I am actually really enjoying this. Why does everyone here say it's a shit game?

I am actually really enjoying this. Why does everyone here say it's a shit game?

It's not a shit game, it's better than the first in many ways, even if the engine has some annoying quirks. The OC is a bit dull and has some real pacing issues, but it's still enjoyable and far better than the NWN1 OC. The MotB expansions is one of the best WRPG experiences there are.

Its interface fucking sucks and the AI is extremely retarded, which isn't a huge deal normally, but when you step into something much harder like SoZ or the IWD1 module it becomes extremely tedious to manage. It doesn't help that canceling queued abilities still eats up actions and fucks you over for no reason at all.

It's good, it's got a clunky interface and some faults. But it's not a shit game.

It was a huge technical mess at release, but it got mostly fixed with updates

I've always loved NWN2 but could never admit it without get gang raped. I think that NWN2 OC + MotB and SoZ on the side are one of the best, most complete 3D wrpg experiences.

>it's better than the first in many ways
Name them, besides quick cast menu.

Power Attack doesn't suck.

because ADWR is on the first game, there is no need to play neverwinter nights 2.

I for one find NWN2 to be a very nice experience.

also Kana is best girl

Much better story and quests

When it first came out, it ran like shit for everyone. It took a hell of a long time for them to unfuck the myriad of things wrong with it.
The engine was basically worse in every way compared to the first game on a technical and interface level. There are a lot of little things that are broken and were never fixed. The game, even in singleplayer, runs like it were communicating with a server, so there are bizarre "gaps" in actions and animations, inconsistent responsiveness in regards to just having the queue system accept your commands, even just moving a character from place to place can sometimes have them rubberbanding and blipping around like they had a shitty ping or something.

because you have no taste

shandra, casavir, bishop, neeshka, quara
>neutral folk
the githzerai, the bard
the rest


I'm still waiting

>it's better than the first in many ways
Lole, no. Get some taste kide.

>can romance the boring elf druid
>can't romance the cute demongirl

>-5 hit for +5 damage or -10 hit for +10 damage
>-3 hit for +6 damage on 2H
>or -6 hit for +12 damage on 2H
>plus FB PA bonuses

Not counting the technical mess and cut content, the game just feels a bit dry on content.
There are quite a few things to do, but nothing is really interesting. Whether you join the thieves or the guards, whether you run the keep as a tyrant or benefactor, no matter what party you keep.
There are some shades or good story and events (trial, Demon Maze, some influence) and encounters that can actually be a challenge (final dungeon where you can't just rest your troubles away easily) with a few fun quests that are not a single fight or talking to two people, but the game is most of the time just OK.

The first one was more a proof of concept than anything else.

Fantastic toolset, godawful game.

i don't get it why people find her cute, she pissed me off more than Qara even.

It actually had several official campaigns worth playing as opposed to the first which had a couple of horrible pieces of shit and one that's just a mindless dungeon stomp with a fun ending.

The NWN1 OC is one of the worst RPG campaigns ever both in writing and general design.

It's the "cannot have" syndrome.

>godawful game
I can't agree. While plot is nothing special, and can be considered as a boring shit, the game's mechanics are still fantastic, whith plenty room for fun & experimenting with builds and new characters, especially after all those patches (including those made by community).
>not having fun with playing as a kama specialised monk wit 10 attacks per round

It's a good game

I'm actually playing through the first one and damn, I missed games with decent writing

They suck so goddamn bad until you baby them with more gear than anyone else will ever need and they're still not powerful enough to justify that kind of investment.

Name a better companion

protip: you can't

I enjoyed it too

Mechanically it's just ok, just as the second game. If it was truly bad, the toolset would've been useless.

But a game needs more than some ok mechanics. Yeah it had a lot of room for fun character builds and it was ridiculously easy so that a lot of the shit you could come up with was actually viable. But the writing, structure and pacing of the campaign was just garbage. You might as well play one of those quick-leveling modules so you could have fun building wacky characters without having to subject yourself to the shitty campaign.

It's a good game.

It just isn't as good as NWN1. If you played NWN1 first then the interface of 2 is bizarre and awkward to navigate. I still to this day cannot get used to the camera.

Also I hate the film grain bloom bathed effects that it shits all over the screen. The worst part is that the textures and such are all made with them baked on so even if you turn it off in the options it still doesn't entirely eliminate it.

NWN1's graphics are timeless in the sense that they are simplistic enough to allow your imagination to fill the gaps, but complex enough to display interesting set pieces and backdrops and so on. NWN2s graphics just hit uncanny valley in every single area.

Also NWN2 suffers from a lack of quality campaigns, unlike NWN1.

>Want to help him with his dream of becoming a Monk
>By the time he could actually become one he's way too far into Fighter for it to be effective

S-sorry Dorf bro, gotta keep your Axe and Armour.

No if you mix in few warrior levels, although pure monk is pretty gimmicky, yeah.
Still fun class to play tho.

I liked his dialogue about injustice the most in this game.

The spellcasting UI in 2 is way, way better. Like it's not even a contest.

Everyone knows that NWN1 OC was trash. SoU was good but HoTU was fucking amazing. Also NWN1 has more good user-created campaigns than any other game in existence. Almraiven modules, ADWR, The Prophet, TOAM, I could go on.

The Prophet in particular is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had in my entire life. I highly recommend playing it, even if it is a little slow to start out with. It's got an optional multiplayer mode in it too, not that anyone still plays NWN multiplayer.

best dwarf in vidya

No it isn't. The ONLY thing that 2 has over 1 is a quick cast UI, but you can just bind spells to the hotbar in 1 to get around that.

You relevel him from 1 as Monk when you do that. It's not particularly worth it because Monk is a shit class for anything other than going fast and he has low Wisdom anyways, but he does have the STR and CON to sort of make it work with a quarterstaff.

>NWN1's graphics are timeless in the sense that they are simplistic enough to allow your imagination to fill the gaps, but complex enough to display interesting set pieces and backdrops and so on. NWN2s graphics just hit uncanny valley in every single area.
Yeah, everytime I tell about better graphics in nwn1 people just laugh, but you put it exactly like I see it.

mediocre is not trash

Bad interface
Bad controls
Lots o bugs (get the unofficial patches if you can)
It's still a really good RPG especially when compared to the schlock that came after, like Pillars of Eternity.

Will pure wizard suffice for OC and MotB? I'm not familiar with D&D and don't want to fuck shit up with multiclassing.

>Everyone knows that NWN1 OC was trash.
You'd think that, but there are always plenty of people defending that abject garbage in these threads.

>SoU was good but HoTU was fucking amazing.
I wouldn't go that far. SoU was better than the OC but definitely not good, and while HotU had some genuinely good shit towards the end, most of it was just a generic, uninspired dungeon stomp.

>Also NWN1 has more good user-created campaigns than any other game in existence.
Well yeah, I'm not disputing that. As I mentioned earlier, the toolset was fantastic and it did indeed allow people to make some great stuff. But the fact that it has good user-created content doesn't excuse the game itse;f from being bad.

Multiclassing is not worth it often.

>Neeshka anything but top tier
She has some of the best moments of any character in the game
>Send her out to go looting
>She goes out of her way to get you something too

Her romance was unfinished, there's a bunch of dialogue in the game files that gets put in by some restoration patch (but no audio)

The quickcast bar blows the hotkeys of 1 so far out of the water that they're in space m8. The rest of the UI functions basically the same. You're just anal as fuck.

And rebind every time you memorize a different spell selection. No thanks.

Yeah, Wizard is one of the most powerful classes in the game if you know how to play.

Choosing a Druid or Cleric is probably a safer way to go though. They're also really powerful but a bit easier to play.

Multiclassing is almost always worth it as long as you know what you're doing.

I mean prestige classes. I don't really understand pros and cons of picking one.


I mean just his intro and everything is amazing, compare that to garbage like PoE
>Dorf looking for trouble helps you in desperate times, you share a destination and he doesn't care about the trouble stalking you so you go together

>A random rambling madman is causing trouble with the locals in a place you're looking to settle
>This seems like an excellent traveling companion!
The best part is you probably can't even guess which particular character I'm referring to because it's almost every fucking one of them.

>poor dwarf has dreams of becoming a fist punching monk
>even if you do make him a monk he still has to use a big stick and not his fists

It's worse than Wizard/Arcane Scholar and/or Red Wizard, but it's still playable. Pump INT and don't focus on blasting to the exclusion of all else and you'll be fine.

That doesn't happen. The fuck are you smoking.

It was very good instance to show how shitty monk is.
I wonder if this class is that bad even in tabletop.

>The best part is you probably can't even guess which particular character I'm referring to because it's almost every fucking one of them.
That's literally just Aloth though.

I mean sure PoE sucks in that regard (and several others), but let's not make shit up to make it seem bigger than it is.

Is Storm of the Zehir worth playing?

I hear they do death differently, can I make a cute, bumbling mage girl who gets petrified in a dungeon and either leave her there or take her statue body home as a trophy?

>don't focus on blasting to the exclusion of all else
Quick reminder that Greater Missile Storm exists.

Monk is by far the worst class in the PHB. It's significantly better in NWN because of much weaker enemies, the existence of gloves, TWF flurry, and quarterstaves still getting 1.5x STR when flurried, none of which are true in actual 3.5.

And even that's not enough to stop them from sucking the second you put them in a module more difficult than the OC or MotB.

Its....different. It isn't like any other campaign. The story is very weak and their death system is basically 'have a token in your inventory or game over'. I'd skip it unless you REALLY want to dick with the merchant stuff.

It's good in NWN1 but it sucks shit in NWN2.

>Also counts for Eder "noticed you staring at hanging corpses for a few minutes and figured you were the answer to my problems everyone here wants me dead btw :^)"
>And the priest dude
>And kana
>Even the paladin to some degree minus the mad rambling

I like NWN1 more too, but come on. The main campaign was ass.

>Is Storm of the Zehir worth playing?
I had most fun playing Zehir out of all official NWN2 content. It's no MotB though.

>but there are always plenty of people defending that abject garbage in these threads
That's what I usually do.
>HotU had some genuinely good shit towards the end, most of it was just a generic, uninspired dungeon stomp
Halaster dungeon (act1) was anything but generic, anything that involves drow (act2) is great by default.

On one hand it has some of the best fights in NWN2. On the other hand, the final boss is cancer, it has majorly fucked up tuning every single time yuan-ti and traps are involved, it exacerbates class and build balance issues because enemies aren't total pushovers the way they are in the other two campaigns, the trading system is hilariously easy to exploit on accident yet is annoying to focus on because guards are too shitty to protect your caravans reliably, and you NEED someone who can craft magic gear.

It begins fun, in a new exotic land, with a semblance of plot, and then it goes back to the fucking Sword Coast and you realize the whole campaign is a merchant minigame with almost no depth that has no lose condition and it just requires you to run a lot in a world map with random encounters. Then suddenly plot happens and 5 minutes after the end.
It's kinda hard though.

>Also counts for Eder
Not rambling, not causing trouble when you find him (there's trouble in his backstory but it never actually plays a role in the game). You both want to find the same person so unlike Aloth he actually has a reason to join you.

>And the priest dude
Definitely rambling, but also definitely not causing trouble for anyone since he's just on his own in the wilderness.

>And kana
Neither rambling nor causing trouble, and wants to explore the same dangerous place you're exploring so it makes sense to team up at that point.

>Even the paladin to some degree minus the mad rambling
Again, neither rambling nor causing trouble. It's the merchant guy that's causing trouble and when you meet her she's all like ok I'm not getting involved in this.

When criticizing a game it's important to actually talk about things that happen in the game and not to exaggerate for effect, because it makes your criticism worthless.

This. No good modules.

>Halaster dungeon (act1) was anything but generic, anything that involves drow (act2) is great by default.
Dude, act 1 and 2 were painfully generic.
>mad wizard made a huge dungeon for no reason
>evil elves are doing evil shit because they're evil

HotU didn't start getting interesting until you reach hell, which is where all the good bits of the game are.

Everyone seems to forget that the base campaign for NWN1 was shit. People only remember SOU and HOTU which, to be fair, were great

Playing evil route in MoB is definitely one of the most satisfying experience in gaming.

I'm going with arcane scholar 7/pale master 1/wizard the rest, is that fine? Also should I put points in all conversational skills or just stick to one?

I don't understand why this nwn 1 vs. 2 even going on here, i thought most mature players who played that are beyond that.

in any case, both are really great games.
Neverwinter's Hordes of The Underdark was full of action.
Neverwinter 2's Mask of The Betrayer was full of feels.

MotB is all about returning home, evil endings feel really anticlimatic.

>tfw devouring a dead god

Recommend me some good modules for NWN1 please.

>this nigga didn't become supreme being


Thanks my man.

Neeshka is Qara 2.0, but even more of a retarded child that's prone to hostile sperg outs. Shit voice too. Off yourselves.

Pale Master is pretty damn useless.

I couldn't stomach tortured heart 2 despite it being in the top of hall of fame. What's the deal with this module?

i could never get past the into mission. but my cousin easily has over 1000 hours in it so idk it must be a good game

Why? Seems like a free +2 to AC.

biggest flaw is that you can't fuck qt demon grill or crazy redhead magic grill

you can fuck bald magic grill though and that's pretty sweet

Why is Ammon so great, Sup Forumsros?

It's a bit slow/tedious in the start, but it gets better later on.

Shame about the rocks fall, everyone dies ending, but holy fuck Mask of the Betrayer is one of the best expansion ever made.

It becomes a completely different game in Act 2. I think most people never got past Old Owl Well because it's after that when shit goes from breddy gud to based as all fuck.

Neeshka was planned but Qara had a (partially scrapped) backstory that explained why it wouldn't have happened

she was supposed to be revealed as a living incarnation of the elemental plane of fire and the reason she was constantly pissed at everyone for telling her to hold back is because she is already holding back all of the time.

let's be fair here though, someone giving up on the game because of the god damn orc caves is entirely valid

it was a boring slog, difficult enough you couldn't just auto-pilot through it but not nearly hard enough to be an actual challenge

He sucks because he never bothers to explain what the fuck he's trying to do until way too late.

The entire bullshit plot could've been cut short if Ammon wasn't a complete retard who would rather fight his own allies than take a moment to explain what's happening. I really hate stories like that.

I didn't get to the end but I really liked how the main character progression fleshed out. Most games just barely gloss over the fact that you're a level one nobody in the beginning.

Getting into Neverwinter is the worst part of the game. That whole sequence serves no purpose whatsoever apart from killing the pacing of the plot in order to pad out the game's length. Shit picks up after that, but then the damage's been done.

>not /ss/ elf

Also the reason Sand was constantly talking down to her was because he knew what she was and was trying to get her to restrain herself before she'd accidentally blow up half the continent. He was essentially trying to be her teacher even though she had no intention of being taught, which explains their ingame relationship. Without that bit of backstory, their antagonism towards each other seemed extremely petty and pointless.

he had a decent reason for ending up the way he did.
He tried it the regular way for decades and all it got him was less than jackshit as not only did nobody bother to help with an obvious threat, they even blocked his attempts to do it by himself with all the red tape bullshit.

Can you recommend something for NWN2 too? Thanks

Shame about farmfu though, I wanted to plow her fields.

also Qara's father was supposed to be the archmage that had him kicked out of his official position so she was convinced he was only trying to use her to to get back at her father (and being partially right)