese
They are just as japanese as jomon and ainu

Why does Japan love turning historic characters in waifus?

Better question: why is he always portrayed as demonic?

Because he burned down a lot of temples and hated Buddhists (rebellious ones anyway). It eventually earned him the title of the devil of the 6th heaven or something.

Because of the simple fact that everything is better as a waifu, even you, user.

Based Cromwell should have finished genociding all the potato niggers

if you fuck history you can become history

>fuck the royality
>now that I have killed the king I will make a new role where I rule and it is heriditary

Cromwell banned christmas so fuck him

He was very inclined to violence, although that was mediated some in his policies by the fact that his two closest advisers/friends were much more conservative.

>Japanese story

The japanese story can be many things, but it isn't boring unless the only thing you care is international political afairs.

Nobunaga always struck me as that sort of pragmatic Eastern warlord, he was ruthless when he felt wronged by someone, not a dogmatic person often ignoring religious or social norms if they're holding back progress, a strong ambition and character that imposed his will effectively. Yes, like Cao Cao, or Ghengis Khan. Also he was a Westaboo, no crab samurai armor for him only the finest 15th century Western armor.

He laid waste to many holy sites and temples during his campaign for various reasons

>everything is better as a waifu

I feel bad for how men have lost the taste for the old heroic sagas.

The problem is that as with most period dramas, you end up with a lot of talking heads rambling about inane bullshit. See Nioh. KT had to put in yokai and shit to make the 'story' interesting, but if it was a straight forward retelling of the sengoku era it would be very boring. The only way to make such settings actually engaging if it's an RTS or strategy game like what Total War did.

That and his generally ruthless nature, but during that time period you pretty much had to be unafraid to get your hands dirty to make any progress. He only wiped out that monk sect in the first place because they were constantly antagonistic towards him and believed they were untouchable as 'nobody would DARE attack a religious temple hahaha'. Oda dared all right.