It's simple: post a picture - get a game recommendation

It's simple: post a picture - get a game recommendation.

Hard Mode


just chiming in to say that bell witch fucking owns



yes, listening to "Longing" again this evening after couple of years


Hotline Miami 2
Dmc: Devil May Cry

that flash game "The house"






I already have all the Treasure Planet games and Skies of Arcadia.

TES Shivering Isles



planescape torment

Condemned Origins


Any fighting game over wifi internet.

boo haunted house

the witcher 3 nails this


prey (the first one)

if they would beach you these waves of destruction would only collapse you and leave you to lie on peasant tread landing where you'd have a hand in the death of a million for only a lie where strengthened you'd try to torture the masses and sink them in chains to this river unending that never runs dry death wielding reach of rehumanised fingers that grasp as they bludgeon the helpless that writhe if only to cry if they would reach you the stain of destruction would flow on as endless from landing so wide and battles would rage you and war would not fail to drain blood from the masses and leave to lie where death circles high where plundered the buildings and burning the forests you'd rage drunk with power and cripple the wise so here we will leave you on waves far from shore fleshless and barren these waves to enslave you so your victims can rise

best lyrics coming through





LISA I guess


Requiem: Avenging Angel. Or that already mentioned Planescape Torment.

Red Orchestra 2.


>pub spies




All the Treasure Planet games good?
I only had the PC and had a fucking blast and loved it to death

My absolute niggers.
I knew Sup Forums had to have at least a couple of people with actual good taste in music, that isn't some Sup Forumsouthbreather.



Deus Ex


Do it to me

point'n'click adventure games

Let it die or whatever the name was

any good spy games for PC?

They're all good but Procyon is the best by far.





Artificial Academy 2

Alpha Protocol

I love that artist


Plug n play


>going through the entire game telling people to fuck off

Screams Minecraft to me.

Castlevania vibes from this

void/the void. forgot the exact name

The Banner Saga

Rome: Total War as Carthage




Graveyard shift 2



>Already dead

Overlord maybe?

Heroes of Might and Magic III (as undead)


battlefield vietnam

Is Wolfman good?




Warhammer Vermintide
The upcoming Kamen Rider Climax Fighers 2nd
Mass Effect
Kula World
Asura's Wrath


The Legend of Kage

Furraut: Mew Whiskas

Fallout 4


Garbage Truck Simulator 2013


Why? It doesn't have rain, pine trees or puddles




Resident Evil 7


Deus Ex

zelda wind waker

Deus Ex: Human Revolution


